1. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms t forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. (t forth, 说明,提出)
原译文:人人有权要求一种社会的和国际的秩序, 在这种秩序中, 本宣言所载的权利和自由能获得充分实现。
2. 一审法院认定2005年5月14日上诉人与被上诉人签订的房屋租赁合同为无效合同,于法无据。
原译文:The first-instance court ascertained that the hou lea contract signed by the Appellant and the Respondent on May 14, 2005 was invalid. This ruling is not law-bad.
修正要点:the hou lea contract rarr;the residential lea contract;
signed by the Appellant and the Respondent rarr;signed between the Appellant and the Respondent;
This ruling is not law-bad. rarr;This ruling has no basis in law.
3. 在此期间未能提出申请的,能够给予六个月的宽限期。
原译文:Where no such application could be filed within that period, an extension period of six months may be granted.
修正提示:no hellip; could意思是(当时)没有能够“,并非未能“。 extension period 用词不当。到期之后的宽限期(期满后同意拖延履行的额外期间,无需履行拖延责任),英文表述为grace period (grace本意是恩惠,优惠“), 这与extension period (延长的期限,未必排除延期责任) 并不等同。
修正为:rarr;The registrant who fails to make such an application within that period may be granted a grace period of six months.