磨耗试验 abrasion test
绝对横摇 absolute rolling
对接板 abutting plates
加速送风 accelerated draught
出入口;进入口 access
出入门;进入门 access door
出入孔;进入孔 access hole
可达性 accessibility
住舱甲板 accommodation deck; berth deck
舷梯 accommodation ladder; gangway ladder
起居设备布置图 accommodation plan
住舱;起居舱 accommodation quarter [= accommodation space]
推进面{螺桨} acting surface; driving surface
主动舵 active rudder
实际螺距 actual pitch
实际喉深{熔接} actual throat
实际推力 actual thrust
附加强度;加强 additional strength
加强结构 additional strengthening
额外检验 additional survey
可调推力[轴]承 adjustable thrust block
调整装置 adjusting gear
调整柜 adjusting tank
有杆锚 admiralty anchor; old-fashinal stock anchor; stock anchor
海军系数 admiralty coefficient; admiralty constant
海军炮钢 admiralty gun-metal
前进距离{回旋圈} advance {turning circle}
前进常数 advance constant
前进速[率] advance speed
舵面充气 aeration of rudder
航空母舰 aeroplane carrier; aircraft carrier; aircraft; carrier
浮坞 AFD
变质区域{焊接} affected zone
艉舱壁 aft bulkhead; after bulkhead; after peak bulkhead; stuffing bulkhead
后货舱 aft hold; after hold
艉尖舱 aft peak tank; after peak tank
艉[水]舱 aft peak; aft peak tank; after peak; after peak tank; after peak water tank
后桅帆船 aft schooner
后平衡柜{潜艇} aft trimming tank
艉部 after body; buttock
后桅 after mast; mizen mast
后垂标 after perpendicular {= AP}
艉部托架{下水} after poppet
后桅帆 after schooner
艉肋材 after timbers
艉力材{木船} after-dead wood
艉材外板 afterhood plate
艉超出部;后斜 afterrake
后舷弧高 after-sheer
艉顶桅 aft-topmast
破冰船 AGB; ice-breaker
船龄 age of vesl
老化;时效 aging [= ageing]
通气注入两用管 air and filling pipe
通风及采光区域 air and light space
通气测深两用管 air and sounding pipe
空气调节 air conditioning
空气导管 air conduit
气冷系统 air cooling system; Refrigeration
空气道 air coures; air passage
气垫船 air cushion vehicle {= a.c.v.; ACV}; hover craft; hovercraft
通风管;导气管;通气道 air duct
气道 air funnel
空气舱口 air hatch
气孔 air hole
气笛;气号 air horn
乳形通风口 air louvre; louvre; louver
通气道 air passage; vent gutter
通气管 air pipe; breather pipe; vent pipe; vent tube
气穴 air pocket
贮气器;蓄气器;空气瓶 air rervoir
空气阻力 air resistance
贮气柜 air storage tank
空气吸入管 air suction pipe
空气柜;空气箱{救生艇} air tank {life boat}
气密试验;充气试验;空气试验 air test
气密舱壁 air tight bulkhead; gas tight bulkhead; gas-tight bulkhead; gastight bulkhead
气密接合 air tight joint
气密闸 air tight locker
气密试验 air tight test; airtight test
气密工作 air tight work
气密 air tight; gas tight; vapour tight
气密度;气密性 air tightness [= gas tightness]
通气干道 air truck
通气孔;通气口 air vent
气笛 air whistle
飞机修理舰 aircraft repair ship; ARV
飞机勤务舰 aircraft tender
空气泡沫喷嘴 air-foam nozzle
中线校正;对准 alignment
多舱口船 all hatch ship; all-hatck ship
通道 alley way; passage
容许压力;许用压力 allowable pressure
容许强度;许用强度 allowable strength
容许应力 allowable stress
余裕度;配赋量 allowance
加改装规范 alteration specification
交互堆积法{焊接} alternate deposition
美国验船协会 American Bureau of Shipping {= AB; ABS}
美国熔焊协会 American Welding Society {= AWS}
军火船;弹药舰 ammunition ship
实测螺距 analysis pitch
分析法 analytical method
锚 anchor
锚球 anchor ball
锚床 anchor bed; anchor board; billboard
锚链;锚缆;锚索 anchor cable
起锚绞盘;[立式]起锚机 anchor capstan
锚座;锚架 anchor chock
吊锚杆 anchor crane; anchor davit; cat davit; cat head
吊锚杆 anchor davit; cat davit
锚眼 anchor eye
