Panda has long been known as Asia’s most beloved animal. Often referred to as the ‘national treasure’ in China, pandas are widely regarded as symbol of peace and good luck. Pandas have inhabited the mountains and forests of southwest China for millions of years.
Although they are bears, pandas are unique in a number of ways. First of all, they bear no remblance to other bears. Unlike other bears, pandas have shorter legs, lack of fur on their lower back, bear-like tail and long muzzles. They spend their day mostly relaxing, eating, and sleeping.
Unlike other bears, pandas are strict vegetarians. Bamboo accounts for 99 percent of the panda’s diet. This is why their habitat has huge areas of bamboo groves. They love the sweet stems, shoots and leaves of the plant. They may occasionally eat fish, incts, and other plants as well.
The panda has a very low reproductive rate, which is why its population has declined drastically. They are very picky about potential mates and often choo not to mate with a potential partner. Furthermore, cubs born in captivity have a hard time surviving without their mother’s protection in the wild.
In order to help the species survive, conrvation projects have been implemented to restore their natural habitats, breed more pandas in captivity, and stop further destruction of their habitats. Although they are still an endangered species, there is hope that the efforts will help the species survive.
Pandas are unique and mesmerizing animals, and they must be protected. It is up to us to help keep the amazing animals in our lives.