Inductivism held that great scientists are primarily great obrvers and patient accumulators of information. For new and significant theory, the inductivists claimed, can only ari from a firm foundation of facts. In this architectural view, each fact is a brick in a structure built without blueprints. Any talk or thought about theory (the completed building) is fatuous and premature before the bricks are t. Inductivism once commanded great prestige within science, and even reprented an "official" position of sorts, for it touted, however fally ,the utter honesty, complete objectivity, and almost automatic nature of scientific progress towards final and incontrovcrtible truth.
Yet, as its critics so rightly claimed, inductivism also depicted science as a heartless, almost inhuman discipline offering no legitimate place to quirkiness, intuition, and all the other subjective attributes adhe
ring to our vernacular notion of genius. Great scienrists, the critics claimed, are disiinguished more by their powers of hunch and synthesis, than their skill in experiment or obrvation. The criticisms of inductivism are certainly valid and I welcome its dethroning during the past thirty years as a necessary prelude to better understanding. Yet , in attacking it so strongly , some critics have tried lo substitute an alternative equally extreme and unproductive in its emphasis on the esntial subjectivity of creative thought. In this "eureka" view , creativity is an ineffable something, accessible only to persons of genius. It aris like a bolt of lightning, unanticipated, unpredictable and unanalyzable - but the bolts stike only a few special people. We ordinary mortals must stand in awe and thanks.
然而,正如其批评者所说的那样,感性主义也把科学描绘成一个无情的,几乎是不人道的纪律,没有任何合理的地方来提供奇怪性,直觉性,以及所有其他坚持我们本能的天才概念的主观属性。评论家称,伟大的科学家们,比他们的实验或观察技巧更多地被他们的预感和综合能力所区分。对感化主义的批评当然是有效的,我欢迎过去三十年来的这种批评是更好理解的必要前提。然而,在强烈地攻击它的时候,一些批评家试图用另一种极端的和非生产性的替代方法来强调创造性思想的本质主体性。在这个“尤里卡”这个观点中,创造力是一种难以置信的东西,只有天才才能使用。它像一缕闪电,无法预知的,不可预知的和不可分辨的- 但螺栓只有几个特殊的人。我们平凡的凡人必须敬畏和谢意。
I am equaIly dinchanted by both the opposing extremes. Inductivism reduces genius to dull, rote operations; eurekaism grants it an inaccessible status more in the domain of intrinsic mystery than in a realm where we might understand and learn from it. Might we not marry the good features of each view, and abandon both the elitism of eurekaism and the pedestrian qualities of inductivism? May we not acknowledge the personal and subjective character of creativity, but still comprehend it as a mode of thinking that emphasizes or exaggerates capacities suffieiently common to all of us that we may at least understand if not hope to imitate?
In the hagiography of science, a few men hold such high positions that all arguments must apply to them if they are to have any validity. Charles Darwin, as the principal saint of evolutionary biology, has therefore been prented both as an induclivist and as a primary example of eurekaism. I will attempt to show that the interpretations are equally inadequate, and that recent scholarship on Darwin's own odysy towards the theory of natural lection supports an intermediate position.
Boths groups have claimed Charles Darwin as one of their own.归纳主义从他五年的航行解读出了他通过观察来寻找进化的真相和自然选择的机制。尽管如此,他回到伦敦without 进化论。Natural lection did not ari from any direct reading of the Beagle's facts, but from two subquent years of thought and struggle. He read philosophers, poets, and economists, always arching for meaning and insight. 在长期的挫败中,达尔文从amument Malthus on Population产生了一个新的想法。favorable variations would tend to be prerved and unfavorable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species.但是作者认为达尔文走的是中间的道路。
So great was the prestige of inductivism in his own day, that Darwin himlf fell under its sway and, as an old man, fally depicted his youthful accomplishments in its light. In an autobiography, written as a lesson in morality for his children and not intended for publication, he penned some famous lines that misled historians for nearly a hundred years. Describing his path to the theory of natural lection, he claimed: "I worked on true Baconian principles, and without any theory collected facts on a wholesale scale."
The inductivist interpretation focus on Darwin's five years aboard the Beagle and explains his transition from student for the ministry to the punishment of preachers as the result of his keen powers of obrvation applied to the whole world. Thus, the traditional story goes, Darwin's eyes opened wider and wider as he saw, in quence, the bones of giant South American fossil mammals, the turtles and finches of the Galapagos, and the marsupial fauna of Australia. The truth of evolution and its mechanism of natural lection crept up gradually upon him as he sifted facts in
a sieve of utter objectivity.
