欧洲螺栓标准(EN bolt standards)

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欧洲螺栓标准(EN bolt standards)
ANSI |  BS |  DIN |  EN |  GB |  ISO |  JIS |  NF |  DIC
EN 13411-5-2003
钢丝绳终端设备 安全性 第5部分:U型螺栓丝夹
Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 5: U-bolt wire rope grips
EN 1450-1996+A1-1998
塑料管道系统 玻璃增强热固塑料(GRP)组件 螺栓法兰连接的设计查验试验方法
Plastics piping systems - Glass-reinforced thermotting plastics (GRP) components - Test methods to prove the design of bolted flange joints
EN 1515-1-1999
法兰和其连接件 螺栓连接 第1部分:螺栓连接的选择
Flanges and their joints - Bolting - Part 1: Selection of bolting
EN 1515-2-2001
法兰和其连接件 螺栓连接 第2部分:PN钢法兰用螺栓材料的分类
Flanges and their joints - Bolting - Part 2: Classification of bolt materials for steel flanges, PN designated
EN 1665-1997+AC-1998
六角法兰螺栓 重型系列
Hexagon bolts with flange - Heavy ries
EN 20225-1991
紧固件 螺栓、螺柱和螺母 尺寸代号和标注
Fasteners; Bolts, screws, studs and nuts; Symbols and designation of dimensions (ISO 225:1983)
EN 20273-1991
紧固件 螺栓和螺钉用通孔
Fasteners; Clearance holes for bolts and screws (ISO 273:1979)
EN 20898-7-1995
紧固件机械性能 第7部分:螺栓与螺钉的扭矩试验和最小扭矩公称直径1MM—10MM
Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 7: Torsional test and minimum torques for bolts and screws with nominal diameters 1mm to 10mm (ISO 898-7:1992)
EN 2357-1988
航空航天系列 操纵缆绳上锻制耐腐蚀钢柱头螺栓端 尺寸和负载
Aerospace ries - Stud-ends in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable - Dimensions and loads
EN 24015-1991
六角头螺栓 产品等级B级 细杆(杆径近似等于中径)
Hexagon head bolts; Product grade B; Reduced shank (shank diameter = pitch diameter) (ISO 4015:1979)
EN 2413-1995
航空航天系列 镀镉合金钢制肩薄六角头高精度公差柄短螺纹螺栓 分类:1100MPa(在环境温 度下)/235
Aerospace ries - Bolts, shouldered, thin hexagonal head, clo tolerance shank, short thread, in alloy steel, cadmium plated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235
EN 2549-1995
航空航天系列 阳极氧化MOS2润滑的钛合金制普通六角头紧公差标准柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100MPa(环境温度)/
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, MoS<(Index)2> lubricated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
EN 2583-1997
航空航天系列 NI-PH2601(铬镍铁合金718)耐热镍基合金MJ螺纹螺栓 等级:1275MPa( 环境温度)/650 技术规
Aerospace ries - Bolts, MJ threads, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718) - Classification: 1275 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 - Technical specification
EN 26157-1-1991
紧固件 表面缺陷 第1部分:螺栓、螺钉和螺柱一般要求
Fasteners; surface discontinuities; Part 1: Bolts, srews and studs for general requirements (ISO 6157-1:1988)
EN 26157-3-1991
紧固件 表面缺陷 第3部分:螺栓、螺钉和螺柱的特殊要求
Fasteners; surface discontinuities; part 3: bolts, srews and studs for special requirements (ISO 6157-3:1988)
EN 2859-1995
航空航天系列 镀镉合金钢制标准六角头紧公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (环境温度)/235
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in alloy steel, cadmium plated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235
EN 2870-1996+AC-1996
航空航天系列 阳极氧化钛合金标准双六角头紧公差普通柄MoS2润滑的短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100MPa(环境温度)/31
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal bihexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, MoS<(Index)2> lubricated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
EN 2874-1996+AC-1996
航空航天系列 钝化、耐热镍基合金制双六角头紧公差普通柄中长螺纹螺栓 等级:1550MPa(环境温度)/315
Aerospace ries - Bolts, large bihexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, medium length thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy, passivated - Classification: 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
EN 28839-1991
紧固件机械性能 有色金属制造螺栓、螺钉、螺柱和螺母
Mechanical properties of fasteners; Bolts, screws, studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals (ISO 8839:1986)
EN 2887-1995
航空航天系列 钝化耐腐蚀钢标准六角头螺全纹头螺栓 等级: 600 MPa( 环境温度)/425
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, threaded to head, in corrosion resisting steel, passivated - Classification: 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
EN 2888-1995
