There were many Buddhist monasteries in Jiangxi in the Song Dynasty. Buddhist monasteries are spre
ad all over Jiangxi. There are Buddhist monasteries from the county to the countryside. The number of Buddhist temples in the north is more than that in the south. Buddhist temples are more concentrated around Poyang Lake and Lushan Mountain.The distribution of Buddhist monasteries is cloly related to factors such as economic, cultural, topography and transportation.Buddhist monasteries are mostly located in economically developed, populous, scenic mountains or major roads.The economic development and growing population of Jiangxi in the Song Dynasty provided the foundation for the spread of Buddhism and the construction of temples, which was an important factor for the overall number of buddhist temples in Jiangxi. Meanwhile, the terrain of Jiangxi was mainly hills and mountains, which provided natural conditions for the site lection of Buddhist temples. The interaction between Buddhism and local society in Jiangxi region in the Song Dynasty, mainly embodied in the construction of the temple and its sources of funds, the Buddhist faith, to attract the local people and followers of Buddhist activities participation, local officials and scholars who's attitude towards Buddhism, Buddhism's influence on the local social customs and the conflict with local society, etc.In the process of the development of local society, Buddhism will have an impact on the ethos of local society and lead the local people to do good deeds and accumulate virtues, but it will also lead to the condemnation of scholar-officials, or conflict with the local society, resulting in the encroachment of monasteries and the suspicion of buddhist karma.Buddhism's thoug
hts of pursing all ntient beings and the concept of blessing and recompen are important driving forces for monks to participate in local public welfare undertakings.Buddhism is widely spread in Jiangxi with a large number of followers. Monks have a unique advantage in raising funds and have enough time to devote to public welfare.The public welfare undertakings participated by Buddhist monks in Jiangxi in the Song Dynasty mainly included the
construction and maintenance of bridges and water conrvancy facilities, the function of accommodation of Buddhist temples, and the relief and medical treatment.
Key words: the Song Dynasty;Jiangxi;Buddhism;Temple;Local society
目 录
摘 要 ..................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................II 绪 论 (1)
一、选题缘由及意义 (1)
二、学术前史 (3)
三、材料方法与研究重难点 (6)
四、篇章结构 (7)
第一章 名山水域多佛地——宋代江西地区佛教寺院的空间分布 (8)过期的爱情
第一节 宋代江西寺院分布统计分析 (8)
如何学习编程第二节 影响寺院分布的因素 (12)
绿色的英语怎么读本章小结 (14)
第二章 兴崇梵刹与流通大教——宋人文集所见江西寺院 (15)
第一节 宋代江西佛教寺院碑记、塔铭统计简析 (15)
第二节 寺院的建造与重修 (19)
一、江州 (19)
二、南康军 (20)
三、洪州(隆兴府) (23)
四、抚州 (25)
五、建昌军 (27)
六、转轮经藏的建造 (29)
第三节 佛教与社会风气的变化 (30)
本章小结 (32)
第三章 当愿众生——宋代江西地区的佛教与地方公益事业 (34)
第一节 桥梁、道路与水利设施的兴建和维修 (34)
第二节 寺院的旅宿功能 (37)
第三节 寺院的救济与医疗 (39)
本章小结 (40)
结 语 (42)
附 表 (44)
参考文献 (105)