Lesson 20 The Hydraulic System and Equipment
第20 课 液压系统和液压设备
Hydraulic Systems液压系统
Hydraulic systems are made up of an oil tank, pumps, control valve, hydraulic motor and pipe work. The oil tank and pump is common to all equipment acting as a central pumping unit. Three different basic circuits are ud, employing either low or medium pressure oil supplies.
The open loop circuit takes oil from the tank and pumps it through a control valve into the hydraulic motor. The exhaust oil returns to the tank and in neutral the oil bypass the hydraulic motor. The live line circuit maintains a high pressure from which the control valve draws pressurized oil to the hydraulic motor as and when required. The clod loop circuit h
as the exhaust oil returned to the pump suction. The pump is of the variable delivery type, providing maximum flexibility in oil supply to the equipment. Low pressure systems u the open loop circuit and are simple in design as well as reliable. The equipment is however large, inefficient in operation and overheats after prolonged u. Medium pressure systems are favored for marine applications using either the open or clod circuit. Smaller installations are of the open loop circuit type.
Many reasons can be suggested for the u of hydraulic systems in marine engineering:
(a) A convenient method of transferring power over relatively long distances from, say, a central pump room to remote operating sites in the ship: where necessary, complete local control of operations can be achieved;
(b) Fully variable speed control of both linear and rotary motion, with good “inching” capability and smooth take up of load; In all cas power is continuously transmitted whilst speed changes take place;
(c) High static forces or torques can be achieved and maintained indefinitely;
(d) Complete safety and reliability is assured under the most difficult environmental conditions; overload conditions are safeguarded by using a relief valve to limit maximum output torques or forces;
(e) Significant cost savings can be shown over alternative solutions for many requirements. In practical terms, four main categories of equipment can be defined in order to achieve this power transmission:
(i) The hydraulic pump to convert mechanical into hydraulic energy;
(ii) Valves to allow this hydraulic energy to be controlled;
(iii) Hydraulic cylinders to convert the hydraulic energy into linear force and motion (mi-rotary actuators achieve part rotation);
(iii) 液压缸将液压能转变为直线的力和运动(半回转执行器可以实现部分回转运动);
(iv) Hydraulic motors to convert the hydraulic energy into continuous rotary motion.
Although systems are designed to suit particular applications, basic circuits can be identified which illustrate the main principles and alternative types.
(iv) 液压马达将液压能转变为连续的回转运动。
Axial Piston Pumps轴向柱塞泵和轴向柱塞马达
A number of basic types of piston equipment are available. In all cas, the pumping action is achieved with reciprocating pistons and in the majority of designs variable output flow capacity is readily obtained—the method depending upon the detailed geometry of the machine. The simplest design is usually described as the swashplate type and the concept is illustrated in Fig. 20-1.
Multiple pistons are positioned axially in a rotor, which is connected to the prime mover via the drive shaft. As the rotor revolves, the cylinders follow the path of the kidney-shaped inlet port. The angle of the swashplate caus the pistons to move in the cylinder bores away from the kidney port, thus allowing fluid to enter the cylinder. Further movement brings the cylinder on to the path of the outlet kidney port and caus the piston to move downwards; this expels fluid through the outlet port. Both the rotor face and the “slipper pads” on the piston’s ends are pressure balanced and lubricated to minimize power loss. With variable capacity units the angle of the swashplate is altered and the output flow varied proportionally. If the swashplate is moved “over center”, the direction of the flow is reverd.