My Twin Brother's English
I have a twin brother, and he is my best friend. We always do things together, play games, study, and share our crets. However, we have one big difference: I speak English fluently, but he struggles with the language.
My twin brother was born with a slight hearing problem, and it took him a while to learn how to speak. While he has improved a lot over the years, English, in particular, is still a challenge for him. I remember, when we were little, he ud to get frustrated when he couldn't communicate with our English-speaking friends, and that broke my heart.
So, here are a few things I do to help him improve his English:
1. Watch Cartoon Series Together
Cartoon ries have a simple language and structure that are easier to understand for
children. So, we often watch cartoons together, and I try to explain new words or phras to him. Sometimes, he even mimics the characters' lines, and that's really cute!
2. Play Word Games
We play simple word games like scrabble or hangman. It's fun, and it helps him to remember new vocabulary. It improves his spelling and pronunciation too.
3. Read Children's Books
Children's books have simple language and illustrations that make it easy for my brother to understand the story. I read aloud, and he listens and follows along, and we discuss the story afterward.
4. Practice Speaking
It's esntial to practice speaking to improve English skills. So, we talk in English as much as possible. We have conversations while playing, doing homework, or even havin
g dinner. I encourage him to speak, and I correct his mistakes without making him feel embarrasd.
5. Provide Encouragement
Lastly, I provide lots of encouragement and positive feedback. Learning English can be frustrating, and my brother gets discouraged at times. But I remind him of how far he has come and how proud I am of him.
In conclusion, having a twin brother who struggles with English has made me realize the importance of patience, empathy, and creativity. Helping him has strengthened our bond and taught us both valuable lessons.