Nonlinear Estimation and Classification, Springer, 2003.
The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning
An Overview
Robert E.Schapire
AT&T Labs Rearch
Shannon Laboratory
180Park Avenue,Room A203
Florham Park,NJ07932USA
Boosting is a general method for improving the accuracy of any given learning algorithm.Focusing primarily on the AdaBoost algorithm,this
chapter overviews some of the recent work on boosting including analys
of AdaBoost’s training error and generalization error;boosting’s connection
to game theory and linear programming;the relationship between boosting
and logistic regression;extensions of AdaBoost for multiclass classification
problems;methods of incorporating human knowledge into boosting;and
experimental and applied work using boosting.
Machine learning studies automatic techniques for learning to make accurate pre-dictions bad on past obrvations.For example,suppo that we would like to build an emailfilter that can distinguish spam(junk)email from non-spam.The machine-learning approach to this problem would be the follow
ing:Start by gath-ering as many examples as posible of both spam and non-spam emails.Next,feed the examples,together with labels indicating if they are spam or not,to your favorite machine-learning algorithm which will automatically produce a classifi-cation or prediction rule.Given a new,unlabeled email,such a rule attempts to predict if it is spam or not.The goal,of cour,is to generate a rule that makes the most accurate predictions possible on new test examples.
Building a highly accurate prediction rule is certainly a difficult task.On the other hand,it is not hard at all to come up with very rough rules of thumb that are only moderately accurate.An example of such a rule is something like the following:“If the phra‘buy now’occurs in the email,then predict it is spam.”Such a rule will not even come clo to covering all spam messages;for instance, it really says nothing about what to predict if‘buy now’does not occur in the message.On the other hand,this rule will make predictions that are significantly better than random guessing.
Boosting,the machine-learning method that is the subject of this chapter,is bad on the obrvation thatfinding many rough rules of thumb can be a lot easier thanfinding a single,highly accurate prediction rule.To apply the boosting ap-proach,we start with a method or algorithm forfinding the rou
gh rules of thumb. The boosting algorithm calls this“weak”or“ba”learning algorithm repeatedly, each time feeding it a different subt of the training examples(or,to be more pre-ci,a different distribution or weighting over the training examples1).Each time it is called,the ba learning algorithm generates a new weak prediction rule,and after many rounds,the boosting algorithm must combine the weak rules into a single prediction rule that,hopefully,will be much more accurate than any one of the weak rules.
To make this approach work,there are two fundamental questions that must be answered:first,how should each distribution be chon on each round,and cond, how should the weak rules be combined into a single rule?Regarding the choice of distribution,the technique that we advocate is to place the most weight on the examples most often misclassified by the preceding weak rules;this has the effect of forcing the ba learner to focus its attention on the“hardest”examples.As for combining the weak rules,simply taking a(weighted)majority vote of their predictions is natural and effective.
There is also the question of what to u for the ba learning algorithm,but this question we purpoly leave unanswered so that we will end up with a general boosting procedure that can be combined with any ba learning algorithm.
Boosting refers to a general and provably effective method of producing a very accurate prediction rule by combining rough and moderately inaccurate rules of thumb in a manner similar to that suggested above.This chapter prents an overview of some of the recent work on boosting,focusing especially on the Ada-Boost algorithm which has undergone inten theoretical study and empirical test-ing.
Given:where, Initialize.
Train ba learner using distribution.
Get ba classifier.
of rounds.One of the main ideas of the algorithm is to maintain a
distribution or t of weights over the training t.The weight of this distribution on
training example on round is denoted.Initially,all weights are t equally, but on each round,the weights of incorrectly classified examples are incread so
that the ba learner is forced to focus on the hard examples in the training t.
The ba learner’s job is tofind a ba classifier appropriate
for the distribution.(Ba classifiers were also called rules of thumb or weak prediction rules in Section1.)In the simplest ca,the range of each is binary, i.e.,restricted to;the ba learner’s job then is to minimize the error
Once the ba classifier has been received,AdaBoost choos a parameter that intuitively measures the importance that it assigns to.In thefigure, we have deliberately left the choice of unspecified.For binary,we typically t
(1) as in the original description of AdaBoost given by Freund and Schapire[32].More on choosing follows in Section3.The distribution is then updated using the rule shown in thefigure.Thefinal or combined classifier is a weighted majority vote of the ba classifiers where is the weight assigned to.
3Analyzing the training error
The most basic theoretical property of AdaBoost concerns its ability to reduce the training ,the fraction of mistakes on the training t.Specifically, Schapire and Singer[70],in generalizing a theorem of Freund and Schapire[32], show that the training error of thefinal classifier is bounded as follows:
(2) where henceforth we define
so that.(For simplicity of notation,we write and as shorthand for and,respectively.)The inequality follows from the fact that if.The equality can be proved straightforwardly by unraveling the recursive definition of.
Eq.(2)suggests that the training error can be reduced most rapidly(in a greedy way)by choosing and on each round to minimize
In the ca of binary classifiers,this leads to the choice of given in Eq.(1)and gives a bound on the training error of
where we define.This bound wasfirst proved by Freund and Schapire[32].Thus,if each ba classifier is slightly better than random so that for some,then the training error drops exponentially fast in since the bound in Eq.(5)is at most.This bound,combined with the bounds on generalization error given below prove that AdaBoost is indeed a boosting al-gorithm in the n that it can efficiently convert a true weak learning algorithm (that can always generate a classifier with a weak edge for any distribution)into a strong learning algorithm(that can generate a classifier with an arbitrarily low error rate,given sufficient data).
Eq.(2)points to the fact that,at heart,AdaBoost is a procedure forfinding a linear combination of ba classifiers which attempts to minimize
Esntially,on each round,AdaBoost choos(by calling the ba learner)and then ts to add one m
ore term to the accumulating weighted sum of ba classi-fiers in such a way that the sum of exponentials above will be maximally reduced. In other words,AdaBoost is doing a kind of steepest descent arch to minimize Eq.(6)where the arch is constrained at each step to follow coordinate direc-tions(where we identify coordinates with the weights assigned to ba classifiers). This view of boosting and its generalization are examined in considerable detail by Duffy and Helmbold[23],Mason et al.[51,52]and Friedman[35].See also Section6.
Schapire and Singer[70]discuss the choice of and in the ca that is real-valued(rather than binary).In this ca,can be interpreted as a “confidence-rated prediction”in which the sign of is the predicted label, while the magnitude gives a measure of confidence.Here,Schapire and Singer advocate choosing and so as to minimize(Eq.(4))on each round.