英汉海洋科学名词abiological removal ⾮⽣物转移
abiotic zone ⽆⽣命带
abrasion platform 海蚀台地
absolute salinity 绝对盐度
abundance 丰度
abyssal circulation 深渊环流
abyssal clay 深海粘⼟
abyssal fauna 深渊动物
abyssal hill 深海丘陵
abyssal plain 深海平原
abyssal zone 深渊带
abyssopelagic organism ⼤洋深渊⽔层⽣物abyssopelagic plankton 深渊浮游⽣物abyssopelagic zone 深渊层
accessory mark 副轮
accretionary prism 增⽣楔
accumulation 堆积作⽤
acoustic remote nsing 声遥感
acoustical oceanography 声学海洋学
active continental margin 主动⼤陆边缘
aerial remote nsing obrvation 航空遥感观测African Plate ⾮洲板块
afternoon effect 午后效应
Agassiz trawl 阿⽒拖⽹
age composition 年龄组成
aggregated distribution 集聚分布
ahermatypic coral ⾮造礁珊瑚
air gun ⽓枪
air lifting ⽓举
air-born substances ⽓源物质
airborne infrared radiometer 机载红外辐射计
air-a boundary process 海-⽓边界过程
air-a interaction 海-⽓相互作⽤
air-a interface 海-⽓界⾯
air-tight ⽓密
albedo of a 海洋反照率
"algal chemistry, phycochemistry " 藻类化学
algal reef 藻礁
alkalinity 碱度
allochthonous population 外来种群
allopatry 异域分布
"alternating current, rectilinear current " 往复流ambient a noi 海洋环境噪声
amphi-boreal distribution 北⽅两洋分布amphidromic point ⽆潮点
"amphidromic system, amphidrome " 旋转潮波系统amphi-Pacific distribution 太平洋两岸分布anadromic fish 溯河鱼
anaerobic zone 厌氧带
anaerobiosis 厌氧⽣活
analytical chemistry of a water 海⽔分析化学"anchor ice, ground ice " 锚冰
anchorage area 锚泊地
anchored structure 锚泊结构
anomalous a level 异常⽔位
anoxic basin 缺氧海盆
anoxic event 缺氧事件
anoxic water 缺氧⽔
"Antarctic Bottom Water, AABW " 南极底层⽔
Antarctic Circumpolar Current 南极绕极流
Antarctic Circumpolar Water Mass 南极绕极⽔团
Antarctic Plate 南极洲板块
anthropogenic hydrocarbon ⼈源烃
anthropogenic input ⼈源输⼊
antifouling 防污着
aphotic zone ⽆光带
"apparent oxygen utilization, AOU " 表观耗氧量
aquaculture ⽔产养殖
aquaculture ⽔产栽培
aquafarm ⽔产养殖场
aquanaut work 潜⽔作业
aquaranch ⽔中牧场
aquatic community ⽔⽣群落
aquatic ecosystem ⽔⽣⽣态系
archipelago 群岛
Arctic Ocean 北冰洋
"Arctic Water, North Polar Water " 北极⽔
arc-trench-basin system 沟弧盆系
armor block 护⾯块体
armored diving 铠装潜⽔
artificial island ⼈⼯岛
artificial a water ⼈⼯海⽔
aismic ridge ⽆震海岭
asmblage 组合
assimilation efficiency 同化效率摄影与人体
assimilation number 同化数
association 群聚
astronomical tide 天⽂潮
"Atlantic Equatorial Un
dercurrent, Lomonosov Current " ⼤西洋⾚道潜流
Atlantic Ocean ⼤西洋
Atlantic-type coastline ⼤西洋型岸线
Atlantic-type continental margin ⼤西洋型⼤陆边缘atmospheric input ⼤⽓输⼊
atmospheric a salt ⼤⽓海盐
atmospheric transport ⼤⽓输送
atoll 环礁
auricularia larva ⽿状幼体
Australia-Antarctic Ri 澳⼤利亚-南极海隆
autecology 个体⽣态学
authigenic diment ⾃⽣沉积
autoinhibitory substance ⾃体抑制物质
autotroph ⾃养⽣物
auxotroph 营养缺陷⽣物
average heavy swell 中狂涌
average height of the heighest one-tenth wave 1/10 [⼤波平均]波⾼average height of the heighest one-third wave 1/3 [⼤波平均]波⾼average moderate swell 中中涌
axially symmetric marine gravimeter 轴对称式海洋重⼒仪azimuth correction ⽅位改正
back-arc 弧后
back-arc basin 弧后盆地古风漫画头像
back-arc spreading 弧后扩张
backshore 后滨
我深爱的那个人bacterial film 细菌膜
bacterial slime 细菌粘膜
bacterioneuston 漂游细菌
barbor boat 港作船
baroclinic ocean 斜压海洋产品管理
barophilic bacteria 喜压细菌
barotropic ocean 正压海洋
barrier 沙坝
barrier island 沙坝岛
barrier reef 堡礁
baline study 基线研究
batch culture ⼀次性培养
bathyal fauna 深海动物
bathyal zone 深海带
bathymetry ⽔深测量
bathypelagic organism ⼤洋深层⽣物bathypelagic plankton 深层浮游⽣物bathypelagic zone 深层
beach 海滩
beach berm 滩肩有趣的组名
beach cusp 滩⾓
beach cycle 海滩旋回
beach face 滩⾯
beach nourishment ⼈⼯育滩
beach profile 海滩剖⾯
beach ridge 滩脊
beach rock 海滩岩
beam trawl 桁拖⽹
bench 岩滩
Benioff zone 贝尼奥夫带
benthic community 底栖⽣物群落
benthic division 海底区
benthic-pelagic coupling 海底-⽔层耦合benthology 底栖⽣物学
