
更新时间:2023-05-10 01:27:35 阅读: 评论:0

A SAILOR, bound on a long voyage, took with him a Monkey to amu him while on shipboard. As he sailed off the coast of Greece, a violent tempest aro in which the ship was wrecked and he, his Monkey, and all the crew were obliged to swim for their lives. A Dolphin saw the Monkey contending with the waves, and supposing him to be a man (whom he is always said to befriend), came and placed himlf under him, to convey him on his back in safety to the shore. When the Dolphin arrived with his burden in sight of land not far from Athens, he asked the Monkey if he were an Athenian. The latter replied that he was, and that he was descended from one of the most noble families in that city. The Dolphin then inquired if he knew the Piraeus (the famous harbor of Athens). Supposing that a man was meant, the Monkey answered that he knew him very well and that he was an intimate friend. The Dolphin, indignant at the falhoods, dipped the Monkey under the water and drowned him.
【成语】: 信口雌黄
【拼音】: xìn kǒu cí huáng
【解释】: 信:任凭,听任;雌黄:即鸡冠石,黄色矿物,用作颜料。古人用黄纸写字,写错了,用雌黄涂抹后改写。比喻不顾事实,随口乱说。
【出处】: 晋·孙盛《晋阳秋》:“王衍,字夷甫,能言,于意有不安者,辄更易之,时号口中雌黄。”
【举例造句】: 如果孙俊英按事实讲也没有什么,但是她加油添醋,信口雌黄,凭空捏造,极尽诬蔑挑拨之能事。 冯德英《迎春花》第二十一章
【拼音代码】: xkch
【近义词】: 胡说八道、胡言乱语、信口开河
【反义词】: 信而有征、言之凿凿、守口如瓶
【歇后语】: 指到黄牛便是马
【灯谜】: 黄口红
【用法】: 作谓语、宾语、定语;指说话随便
【英文】: make irresponsible remarks < talk sheer nonn; wag one's tongue too freely>
【故事】: 晋朝清谈家王衍担任元城县令时很少办公事,经常约人在一起没完没了地闲聊。他最喜欢老子和庄子的玄理,清谈时手里拿着鹿尾拂尘,侃侃而谈,经常前后矛盾,漏洞百出,有人质疑时,他随口更改,随心所欲。人们说他是“口中雌黄”

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