The rocks and plants and animals that he saw did provoke him to the crucial attitude of doubt - midwife of all creativity. Sydney, Australia - 1836. Darwin wonders why a rational God would create so many marsupials on Australia since nothing about its climate or geography suggests any superiority for pouches:"I had been lying on a sunny bank and was reflecting on the strange charcater of the animals of this country as compared to the rest of the World." An unbeliever in everylhing beyond his own reason might exclaim: "Surely two distinct Creators must have been at work. "
他看到的岩石和植物和动物激起了他对所有创造力的助产士的怀疑态度。悉尼,澳大利亚- 1836年。达尔文想知道为什么一个理性的上帝将在澳大利亚创造如此多的有袋动物,因为没有任何关于气候或地理位置的事实表明袋子有优势:“我一直躺在一个阳光明媚的银行,反映在这个奇怪的人物这个国家
Nonetheless, Darwin returned to London without an evolutionary theory. He suspected the truth of evolution, but had no mechanism to explain it. Natural lection did not ari from any direct reading of the Beagle's facts, but from two subquent years of thought and struggle as reflected in a ries of remarkable notebooks that have been unearthed and published during the past twemy years. In the notebooks, we e Darwin testing and abandoning a number of theories and pursuing a multitude of fal leads-so much for his later claim about recording facts with an empty mind. He read philosophers, poets, and economists, always arching for meaning and insight - so much for the notion that natural lection aro inductively from the Beagle's facts. Later, he labeled one notebook as "full of metaphysics on morals. "
尽管如此,达尔文没有进化论回到伦敦。他怀疑进化的真相,但没有任何解释的机制。自然选择并不是从任何直接阅读比格尔事实,而是从后来的思想和斗争的两年,反映在一系列在过去几年出土发行的卓越的笔记本。在这些笔记本中,我们看到达尔文测试并放弃了一些理论,并追求大量的虚假线索- 这么多的后来他以空洞的心态记录事实。他读哲学家,诗人和经济学家,一直在寻求意义和洞察力- 对于自然选择是从小猎犬的事实中引起的。后来,他把一本笔记本标注为“充满形而上学的道德”。
Yet if this tortuous pathbelies inductivism, it has engendered an equally simplistic myth - eurekaism. In his maddeningly misleading autobiography, Darwin does record a eureka and suggests that natural lection struck him as a sudden, rendipitous flash after more than a year of groping frustration:
然而,如果这条曲折的路径掩盖了感性主义,它就产生了同样简单化的神话- 尤里卡主义。达尔文在令人难以置信的误导自传中,记录了一个尤里卡,并表示自然选择在一年多的时间内挫败了一个突然,偶然的闪光:
In October 1838, that is, fifteen months after I had begun my systematic inquiry, I happened to read for amument Malthus on Population, and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on from long-continued obrvation of the habits of anunals and plants. it at once struck me that under the circumstances favorable variations would tend to be prerved and unfavorable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species. Here, then, I had at last got a theory by which to work.
Yet, again, the notebooks belie Darwin's later recollections- in this ca by their utter failure to record, at the time it happened, any special exultation over his Malthusian insight. He inscribes it as a fairly short and sober entry without a single exclamation point, though he habitually ud two or three in moments of excitement. He did not drop everything and reinterpret a confusing world in its light. On the very next day, he wrote an even longer passage on the xual curiosity of primates.
然而,笔记本电脑再次相信达尔文后来的回忆- 在这种情况下,他们完全没有记录,在发生的时候,对他的马尔萨斯观点有任何特别的兴趣。他把它作为一个相当短暂和清醒的入口,没有一个感叹号,虽然他习惯性地在两分钟或三点激动的时刻使用。他没有放下一切,重新解释一个令人困惑的世界。在第二天,他写了一篇关于灵长类动物的性好奇心的更长的段落。
The theory of natural lection aro neitner as a workmanlike induction from nature's facts, nor as a mysterious bolt from Darwin's subconscious, triggered by an accidental reading of Malthus. It emerged instead as the result of a conscious and productive arch, proceeding in a ramifying but ordered manner, and utilizing both the facts of natural history and an astonishingly broad range of in
sights from disparate disciplines far from his own. Darwin trod the middle path between inductivism and eurekaism. His genius is neither pedestrian nor inaccessible.