benthos 底栖⽣物
berth 泊位
bioadhesion ⽣物粘着
bioassay ⽣物测试
"biochemical oxygen demand, BOD " ⽣化需氧量biodegradation ⽣物降解
biodeterioration ⽣物污染
bioerosion ⽣物侵蚀
biofacy ⽣物相
biofouling ⽣物污着
biogenic diment ⽣物沉积
biogenous hydrocarbon ⽣源烃
biogenous silica ⽣源硅⽯
biological detritus ⽣物碎屑
biological input ⽣物输⼊
biological noi ⽣物噪声
biological oceanography ⽣物海洋学biological purification ⽣物净化
biological removal ⽣物转移
biological scavenging ⽣物清除bioluminescence ⽣物发光
biomass ⽣物量
bionics 仿⽣学
biosphere ⽣物圈
biota ⽣物区系
biotope ⽣活⼩区
bioturbation ⽣物扰动
biozone ⽣物带
bipinnaria larva ⽻腕幼体
bipolarity 两极同源
bird-foot delta 鸟⾜[形]三⾓洲
Bohai Coastal Current 渤海沿岸流
Bohai Sea 渤海
boomerang diment corer ⾃返式沉积物取芯器
borate alkalinity 硼酸[盐]碱度
"borer, bor
ing organism " 钻孔⽣物
bottom current 底层流
bottom friction layer 底摩擦层
bottom grab 表层取样器
bottom reflection 海底声反射
bottom reverberation 海底混响
bottom scattering 海底散射
bottom water 底层⽔
bottom wave 底波
bottom-supported platform 坐底式平台
boundary flux 界⾯通量
box corer 箱式取样器
box model 箱式模型
brackish water species 半咸⽔种
brash ice 碎冰
"breaker, surf " 碎波
breakwater 防波堤
brine 卤⽔
"brown clay, red clay " 褐粘⼟
bubble effect ⽓泡效应
buoyant mat 浮⼒沉垫
burrowing organism ⽳居⽣物
caballing [混合]增密
caisson 沉箱
calcareous ooze 钙质软泥
"calcite compensation depth, CCD " ⽅解⽯补偿深度
calcite dissolution index ⽅解⽯溶解指数
calm a ⽆浪
capillary wave ⽑细波
carbon assimilation 碳同化作⽤
carbon cycle 碳循环
carbon dioxide system in a water 海⽔⼆氧化碳系统carbonate alkalinity 碳酸[盐]碱度
"carbonate critical depth, CCRD " 碳酸盐极限深度
carbonate cycle 碳酸盐旋回
carbonate system in a water 海⽔碳酸盐系统
carcinology 甲壳动物学
carnivore ⾷⾁动物
catastrophe 灾变
catch 渔获量
catchability coefficient 可捕系数
cathodic protection 阴极防护
cellar connection 井⼝装置
Central Indian Ridge 印度洋中脊
central rift 中央裂⾕
central water 中央⽔
chain of volcanoes ⽕⼭链
"Changjiang Diluted Water, Changjiang River Plume " 长江冲淡⽔characteristic species 特征种
chemical diagenesis 化学成岩作⽤
chemical form 化学形态
chemical oceanography 化学海洋学
"chemical oxygen demand, COD " 化学需氧量
chemical scavenging 化学清除
chemical speciation 化学形态分析
chemical speciation models 化学形态模型
chemical species 化学形式
chemical weathering 化学风化作⽤
chemo-autotroph 化能⾃养⽣物
chemostatic culture 恒化培养
"chemotaxis, chemotaxy " 趋化性
chemotrophy 化能营养
"China Classification Society, ZC " 中国船级社chlorinity 氯度
chlorinity ratio 氯度⽐值
chlorosity 氯量
chronostratigraphy 年代地层学
ciguatoxic fish 西加毒鱼类
circumpacific volcanic belt 环太平洋⽕⼭带
clay 粘⼟
"clod ason, prohibited ason " 禁渔期
cnoidal wave 椭圆余弦波
coast of emergence 上升海岸
coast of submergence 下沉海岸
"coastal current, littoral current " 沿岸流
coastal dune 海岸沙丘
coastal engineering 海岸⼯程
coastal terrace 海岸阶地
coastal water 沿岸⽔
coastal zone 海岸带
coastline 海岸线
coastline effect 海岸效应
coccolith ooze 颗⽯软泥
cofferdam 围堰
cold current 寒流
cold eddy 冷涡
cold water species 冷⽔种
cold water sphere 冷⽔圈
cold water tongue 冷⽔⾆
collision zone 碰撞带
commensalism 共栖
ism 偏利共⽣
common species 习见种
community 群落
community ecology 群落⽣态学
compensation current 补偿流
compensation depth 补偿深度
compliant structure 顺应式结构
composite breakwater 混合式防波堤
compound shoreline 复合滨线
compound tide 复合潮
conchology 贝类学
"conductivity-temperature-depth system, CTD " 温盐深仪confud a 暴涛
confud swell 暴涌
conrvative constituents of a water 海⽔保守成分constancy of composition of a water 海⽔成分恒定性constituent day 分潮⽇
constituent hour 分潮时
constructive boundary 建设性板块边界
consumer 消费者
continental accretion ⼤陆增⽣
continental drift ⼤陆漂移
continental margin ⼤陆边缘
continental ri ⼤陆隆
continental shelf ⼤陆架
continental shelf break ⼤陆架坡折
continental slope ⼤陆坡
continental terrace ⼤陆阶地