The amphorae of the Ma'agan Mikhael B shipwreck:
preliminary report
期刊名称: Levant
作者: Michelle Creisher,Yuval Goren,Michal Artzy,Deborah Cvikel
年份: 2020年
期号: 第13期
关键词: amphorae;Early Islamic;inscriptions;Mediterranean;shipwreck;trade
摘要:Ongoing excavations of the Maagan Mikhael B shipwreck have revealed
the largest maritime cargo asmblage of Byzantine and Early Islamic ceramics discovered along the Israeli coast to date. Dated between the mid-7th and the mid-
8th century CE, the nearly 20-metre-long shipwreck has yielded a cargo of various types of amphorae, including the Late Roman amphora (LRA) types LR 1, LR
2/globular amphorae, LR 4, and LR 5, veral bearing inscriptions or dipinti. Some of the jars had stoppers of leather, stone and ceramic, and contained remains of various prerved foodstuffs. The significance of the cargo amphorae is relevant to the discussion of maritime trade networks during the late 7th and early 8th centuries in the Palestinian region, specifically, the information on inter-regional contacts and exchange during the