Training Cour
English Vocabularies in Common U for Railway Engineering
Prepared by Dr. Li WU
Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences
July, 2010
abandoned blasting; abandonment blasting
abandoned project; abandoned construction work
abutment 桥台
abutment body 台身
abutment coping 台帽
abutment with cantilevered retaining wall 耳墙式桥台
acceptance following construction; follow-up acceptance 随工验收
acceptance of engineering quality 工程质量验收
accident report 事故报告
actual length of turnout 道岔实际长度
actual point of frog 辙 叉心轨尖端
actual point of switch rail 尖轨尖端
additional stake; plus stake 加桩
adhesion coefficient 粘着系数
adhesive joint 胶接接头
adjusted sum of approximate estimate 调整总概算
adjusting of cross level 整正水平
adjusting of rail gaps; evenly distributing joint gaps
调整轨缝; 均匀轨缝
adobe blasting; contact blasting 裸露腰包爆破
advance anchor bolt 超前锚杆
advance heading 超前导坑
advance support 超前支护
aerial ropeway 空中索道
aerial surveying alignment 航测选线
agreement of international through traffic 国际联运协定
air curtain method for sinking caisson 空气幕沉井法
air hammer drill; rock drill 凿岩机
air pick; pneumatic pick 风镐
algebraic difference between adjacent gradients 坡度差
all welded steel bridge 全焊钢桥
allowable scour 容许冲刷
allowable stress design method 容许应力设计法
alloy steel rail 合金轨
alloy steels rail 合金钢轨
altered design 变更设计
alternate joint; staggered joint; broken joint
相错式接头; 相互式接头
amended sum of approximate estimate; revid general estimate 修正总概算
anchor bolt support 锚杆支护
anchor bolt 锚杆
anchor plate 锚定板
anchor slab abutment 锚定板式桥台
anchor span 锚跨; 锚孔
anchorage 锚碇
anchored bolt retaining wall; anchored retaining wall by tie rods 锚杆挡墙
anchored retaining wall by tie rods; anchored bulkhead retaining wall; anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙
anchor-ction lining 下锚段衬砌; 接触网锚段衬砌
anti splitting device 木枕防裂装置
anti-creep strut 防爬支撑
anti-creeper; rail anchor 防爬器
anticreeper; anti-creeper; rail anchor 防爬器
antiskid pile; anti-slide pile; counter-sliding pile 抗滑桩
antiskid shoe 防滑鞋
anti-skid-type open cut tunnel; anti-skid-type tunnel without cover; anti-skid-type gallery 抗滑明洞
anti-slide pile; counter-sliding pile 抗滑桩
anti-vibration track 防振轨道
aperture of culvert 涵洞孔径
approach spans 引桥
approximate estimate of design; budgetary estimate of design 设计概算
aproned fish plate; fish plate with apron 带裙鱼尾板
arch 拱圈
arch bridge 拱桥
arch crown 拱顶
arch culvert 拱涵
arch first lining method; flying arch method
arch open cut tunnel; arch tunnel without cover; arch gallery 拱形明洞
arch rib 拱肋
arch ring 拱圈
asbestos ballast 石棉道床
asphalt cemented ballast bed 沥青道床
asmbly pier; pier constructed with precast units
asmbly type girder-erecting machine 组拼式架桥机
asymmetrical rail head profile grinding 轨头非对称断面打磨
attached type vibrator for concrete; attached type vibrator 附着式混凝土振捣器
auger injected pile 螺旋喷射桩
automation of synthetic operations at freight station
automation of synthetic operations in marshalling yard 编组场综合作业自动化
automation of traffic control 行车指挥自动化
automobile crane; autocrane; truck crane
autostress rating 自动力矩检定
auxiliary deflection angle 分转向角
auxiliary facilities 辅助设施
auxiliary girder for controlling angle change
auxiliary interction point 副交点
axial flow pump 轴流水泵
axle load 轴重
axle load limited 限制轴重
backhoe 反铲挖土机
backwater height in front of bridge; top water level in front of bridge 桥前壅水高度
balance weight retaining wall; gravity retaining wall with relieving platform; balanced type retaining wall 衡重式挡土墙
balanced grade 均衡坡度
balancing speed 均衡速度
ballast 道碴
ballast bed 道床
ballast bed 碎石道床
ballast box 道碴箱
ballast cleaning 清筛道床
ballast cleaning machine 道碴清筛机械
ballast cleaning machine with removed track panels 大揭盖清筛机
ballast coefficient; ballast modulus 道床系数
ballast consolidating machine 夯实机械
ballast cover 道床覆盖
ballast distributing and regulating machine
ballast grading 道碴级配
ballast layer 道碴层; 道碴床
ballast machine 道碴机械
ballast nest 道碴巢
ballast plow 道碴犁
ballast pocket 道碴袋
ballast ramming ; ballast consolidating 夯实道床
ballast recollecting machine 收碴机
ballast resistance 道床阻力