航空航天系列 钝纯化耐腐蚀钢标准六角头紧公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级: 600 MPa(环境温度)/425
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coar tolerance normal shank, short threaded, in corrosion resisting steel, passivated - Classification: 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
EN 2889-1995
航空航天系列 镀镉合金钢标准六角头紧公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:900MPa (环境温度)/235
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coar tolerance normal shank, short threaded, in alloy steel, cadmium plated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235
EN 2925-1994
航空航天系列 FE-PA92HT(A286)耐高温钢制长螺纹细柄双六角头螺栓 等级:900MPa(环境温度)650
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286) - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650
EN 2931-1994
航空航天系列 FE-PA92HT(A286)耐热钢制长螺纹细柄T形头螺栓 等级:900MPa(环境温度)650
Aerospace ries - Bolts, T-head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286) - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650
EN 2932-1996
航空航天系列 FE-PA92HT(A286)耐热钢镀银长螺纹细螺柄T形头螺栓 级等: 900 MPa(环境温度)/650
Aerospace ries - Bolts, T-head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650
EN 2933-1996
航空航天系列 NI-P100HT718)耐热镍基合金镀银长螺纹细螺柄T形头螺栓 等级:1275 MPa(环境温度)/650
Aerospace ries - Bolts, T-head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P100HT (Inconel 718) - Classification: 1275 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650
EN 2934-1996
航空航天系列 合金NI-P100HT((铬镍铁合金718)耐热镍基镀银长螺纹细螺柄T形头螺栓 等级:1275 MPa(环境温
Aerospace ries - Bolts, T-head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P100HT (Inconel 718), silver plated - Classification: 1275 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650
EN 2935-1996
航空航天系列 NI-P101HT(沃斯帕洛尹合金)耐热镍基合金镀银长螺纹细螺柄T形头螺栓 等级:1210 MPa(环境温
Aerospace ries - Bolts, T-head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy) - Classification: 1210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730
EN 2936-1996
航空航天系列 合金NI-P101HT(沃斯帕洛尹合金)耐热镍基镀银长螺纹细螺柄T形头螺栓 等级:1210 MPa(环境温
Aerospace ries - Bolts, T-head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), silver plated - Classification: 1210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730
EN 3006-1994
航空航天系列 FE-PA92HT(A286)耐热钢制细柄长螺纹六角头螺栓 等级:900MPa(环境温 度)650
Aerospace ries - Bolts, hexagon head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286) - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650
EN 3008-1998
航空航天系列 NI-P100HT(铬镍铁合金718) 耐热镍基合金长螺纹细柄六角头螺栓 等级:1275MPa(环境温度)/650
Aerospace ries - Bolts, hexagon head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P100HT (Inconel 718) - Classification: 1275 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650
EN 3010-1998
航空航天系列 NI-P101HT(沃斯帕洛尹合金)耐热镍基合金长螺纹细柄六角头螺栓 等级:1210MPa(环境温度)/730
Aerospace ries - Bolts, hexagon head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy) - Classification: 1210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730
EN 3011-1998
航空航天系列 镀银NI-P101HT(沃斯帕洛尹合金)耐热镍基合金长螺纹细柄六角头螺栓 等级:1210MPa(环境温度)
Aerospace ries - Bolts, hexagon head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), silver plated - Classification: 1210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730
EN 3052-1993
航空航天系列 钝化耐热及耐腐蚀钢标准六角头紧公差普通杆短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100MPa(环境温度)/425
Aerospace ries; bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in heat and corrosion resisting steel, passivated; classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 (includes amendment A1:1993)
EN 3063-1994
航空航天系列 NI-P101HT耐热钢镍基合金制中螺纹紧公差柄双六角头螺栓 等级: 1210MPa(环境温度)730
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head, clo tolerance shank, medium length thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy) - Classification: 1210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730
EN 3112-1995
航空航天系列 镀镉合金钢全螺纹头标准六角头螺栓 分级:大气压为900 MPa(环境温度) 235
