错误代码 | 错误内容 | 中文含义 |
112 | Requester identification required | |
118 | System unable to process | 系统无法处理 |
129 | No PNR match found | 没有找到匹配的PNR |
132 | Exceeds maximum number of gments | 航段数超过了系统处理能力 |
144 | Invalid requester identification | |
153 | Name mismatch/not found | 没有找到匹配的姓名 |
154 | Message function invalid | |
155 | Message function not supported | |
305 | Security/Audit Failure (Restricted) | |
364 | Invalid ticket number | 票号错误 |
368 | Not authorized | |
394 | Segment not valid for electronic ticketing | 此航班不支持电子客票 |
396 | Invalid ticket/coupon status | 客票状态错误 |
398 | Advance boarding pass already exists | 登机牌已经存在 |
400 | Duplicate ticket number | 票号重复 |
401 | Ticket number not found | 没有找到票号 |
450 | All electronic tickets have been printed | 电子客票已经打印 |
453 | Bulk fares not supported | |
461 | Ineligible for requested action - Group PNR not allowed | 请求不合格—不允许团队PNR |
466 | Form of payment invalid for electronic ticket | 电子客票付款方式错误 |
748 | Status change denied (Coupon control denied by “xx”) | |
4 | Invalid city/airport code | 错误的城市/机场代码 |
100 | Invalid place of departure | 错误的起飞地点 |
101 | Invalid place of arrival | 错误的到达地点 |
102 | Invalid departure date | 错误的起飞日期 |
103 | Invalid departure time | 错误的到达日期 |
104 | Invalid rervation booking designator | 错误的订座舱位 |
105 | Invalid rervation booking modifier | |
107 | Invalid airline code | 错误的航空公司代码 |
109 | Invalid country code | 错误的国家代码 |
114 | Invalid flight number | 错误的航班号 |
117 | Schedule change in progress | 航班变更中 |
121 | Invalid number in party | 记录人数不对 |
143 | Invalid pasnger type code | 错误的旅客类型代码 |
145 | Number in party exceeds maximum | 旅客数超过了系统处理能力 |
149 | Surname too long | 姓名超长(名) |
150 | Given name/title too long | 姓名超长(姓) |
151 | Surname mandatory | 需要输入名字 |
152 | Given name/title mandatory | 需要输入姓 |
260 | Invalid Frequent Traveler number | 常旅客号码错误 |
303 | Flight canceled | 航班取消 |
318 | Contact element (phone and/or address) missing or invalid | 缺少联系组(电话,地址)或联系组 错误 |
324 | Number of infants exceeds maximum per adult pasnger | 每个成人旅客所带的婴儿数量过多 |
348 | Invalid flight status | 错误的航班状态 |
350 | Flight under airport control | 飞机处于机场控制中 |
366 | Name list to long | 旅客名单超长 |
367 | No active itinerary | 没有有效航段 |
381 | Record locator required | 需要记录编号 |
383 | Invalid change to status code | |
384 | Multiple name matches | 同样的姓名有多个 |
395 | Already ticketed | 已出票 |
397 | Maximum ticket limit reached | 已到出票时限 |
399 | Duplicate name | 姓名重复 |
408 | No more data available | 没有可用数据 |
409 | Request is outside system date range | 请求超过了系统日期范围 |
418 | Flight has departed | 航班已起飞 |
440 | Void request on already voided or printed coupons | 客票已作废,或者已经打印,因此无法 作废 |
448 | Contact rvice provider directly | |
464 | Unable to ticket due to fare calculation too large | 票价计算组超长,无法出票 |
467 | Flight gment not found in carriers PNR | 航空公司的PNR中无此航段 |
704 | Invalid tour identification | |
705 | Invalid or missing coupon/booklet number | |
706 | Invalid certificate number | 错误的验证码 |
707 | Invalid baggage details | |
708 | Incorrect credit card information | 错误的信用卡信息 |
709 | Invalid and/0r missing frequent traveler information | |
710 | Free text qualifier error | |
711 | Invalid fare calculation status code | |
712 | Missing and/or invalid monetary information | |
713 | Invalid price qualifier | |
714 | Missing and/or invalid date of issue | |
715 | Invalid fare basis | |
716 | Missing and/or invalid rervations control information | |
717 | Missing and/or invalid travel agent and/or system identification | |
718 | Invalid document type | |
727 | Invalid amount | |
743 | Electronic ticket record purpoly not accessible | |
744 | Missing or invalid airport check-in identification (FOID) | |
745 | Refunds not allowed | 不能退票 |
746 | Open gment not permitted for first gment | 第一段不能是open |
747 | Validity date(s) required for electronic tickets | 电子客票需要客票有效期 |
749 | Coupon status not open | |
750 | Endorment restriction | |
751 | Controlled by a third party | |
752 | Revalidation request denied | |
753 | Invalid or missing frequent traveler number | |
754 | Outside validity date | |
755 | Invalid exchange/coupon media | |
756 | Tour fares not supported | |
757 | Exchange paper to electronic ticket not allowed | |
758 | Net fares not supported | 不支持净价 |
759 | Multiple forms of payment not allowed | 不允许多种支付方式 |
760 | Conjunctive ticket number are not quential | |
761 | Exchange/Reissue must include all unud coupons | 改期、换开必须包含所有未使用航段 |
762 | Invalid tax amount | 错误的税款金额 |
763 | Invalid tax code | 错误的税代码 |
790 | Exchange denied – no further exchanges allowed | 不允许改期 |
791 | Unable to void exchanged/reissued ticket | 无法作废,改期,换开客票 |
793 | Fare/tax amount to long | 运价/税款金额太大 |
794 | Invalid or missing fare calculation | 缺少票价计算,或票价计算错误 |
795 | Invalid, missing or conflicting arch criteria | |
796 | Partial void of ticket coupons not allowed | |
797 | Invalid stopover indicator | 错误的经停标识 |
798 | Invalid stopover usage | |
799 | E-ticket exists, no match on specified criteria | |
902 | Prior message being procesd or already procesd | |
911 | Unable to process – System error | 系统错误,无法处理 |
912 | Incomplete message - data missing in query | 报文不完整,数据丢失 |
913 | Item/data not found or data not existing in processing host | |
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