总司令 Commander-in-chief
总编辑 Editor-in-chief
总参谋长 chief of General Staff
总工程师 Chief Engineer
总会计师 Chief Account
总建筑师 Chief Architect
总裁判 Chief Referee
图书馆馆长 Chief Librarian
主任秘书 chief cretary
主治医师 chief/ attending doctor
首席法官 Chief Judge
检察长 Chief Procurator procuratorate 检察院 The Supreme Procuratorate of PRC
总裁/首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer 首席财务官 Chief Financial Officer
首席记者 Chief Correspondent
首席谈判代表 Chief Negotiator 入世首席谈判代表: Chief Negotiator of China’s WTO Entry Negotiation 龙永图
部:ministry 司厅:department 局:bureau处:division 科:ction
司厅/局/处/科长 Chief / head / director of the Department / Bureau / Division / Section
县/区/乡/镇长 County / District/ Township乡 / Town镇 Chief / Head
2) 用general表示的职衔
总书记 General Secretary of Communist Party
检察长 Procurator-general
审计长 Auditor-general
秘书长 Secretary-general
总领事 Consul['kɔnsəl]-general 领事馆:consulate [ˈkɔnsjulit] 大使:ambassador 大使馆:embassy
总经理 General Manager; managing director
总教练 Head coach
总厨 Head Chef
护士长 Head nur
村长 Village Head
列车长 Head of a train crew
4) 用president表示的职衔
国家主席 President
中国科学院院长 President of the Chine Academy of Science
最高人民法院院长 President of the Supreme People’s Court
(大学)校长 President (中小学校长 principal; headmaster)
中国人民银行行长 President / Governor(州长; 主管; 总督; 董事) of the Chine People’s Bank 周小川
协会/学会/理事会会长 President of an association / society / council
Consul['kɔnsəl]领事 / counl[ˈkaunsl]劝告,忠告, counlor['kaʊnslə]顾问,律师,辅导员 / council[ˈkaunsl]理事会, 委员会, 商议
人大常委会委员长 NPC(National People's Congress) Chairman
政治协商会议主席 CPPCC(Chine People's Political Consultative Conference)Chairman
中央主席 Chairman of the Central Military Commission
政党主席 Chairman of a political party
公司董事长 Chairman of the Board of Directors
大学系主任 Chairman/Dean/Head of a department
6) 用director表示的职衔
主任 Director / Director-General
总政治部主任 Director of the General Political Department
办公厅主任 Director of the General Office
亚洲司司长 Director of the Department of Asian Affairs
总干事 Director-General
人民日报社社长 Director of the People's Daily
编译局局长 Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau
研究所所长 Director of a rearch institute
博物馆馆长 Director of a muum
7) 用Commissioner表示的职衔
行/公署专员 commissioner
自治州州长 commissioner
公安局局长 Police Commissioner
8) 用nior表示的职衔
高级工程师 Senior Engineer
高级编辑 Senior Editor
高级讲师 Senior Lecturer
9) 用executive表示的职衔
执行主席 executive chairman 代理:acting
执行秘书 executive cretary
10) 用nior表示的职衔
高级编辑nior editor
高级工程师nior engineer
资深翻译nior translator
11) 其他
总理 Premier; Prime Minister
国务委员 State Councilor 国务院:State Council
部长 Minister
省长 Provincial Governor
顾问 Advisor
特使 envoy / special envoy ['envɔi]
特级教师nior teacher of special grade
特派记者accredited correspondent
特约编辑contributing editor
2 副职头衔翻译法
1)与前缀vice搭配的头衔(president, premier, chairman, minister, governor...)
副主席 Vice Chairman
副总理 Vice Premier
副部长 Vice Minster
副领事 Vice Consul
副省长 Vice Governor
副校长 Vice Principal
2) Deputy搭配的职衔 (chief, head, mayor, director, )
副市长 Deputy/Vice Mayor
副书记 Deputy Secretary
副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-general
副检察长 Deputy Chief Procurator
副参谋长 Deputy Chief of Staff
副处/科长 Deputy Division / Section Chief
副教授 Associate Professor
副研究员 Associate Rearch Fellow
副主任医师 Associate Senior Doctor
4) 与assistant搭配的职衔
副总经理 assistant/deputy general manager
大堂副经理 assistant manager
助理工程师 assistant engineer
助理教授 assistant professor
3 “兼”“代理”“名誉”的翻译方法
1)“兼”的翻译方法:在主职和兼职之间加上and concurrently (兼;同时发生地;一致地)
上海市委书记兼市长 Party Secretary and concurrently Mayor of Shanghai
代主席 Acting President
代市长 Acting Mayor
3)“名誉”有时用honorary,有时用emeritus (荣誉退休的)
名誉主席 Honorary Chairman
名誉校长 Emeritus President