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, threaded to head, in alloy steel, cadmium plated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235
EN 3202-1995
航空航天系列 T形头螺栓的孔和阱 设计标准
Aerospace ries - Holes and traps for T-head bolts - Design standard
EN 3379-1996
航空航天系列 合金NI-P101HT(Waspaloy 一种耐高温热镍基合金)耐热镍基中长螺纹紧公差柄双六角螺栓 等级:
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head, clo tolerance shank, medium length thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), for incread height nuts - Classification: 1210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730
EN 3724-2003
航空航天系列  钛合金TI-P64001 MoS2润滑细柄长螺纹双六边头螺栓 等级: 1100 MPa (环境温度)
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head, relieved shank, long thread, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, MoS<(Index)2> coated - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / Note: To be replaced by prEN 3724 (2003-05).
EN 3725-2003
航空航天系列 钛合金 TI-P640001 MoS2润滑盘头六瓣槽普通柄长螺纹螺栓 等级:1100 MPa(环境温度)
Aerospace ries - Bolts, pan head, six lobe recess, normal shank, long thread, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, MoS<(Index)2> coated - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temparature) / Note: To be replaced by prEN 3725 (2003-05).
EN 3740-1996
航空航天系列 阳极氧化MoS2润滑钛合金短螺纹紧公差柄薄六角头带肩螺栓、等级:1100MPa(环境温度)/315
Aerospace ries - Bolts, shouldered, thin hexagonal head, clo tolerance shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, MoS<(Index)2> lubricated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
EN 3818-2003
航空航天系列 TI-P640001钛合金带MJ螺纹用螺栓 等级: 1100 MPa(环境温度) 技术规范
Aerospace ries - Bolts with MJ threads, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature); Technical specification / Note: To be replaced by prEN 3818 (2003-05).
EN 3832-2003
航空航天系列 NI-P100HT (Inconel 718)耐热镍基合金、 双六角头细柄长螺纹螺栓 等级:1550 MPa(环境温
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P100HT (Inconel 718) - Classification: 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 / Note: To be replaced by prEN 3832 (2003-05).
EN 3833-2003
航空航天系列 NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718)耐热镍基合金、 MJ螺纹螺栓 等级:1550 MPa(环境温度)650  
Aerospace ries - Bolts, MJ threads, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718) - Classification: 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650; Technical specification / Note: To be replaced by prEN 3833 (2003-05).
EN 3907-2003
航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P640001, MoS2润滑、双六角头普通柄长螺纹螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (环境温度)/350
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head, normal shank, long thread, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, MoS<(Index)2> coated - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/350 / Note: To be replaced by prEN 3907 (2003-05).
EN 4009-2003
航空航天系列 耐热镍基合金 NI-P100HT (Inconel 718) 双六角头紧公差柄中长螺纹螺栓 等级:1550 MPa (常
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head, clo tolerance shank, medium length thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-P100HT (Inconel 718) - Classification: 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 / Note: To be replaced by prEN 4009 (2003-0
EN 4321-2003
航空航天系列 镀银耐热镍基合金 NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718)制 带安全锁线孔的细柄长螺纹双六角头螺栓 等级
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head with lockwire holes, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickelba alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718), silver plated - Classification: 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 / Note: To be replaced by
EN 4322-2003
航空航天系列  TI-P640001阳极氧化 MoS<(Index)2>涂层制钛合金、带安全锁线孔的细柄长螺纹双六角头螺栓 
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head with lockwire holes, relieved shank, long thread, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, anodized, MoS<(Index)2> coated - Strength class: 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / Note: To be replaced by prEN 4322 (2003-05).
