Behavioral Interview
for Management Candidates
This Interview Guide is intended for the comprehensive interviews that are part of P&G's Success Drivers Selection System for lecting Management new hires. More detailed instructions and guidelines are provided in The Best Practices in Selection Interviewing reference guide available from your HR or Talent Supply department.
P&G’s standard for interviewing includes:
∙a minimum of THREE judgments for each candidate on all Success Drivers;
∙two pieces of evidence for each Success Driver; and
∙a judgment regarding Fit with PVP.
For Screening Interviews, at least one Success Driver per Power is evaluated and ud to reprent the Power score.
Preparing for the Interview
∙Allot sufficient time for the interview.
∙Review the Success Drivers model and the rating scales for each Success Driver.
∙Review the candidate's application and background information.
∙Select or develop lead and probing questions bad on background information and Suc
cess Drivers.
∙Note questions and background information on Gathering Evidence page of this form.
Conducting the Interview
If conducting a panel interview, decide which interviewer will have the lead role.
Interview flow (responsibility of the Lead Interviewer if conducting a panel interview)
∙Opening: Welcome, Introductions, “Small talk”
∙Agenda: Explain the purpo and flow of the interview and role of the other interviewers.
∙Getting Information (Resume/CV): Probe more deeply into background information.
∙Getting Information (Success Drivers): Probe each Success Driver rotating questions among the Power areas.
∙Giving Information (Candidate Q&As): Conclude the gathering evidence portion of the in
terview; ask the candidates if he/she has any questions.
∙Next Steps (Closing): Outline next steps; thank the candidate; escort candidate to next event on schedule.
Evaluating the Interview
∙Immediately following the interview, review the evidence collected.
∙U the Rating Scale to make a rating for each Success Driver.
∙Record the rating and sum ratings within each Power area.
∙Sum across all Powers and convert total score a band score.
∙Make judgment of PVP fit and record evidence on summary page.
∙Check results against the guidelines for an offer and provide a hiring recommendation.
The Decision Meeting
∙The Lead Offering Interviewer convenes the meeting of interviewers.
∙Share the conclusion of each interviewer.
∙If all interviewers say “Yes,” each interviewer should still share any concerns.
∙If all interviewers say “No,” each interviewer quickly summarizes his/her point of view on the candidate, just to clarify/calibrate.