Darwinian scholarship has exploded since the centennial of the Origin in 1859. The publication of Darwin's notebooks and the attention devoted by veral scholars to the two crucial years between the Beagle's docking and the demoted Malthusian insight has clinched the argument for a "middle path" theory of Darwin's creativily. TWO particularly important works focus on the broadest and narrowest scales. Howard E. Gruber's masterful intellectual and psychological biography of this pha in Darwin's life, Darwin on Man , traces all the fal leads and turning points in Darwin's arch. Gruber shows that Darwin was continually proposing, testing, and abandoning hypothes, and that he never simply collected facts in a blind way. He began with a fanciful theory involving the idea that new species ari with a prefixed life span, and worked his way gradually, if fitfully, towards an idea of extinction by competition in a world of struggle. He recorded no exultation upon reading M
althus, becau the jigsaw puzzle was only missing a piece or two at the time.
达尔文奖学金自1859年起源于百年诞生。达尔文笔记本的出版以及几位学者对比格尔对接与降级的马尔萨斯观点之间两个关键时期的关注已经成为“中间道路”理论的论证达尔文的创造力。两个特别重要的作品着重于最广泛和最窄的尺度。达尔文生活中达尔文的这个阶段的杰出的智慧和心理传记霍华德·格鲁伯(Darwin on Man)追踪了达尔文搜索的所有虚假线索和转折点。Gruber表示达尔文不断提出,测试和放弃假设,他从来没有以盲目的方式收集事实。他开始有一个奇特的理论,涉及新物种出现的前提条件,并且如果适当的话,逐渐走向一个斗争世界中的竞争灭绝的想法。他在阅读马尔萨斯时并没有高兴,因为拼图在
Silvan S. Schwcber has reconstructed, in detail as minute as the record will allow, Darwin's activities during the few weeks before Malthus (The Origin of the Origin Revisited, Journal of the History of Biology, 1977). He argues that the final pieces aro not from new facts in natural history, but from Darwin's intellectual wanderings in distant fields.
西尔万·施韦伯(Silvan S. Schwcber)在马尔萨斯(Malthus(原产地起源重新生命学报,1977年生物学史杂志)之前的几个星期内,重新细分了记录将允许达尔文的活动。他认为,最后的作品不是出
In reading Schwcber's detailed account of the moments preceding Darwin's formulation of natural lection. I was particularly struck by the abnce of deciding influence from his own field of biology. The immediate precipitators were a social scientist, an economist, and a statisucian. If genius has any common denominator, I would propo breadth of interest and the ability to construct fruitful analogies between fields.
In fact, I believe that the theory of natural lection should be viewed as an extended analogy - whether conscious or unconscious on Darwin's part I do not know - to the laisz faire economics of Adam Smith. The esnce of Smith's argument is a paradox of sorts: if you want an ordered economy providing maximal benefits to all, then let individuals compete and struggle for their own advantages. The result, after appropriate sorting and elimination of the inefficient, will be a stable and harmonious polity. Apparent order aris naturally from the struggle among individuals, not from
predestined principles or higher control. Dugald Stewart epitomized Smith's system in the book Darwin read:
事实上,我相信自然选择的理论应该被看作是亚当·斯密的自由放任经济学的扩展类比- 无论是意识的还是无意识的达尔文,我都不知道。史密斯论证的本质是一个悖论:如果你想要一个有序的经济为所有人提供最大的利益,那么让个人为了自己的优势而竞争和奋斗。结果,在适当分类和消除低效率后,将是一个稳定和谐的政治。明显的秩序自然来自个人之间的斗争,而不是来自预定的原则或更高的控制。达加尔·斯图尔特(Dugald Stewart)在达尔文书中写道:史密斯的系统是:
In fact, I believe that the theory of natural lection should be viewed as an extended analogy to the laisz faire economics of Adam Smith. Apparent order aris naturally from the struggle among individuals, not from predestined principles or higher control.
The most effective plan for advancing a people ... is by allowing every man, as long as he obrves the rules of justice, to pursue his own interest in his own way, and to bring both his industry and his capital into the freest competition with tho of his fellow citizens. Every system of policy which endeavors ... to draw towards a particular species of industry a greater share of the capital of the society than would naturally go to it ... is, in reality, subversive of the great purpo which it means to promote.
As Schweber states,"The Scottish analysis of society contends that the combined effect of