EN 4352-2003
航空航天系列 MoS<(Index)2> 涂层制耐热镍基合金 NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718)、带安全锁线孔的细柄长螺纹双六
Aerospace ries - Bolts, double hexagon head with lockwire holes, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718), MoS<(Index)2> coated - Classification: 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 / Note: To be rep
EN ISO 10664-1999
Hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws (ISO 10664:1999)
EN ISO 13918-1998
焊接 电弧螺栓焊用螺栓和陶瓷箍套
Welding - Studs and ceramic ferrules for arc stud welding (ISO 13918:1998)
EN ISO 14555-1998
焊接 金属材料的电弧螺栓焊
Welding - Arc stud welding of metallic materials (ISO 14555:1998)
EN ISO 3506-1-1997
耐腐蚀不锈钢紧固件的机械性能 第1部分:螺栓、螺钉和螺柱
Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs (ISO 3506-1:1997)
EN ISO 4014-2000
六角头螺栓 产品等级A和B级
Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B (ISO 4014:1999)
EN ISO 4016-2000
六角头螺栓 产品等级C级
Hexagon head bolts - Product grade C (ISO 4016:1999)
EN ISO 4759-1-2000
紧固件公差 第1部分:螺栓、螺钉、螺柱和螺母 产品等级A、B和C级
Tolerances for fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screws, studs and nuts; product grades A, B and C (ISO 4759-1:2000)
EN ISO 4759-3-2000
紧固件公差 第3部分:螺栓、螺钉和螺母用平垫圈 产品等级A和C级
Tolerances for fasteners - Part 3: Plain washers for bolts, screws and nuts - Product grades A and C (ISO 4759-3:2000)
EN ISO 8765-2000
米制细牙六角头螺栓 产品等级A和B级
Hexagon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B (ISO 8765:1999)
EN ISO 887-2000
米制普通螺栓、螺钉和螺母用平垫圈 总方案
Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general purpos - General plan (ISO 887:2000)
EN ISO 898-1-1999
碳钢和铸钢铸造的紧固件机械性能 第1部分:螺栓、螺钉和螺柱
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs (ISO 898-1:1999)
EN ISO 9974-1-2000
通用和液压传动用联接件 带ISO 261 弹性螺纹或金属 金属密封的气门和双头螺栓端头 第1部分:螺纹气门
Connections for general u and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal aling - Part 1: Threaded ports (ISO 9974-1:1996)
EN ISO 9974-2-2000
通用和液压传动用联接件 带ISO 261 弹性螺纹或金属 金属密封的气门和双头螺栓端头 第2部分:弹性密封的
Connections for general u and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal aling - Part 2: Stud ends with elastomeric aling (type E) (ISO 9974-2:1996)
EN ISO 9974-3-2000
通用和液压传动用联接件 带ISO 261 弹性螺纹或金属 金属密封的气门和双头螺栓端头 第3部分:金属 金属
Connections for general u and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal aling - Part 3: Stud ends with metal-to-metal aling (type B) (ISO 9974-3:1996)
prEN 10108-2000
冷成型螺母和螺栓用圆钢棒 尺寸和公差
Round steel rod for cold formed nuts and bolts - Dimensions and tolerances
prEN 14399-1-2002
预加载高强度结构螺栓 第1部分:一般要求
High-strength structural bolting for preloading - Part 1: General requirements
prEN 14399-2-2002
预加载高强度结构螺栓 第2部分:预加载适用性试验
High-strength structural bolting for preloading - Part 2: Suitability test for preloading
prEN 14399-3-2002
预加载高强度结构螺栓 第3部分:HR系统 六角螺栓和螺母装配件
High-strength structural bolting for preloading - Part 3: System HR; Hexagon bolt and nut asmblies
prEN 14399-4-2002
预加载高强度结构螺钉 第4部分:HV系统 六角螺栓和螺母的装配件
High-strength structural bolting for preloading - Part 4: System HV; Hexagon bolt and nut asmblies
prEN 14420-3-2002
带夹具的软管配件 第3部分:销式或螺栓式夹具
Ho fittings with clamp units - Part 3: Clamp units, pinned or bolted
prEN 2549-1999
航空航天系列 润滑电镀钛合金制的短螺纹精密配合公差标定柄标定六角头螺栓 等级:大气压为1100 MPa/(环
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, MoS<(Index)2> lubricated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 2859-1999
航空航天系列 镀镉合金钢标准六角头紧公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100MPa(环境温度)/235
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in alloy steel, cadmium plated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235
prEN 2888-1999
