
更新时间:2023-05-10 01:20:05 阅读: 评论:0

(Abstract vs.Concrete)
英语的名词化往往导致表达的抽象化。G.M.Young曾指出,“an excessive reliance on the noun at the expen of the verb will,in the end,detach the mind of the writer from the realities of here and now, from when and how and in what mood the thing was done.and innsibly induce a habit of abstraction, generalization and vagueness.”英语的抽象表达法(method of abstract diction)主要见于大量使用抽象名词。这类名词涵义概括,指称笼统,覆盖面广,往往有一种“虚”、“泛”、“暗”、“曲”、“隐”的“魅力”,因而便于用来表达复杂的思想和微妙的情绪。如:
1)The signs of the times point to the necessity of the modification of the system of administration.(“Times”)( =It is becoming clear that the administrative system must be,modified)
2)No year pass now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of government is becoming increasingly difficult.(“Spectator”)(=Every year shows again how true it is that…) 行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此。
3)There ems to have been an abnce of attempt at conciliation between rival cts.(“Daily Telegraph”)( =The cts em never even to have tried mutual conciliation)
一、抽象思维被认为是一种高级思维(superior mind),是文明人的一种象征(mark of civilized man).随着科学技术的发达和文明社会的进步,原有的感性表达方式已不足以表达复杂的理性概念,因而需要借助于抽象、概括的方法。这正如H.Jacobi所说的:‘‘abstract methods of diction were more and more needed as the sphere of ideas to b
e expresd became narrower and narrower.”此外,许多作者为了显耀其思想深奥而故弄玄虚、追随时尚,也嗜好抽象表达法。例如:
1)The abnce of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments.(=No news is good news)
2)Was this the realization of an anticipated liability?(=Did you expect you would have to do this?)
3)The actual date of the completion of the purcha should coincide with the availability of the new facilities.(=The purcha should not be completed until the new facilities are available)
4)A high degree of carelessness, pre-operative and post-operative, on the part of some of the hospital staff,took place.(=Some of the hospital staff were very careless both before and after the operation)
5)The lack of figures may prove to be an obstacle to the efficiency of the whole of the propod statistical content of the exerci.(=Lack of figures may make it difficult to produce accurate statistics)
二、抽象词语意义模糊,便于掩饰作者含混(cloudy)或真实的思想,以迎合其某种表达的需要,因而也得以流行。E.Gowers指出,“Unfortunately the very vagueness of abstract words is one of the reasons for their popularity.To express one’s thoughts accurately is hard work,and to be preci is sometimes dangerous.We are tempted to prefer the safer obscurity of the abstract.It is the greatest vice of prent-day writing.”这种不良的
文风常常表现在过分使用涵义抽象、内容虚泛、语气庄严的大字眼(pompous words),有时简直到了装腔作势、令人难以捉摸的地步:
Whereas the micro-economic neo-classical theory of distribution was bad on a postulate of rationality suited to their static analysis and institutional assumptions,we are no longer justified in accepting this basis and are t the problem of discovering the Value premis suited to the expectational analysis and the institutional nature of modern business.The neo-classical postulate of rationality and the concept of the entrepreneur as the profit maximizing individual,should,I think,be replaced by a sociological analysis of the goals of the firm in relation to its nature as an organization within the socio-political system.
Strangeness of samples has been shown to lead to relative rejection of products in the comparative abnce of clues to a frame of reference within which judgment may take pl
ace.Variation in clues lected by judges as a basis for evaluation lead to greater inter-judge disagreement.Addition of a functional(utilitarian)basis for judgment tends to reduce relative importance of product physical characteristics as a basis for judgment.In the abnce of any judgmental frame of reference reduction in the number of product physical attributes apparent to the judge appears to reduce operation of bas for rejection and increa homogeneity of judgment between subjects;inter-sample discrimination is also reduced.
滥用抽象词语在公文里已是司空见惯。加拿大国防部根据某些常用虚泛词语的搭配习惯,发明了一个“公式化套语生成表”,称之为“Buss—phra Generator”:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
0. integrated 0. management 0. options
1. overall 1. organizational 1. flexibility
2. systematized 2. monitored 2. capability
3. parallel 3. reciprocal 3. mobility
4. functional 4. digital 4. programming
5. responsive 5. logistical 5. concept
6. optional 6. transitional 6.time-pha
7. synchronized 7. incremental 7.projection
8. compatible 8. third-generation 8. hardware
9. balanced 9. policy 9. contingency
此表的用法很简单:只要从每栏内任取一词,按其顺序便可组成一个公式化的套语,如405,即functional management concept.这些套语,外行人听起来以为很重要,但实际上并无多大意义。作者用令人困惑的抽象词语(puzzling abstraction)把所要表达的意思隐蔽起来,
读者只能“透过朦胧的玻璃”看出其大概的轮廓。这种模糊的“行话”其实是虚泛的空话,但却在政府、商业或技术等部门里甚为盛行,并成了时髦的词语(vogue terms)。

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