
更新时间:2023-05-08 12:40:08 阅读: 评论:0

RMJM建筑设计集团RMJM Architects
2007年6月19日,全球最大的建筑事务所之一 RMJM 与美国最大的建筑设计公司之一 Hillier 宣布合并,成立拥有空前精湛技术人才和全球影响力的综合实体。这可谓建筑设计行业一次具有里程碑意义的盛事。合并后的公司可打造出一个超级工作室,完全有能力为全球各地提供全盘的建筑解决方案,该公司在北美、欧洲、亚洲和中东的15个城市设有办事处,拥有约1200名设计专业人员,目前有建造价值超过150亿美元的建筑项目正处于设计中。RMJM相信“比建筑更多”的设计方法,一种涵盖规划、工程技术、艺术、可持续城市景观设计的合作。
RMJM一直关注设计过程中的连通性。这种连通性,体现在:建筑、工程和艺术间的连通,建筑和环保间的连通,以及我们和合作者间的连通。RMJM 在以设计为主导的工作中将人与场地,背景和文化相联通,从而创造出能有助于提高生活质量的充满生命力的现代建筑。对于RMJM的设计师来说,建筑与音乐享有共同的和谐美学论:任何一个消音都会影响整个乐章的和谐。这就是为什么较之结果本生,我们更关注过程。场所,基地,房间,设备系统, 以及设计本身都是过程中缺一不可的组成部分。在这一理念下,我们在工作创造出丰富的多样性。同时,无论我们是进行总平面的规划还是设计一个简单的居住单元,我们都在整个过程中全情投入。
投身高科技和管理咨询行业。为了努力改善这种趋势,RMJM最近向美国哈佛大学捐赠150万美元成立旨在帮助进行关于综合设计实践的研究和教学的课程,旨在通过展示如何实现建筑的管理理论、技术知识与设计方法相结合的多种途径,培养学生们控制美学考量和其他基本要素之间的平衡的能力,鼓励更多的毕业生投身到建筑实践中。这种成熟完善的设计手段能让建筑师通过结合建造过程中从商业、经济到环境、能源方面的诸多考量,取得瞩目的行业业绩。RMJM首席执行官Peter Morrison 说:“这个课程将为建筑行业开创新纪元的曙光。“我们相信明日的设计领导者在商业、经济方面展现的成熟老练能与他们在建筑上的才华相媲美。”从左到右Conor Pittman - Director (Edinburgh),Chris Jones - Director (Urban Studio, New York),Gordon Hood - Director (Global Education Studio, Princeton),Paul Rodgers - Director (Edinburgh),Adrian Boot - International Principal (Edinburgh),Grant Blindell - Director (Edinburgh) O n 19 J u n e 07,a s a m i l e s to n e e v e nt f o r
the architectural design industry, RMJM, one of
the world's largest architectural practices, and
Hillier, one of the largest architectural design
firms in the U.S., announced plans to merge their
U.S. operations, creating a combined entity with
unprecedented depth of talent and global reach.
The merged firm creates a super-studio positioned
to deliver holistic architectural solutions anywhere
in the world, with offices in 16 cities across North
A m e r i c a, E u r o p e, As i a a n d t h e M i d d l e E a s t,
approximately 1,200 design professionals and more
than $15 billion in construction value of buildings
currently under design. RMJM believes in a 'more
tha n a rch ite c ture' a p proa ch: a co l l a b ora tion
encompassing planning, engine ering, ar t and
sustainable urban and landscape design.
R M J M h a s a l w a y s b e e n c o n c e r n e d w i t h
conn e c t i v i t y i n d e s i g n pro ce ss. Conn e c t i ons
b e t w e e n a r
c h i t e c t u r e, e n g i n e e r i n g a n
d a r t.
Connections b etween the built and the green
environment. And the connections forged between
the people we work with. RMJM’s design-led work
connects people and places, context and culture to
create dynamic modern architecture that enhances
our daily lives.To RMJM’s designers, architecture
has th e sa me lang ua g e as musi c:a rhythmi c
aesthetic in which every off note detracts from the
harmony of the whole piece. That’s why we focus
on the process rather than the product. The place,
the site, the rooms, the machines and systems,
the design itlf are all esntial in the process.
In this way, we create rich diversity of work and
whether we’re master planning a whole new city
or designing a simple box for living, we imbue that
process with passion.
D espite the current b uil ding boom, many
recent graduates from architecture and engineering
schools are choosing to pursue more lucrative
careers in high-tech and management consulting,
rather than building and design. As part of an
effort to address it, a recent $1.5 million gift from
RMJM to Har vard’s Graduate S chool of D esign
wi l l su p por t Th e R MJM Progra m for R e s ea rch
and Education in Integrated Design Practice. The
program aims to encourage more graduates to
practice architecture by showing them ways to
integrate management principles and technological
savvy with their design skills so they can balance
aesthetic concerns with the bottom line. This well-
rounded skill t will enable architects to excel
in business by incorporating an understanding
of all aspects of the construction process, from
commercial and economic drivers to environmental
and energy considerations.  “This program is about
initiating the dawn of a new era for the architectural
pro fe ssion,” sa i d R MJM Chi e f Exe cutive Pe te r
Morrison. “We passionately believe that tomorrow’
s d esign l ea d ers wil l b e as equa l ly a d e pt and
sophisticated commercially and economically as
they are architecturally.”■

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标签:设计   建筑   过程   行业   建筑设计   实践   建造
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