航空航天系列 钝化耐腐蚀钢普通六角头紧公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:600MPa (环境温度)/425
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coar tolerance normal shank, short thread, in corrosion resisting steel, passivated - Classification: 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
prEN 2889-1999
航空航天系列 镀镉合金钢标准六角头紧公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:900 MPa(环境温度)235
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coar tolerance normal shank, short thread, in alloy steel, cadmium plated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235
prEN 3052-1999
航空航天系列 钝化耐热及耐腐蚀钢标准六角头紧公差普通杆短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100MPa(环境温度)/425
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in heat and corrosion resisting steel, passivated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
prEN 3757-1998
航空航天系列 MoS2润滑耐热钢、自锁浮动自对中双耳系紧螺栓螺母 等级: 900 MPa(环境温度)/315 
Aerospace ries - Nuts, anchor, lf-locking, floating, lf-aligning, two lug, in heat resisting steel, MoS<(Index)2> lubricated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 3820-1999
航空航天系列 阳极氧化MoS2润滑的钛合金、 标准六角头松公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100 MPa(环境温度
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coar tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, MoS<(Index)2> lubricated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4071-1999
航空航天系列 铝 IVD涂层钛合金标准六角头紧公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100 MPa(环境温度) /425
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, aluminium IVD coated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
prEN 4127-1999
航空航天系列 钛合金铝 IVD涂层、标准六角头松公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (环境温度)/425
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coar tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, aluminium IVDcoated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
prEN 4128-1999
航空航天系列 耐热镍基合金铝 IVD涂层、标准六角边头松公差普通柄短螺纹螺栓 等级:1250 MPa (环境温度)/
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coar tolerance normal shank, short thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy, aluminium IVD coated - Classification: 1250 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
prEN 4172-1999
航空航天系列 阳极氧化耐钛合金TI-P64001制突出头剪式紧公差锁紧螺栓 米制 等级::1100 MPa (环境温度)
Aerospace ries - Lockbolts, protruding head, sheartype, clo tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, anodized, metric ries - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4173-1999
航空航天系列 阳极氧化耐钛合金TI-P64001、100°埋头孔普通头剪式紧公差锁紧螺栓 米制 等级::1100 MPa
Aerospace ries - Lockbolts, 100?countersunk normal head, sheartype, clo tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, anodized, metric ries - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4176-1999
航空航天系列 阳极氧化或有铝色涂层钛合金TI-P64001、100°埋头标准头或突出头的张力剪式紧公差锁紧螺栓、
Aerospace ries - Lockbolts, 100?countersunk normal head or protruding head, tension-sheartype, clo tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, anodized or with aluminium pigmented coating - Collars in titanium TI-P99002 or aluminium alloy 2024 - Metric
prEN 4312-1999
航空航天系列 带铝色涂层制 耐热和耐腐蚀钢、松公差异径柄中等长度螺纹的双头螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (常温
Aerospace ries - Studs, coar tolerance reduced shank, medium length threads, in heat and corrosion resisting steel, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4401-1999
航空航天系列 米制有铝色涂层钛合金TI-P64001紧公差剪式突头锁紧螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (常温)/315
Aerospace ries - Lockbolts, protruding head, sheartype, clo tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric ries - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4402-1999