锚具 anchor gear; ground tackle
锚档板 anchor lining
锚干 anchor shank; anchor shaft
锚杆 anchor stock
操锚通信器 anchor telegraph
锚试验;锚检验 anchor testing
钓钩;钓具;角[度] angle
角铁;角型材 angle bar [= angle]
搭接角铁 angle butt strap
角铁圈;角铁套环 angle collar
角铁;角钢 angle iron [= angle steel]
前进角{螺桨} angle of advance
切水角{螺桨};攻[击]角;冲角 angle of attack
弯曲角 angle of bend
偏向角;偏差角;自差角 angle of deviation
入水角{船} angle of entrance; entrance angle
倾斜角 angle of heel; angle of rake
稳度最大倾侧角 angle of maximum stability
纵摇角 angle of pitch; pitching angle
后倾角{螺桨} angle of skew back
俯仰角 angle of trim; trimming angle
稳度消失角 angle of vanishing stability; vanishing angle of stability
角铁支架 angle strut
角运动 angular motion
角速度 angular velocity
年轮{木材} annual ring {wood}
年度检验;岁检;岁验;岁修 annual survey
客厅 ante-room
噪音消除器 anti-clutter
减纵摇装置 anti-pitching device
抗摇装置;减[横]摇装置 anti-rolling device
抗摇水柜;减摇水舱;平稳舱 anti-rolling tank
螺桨拱;孔[径];口 aperture
舣装具 apparel and tackle
似螺距;视螺距 apparent pitch
视滑流 apparent slip
视波周期 apparent wave period
视重 apparent weight
附属物 appendage
用具 appliance
认可厂家 approved maker
认可型式;认可式样;核定式样;合格式样 approved pattern
核定图;审定图 approved plan
副艏材{木船};护墙;护裙;护床;码头岸面;码头卸货处;停机坪 apron
拱 arch
拱形架 arch framing
艉拱形腋板 arch knee
拱形结构原理 arch principle {ship construction}
面积;区域 area
翼板面积 area of foil
舵面积 area of rudder; rudder area
平艉面积 area of transom
水线面积 area of water plane; water plane area; waterplane area
面积比 area ratio; surface ratio
臂;横杆;辐 arm
羊角栓;独角桩;单臂系索桩 arm cleat
双木连结桅 arm mast
稳定力臂 arm of stability
锚臂 arm; anchor arm
装甲 armor; armour
装甲舱壁 armour bulkhead
装甲甲板 armour deck
铠装软管 armoured ho
铠装电线 armouring wire
明轮辐 arms of paddle wheel
布置;安排;装置 arrangement
布置图 arrangement plan
抵港压舱水 arrival ballast
人工送风;人工通风 artificial draught
人工干燥;人工季化 artificial asoning
灰船 ash boat
灰盘 ash pan
灰坑 ash pit
灰漕 ash shoot; ash chute
高宽比;纵横比 aspect ratio
装配;组合;装合 asmbly [= fit up]
指定;勘划 assignment
辅助送风 assisted draught
倒车动力 astern power
横座板 athwart
横切;横向 athwartship
原子[能]动力船 atomic powered ship
原子[动力]推进 atomic propulsion
属件;连接 attachment
装配角铁;连接角铁 attachment angle
切水角;攻角 attack angel
核定构造 authorized construction
自动止回阀 automatic non-return valve
自喷水[灭火]装置 automatic sprinker system
汽车渡轮;汽车渡船 automobile ferry
辅助压载柜{潜艇} auxiliary ballast tank
辅锅炉舱 auxiliary boiler room
辅机舱 auxiliary engine room; auxiliary machinery room
机帆船 auxiliary engine sailer; motor junk; motor sailer; sailing ship fitted with auxiliary engine; sailing vesl with auxiliary engine
辅助排气炉 auxiliary exhaust range
辅助给水系统;副给水管线 auxiliary feed line
副舵 auxiliary rudder
副舵杆头 auxiliary rudder head
辅[助]操舵装置 auxiliary steering gear
辅助船舶 auxiliary vesl
辅助舰 auxiliary; auxiliary ship
航空补给舰 aviation supply ship; AVS
天篷;天遮;天篷遮 awning
天遮杆;天篷横梁 awning boom
遮盖甲板 awning deck
遮盖甲板船 awning deck vesl
天遮撑杆;天篷支索 awning jackstay
天遮纵木;天篷椽 awning rafter
天遮边系索 awning side stops
天遮横木;天篷梁 awning spar
天遮柱;天篷支柱 awning stanchion
天遮系索;天篷索 awning stops
天遮撑;天篷撑 awning stretcher
轴心[向] axial
轴向递增螺距{螺桨} axial increasing pitch
轴向节距;轴向螺距 axial pitch
轴向推力 axial thrust
轴向速度 axial velocity
轴;轴线;座标 axis
振荡;摆动轴 axis of oscillation
A板列 A strake
A级[防火]隔舱;甲级[防火]隔舱 A class division
A形托架 A frame