航空航天系列 米制有铝色涂层钛合金TI-P64001紧公差剪式100度埋头标准头锁紧螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (常温)/
Aerospace ries - Lockbolts, 100?countersunk normal head, sheartype, clo tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric ries - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4407-1997
航空航天系列 有IVD铝涂层的钛合金全螺纹头标准六角螺栓 等级:1100 MPa(常温)/315度
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, threaded to head, in titanium alloy, aluminium IVD coated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425
prEN 4421-2000
航空航天系列 带有耐腐钢齿形锁紧环的涂MoS2,TI-P64001钛合金双头螺栓 强度等级:1100 MPa(环境温度下)
Aerospace ries - Studs, in titanum alloy TI-P64001, MoS<(Index)2> coated, with rrated locking ring, in corrosion resisting steel - Strength class: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)
prEN 4458-2000
航空航天系列 带有耐腐钢齿形锁紧环的涂MoS2TI-P64001钛合金、MJ螺纹双头螺栓 强度等级:1100 MPa(环境温
Aerospace ries - Studs, MJ threads, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, MoS<(Index)2> coated, with rrated locking ring in corrosion resisting steel - Strength class: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature); Technical specification
prEN 4459-2000
航空航天系列 带有耐腐钢齿形锁紧环的TI-P64001钛合金双头螺栓 设计标准
Aerospace ries - Studs, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with rrated locking ring in corrosion resisting steel - Design standard
prEN 4460-2000
航空航天系列 带有耐腐钢齿形锁紧环的TI-P64001钛合金双头螺栓 安装和拆卸程序
Aerospace ries - Studs, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with rrated locking ring in corrosion resisting steel - Installation and removal procedure
prEN 4495-1999
航空航天系列 铝涂层阳极氧化钛合金紧公差标准体短螺纹 标准六角头螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (环境温度下)/31
Aerospace ries - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4498-1999
航空航天系列 铝涂层钝化耐热镍基合金紧公差标准体中长螺纹大双头六角头螺栓 等级:1550 MPa (环境温度下
Aerospace ries - Bolts, large bihexagonal head, clo tolerance normal shank, medium length thread, in heat resisting nickel ba alloy, passivated, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4501-1999
航空航天系列 铝涂层阳极氧化钛合金紧公差标准体短螺纹带肩薄六角头螺栓 等级:1100 MPa (环境温度下)/31
Aerospace ries - Bolts, shouldered, thin hexagonal head, clo tolerance shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315
prEN 4506-1999
航空航天系列 规定条件下螺栓和螺帽间摩擦系数的测定
Aerospace ries - Determination of coefficients of friction of bolts and nuts under specified conditions
prEN 6110-2000
航空航天系列 不锈钢100 平头盲螺栓
Aerospace ries - Bolts, blind, 100?flush head, stainless steel
prEN 780-1992
宽平头高强度结构螺栓用六角螺母 产品等级B 性能级别8和10
Hexagon nuts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats; product grade B; property class 8 and 10
prEN 781-1992
宽平头高强度结构螺栓用六角螺母(螺纹长度遵照ISO 888) 产品等级C 性能级别8.8和10.9
Hexagon bolts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats (thread lengths according to ISO 888); product grade C; property class 8.8 and 10.9
prEN 782-1992
宽平头高强度结构螺栓用六角螺母(短螺纹长度) 产品等级C 性能级别10.9
Hexagon bolts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats (short thread length); product grade C; property class 10.9
prEN 783-1992
宽平头结构螺栓用六角螺母 类型1 产品等级B 性能级别10
Hexagon nuts for structural bolting with large width across flats, style 1; product grade B; property class 10
prEN 784-1995
Plain washers for high-strength structural bolting, hardened and tempered
prEN 785-1995
Plain washers, chamfered, hardened and tempered for high-strength structural bolting
prEN ISO 10434-2002
Bolted bonnet steel gate valves for petroleum and natural gas industries (ISO/DIS 10434:2002)

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