rotary-table drilling 回转钻进
abrasive drilling磨钻
auger drilling螺旋钻孔
centre drilling中心钻削, 中心钻孔
churn drilling冲钻, 舂钻
countersunk drilling沉头钻
cross drilling横向钻孔
cutting drilling切削钻
development drilling开拓钻孔
diamond drilling(用)金刚石(钻头)钻孔
directional drilling定向钻孔
double-row drilling双条播种, 双行播种
dry drilling干钻孔
electric drilling电钻孔
electron-beam drilling电子束钻孔
electro-stream drilling电引流钻孔
fan drilling扇形钻孔
foam drilling泡沫集尘钻眼法
fusion drilling熔化钻眼法
gun drilling深钻孔
hollow-rod drilling空心钻杆钻进
horadiam drilling水平辐射状钻孔
horizontal drilling水平钻孔; 水平钻法
hydraulic drilling泥浆冲洗钻进; 湿法打眼, 湿法凿岩
inclined drilling倾斜钻井
jump drilling撞钻
ladder drilling梯式钻眼法
lar(hole) drilling激光打孔
line drilling排钻采石法
mechanical drilling机械钻眼
Mohole drilling超深钻井
narrow-row drilling窄行播种
中队长竞选off-angle drilling钻斜孔法
offt drilling内插钻井
offshore drilling海上钻井
percussion drilling冲击钻
permafrost drilling永冻土钻孔
pneumatic drilling压气钻孔, 风动钻孔
postshot drilling爆后钻探
precision drilling精密钻孔
primary drilling初步打眼
radial drilling辐射状钻孔
rever circulation drilling反循环钻进, 钻进反循环
rotary blasthole drilling旋转式炮眼钻进(法)
shaft drilling【采矿】钻粒钻机钻井
single-hand drilling单手打眼
smooth drilling平稳钻眼
solid drilling实心钻法
sonic drilling声频钻削
step drilling(深孔)分段钻削
step-by-step drilling逐步钻法
surface drilling地面钻孔
tail drilling推拉调车法
test drilling钻屑试样
test-hole drilling试孔钻探
toe-to-toe drilling竖直大炮眼钻孔
ultrasonic drilling超声钻法
电影英语upward drilling(池窑耐火材料的)向上钻孔侵蚀
vibration drilling振动钻眼
wet drilling湿式凿岩
wildcat drilling盲目钻探
(Impregnated diamond bit)孕镶金刚石钻头
(Surface-t diamond bit)表镶金刚石钻头
Obliquity [ ]n.倾斜度
azimuth angle 方位角
azimuth [ ]
altitude azimuth高度方位角
apparent azimuth近似方位(由声音判别所得的空中目标的方位); 视方位角
astronomical azimuth天文方位角
back azimuth反方位角, 后向角(增或减180°)
celestial body azimuth天体方位
coar azimuth(高炮)概略方位角
compass azimuth罗盘方位角
computed firing azimuth(高炮)提前方位角
control azimuth控制方位, 控制地平经度
corrected azimuth修正方位角
dead reckoning azimuth推测方位(角线)
firing azimuth射击方位角
forward azimuth前方位角
future azimuth提前方位角
geodetic azimuth大地方位角
geographical azimuth地理方位角
grid azimuth平面方位角
gyro azimuth陀螺方位角
head azimuth磁头方位角
head gap azimuth磁头间隙方位角
instrumental azimuth仪器方位角
instantaneous azimuth瞬时方位角
launch azimuth发射方位(角)
magnetic azimuth磁方位
optical azimuth光学仪器测定的方位角
prent azimuth当时方位
prent target azimuth(高炮)目标现在方位角, 发射瞬间目标方位角
principal azimuth主方位角
reference azimuth基准[参考, 原始]方位(角)
远的笔顺怎么写relative azimuth相对方位
rever azimuth反方位角
safe azimuth安全方位角
spherical azimuth球面方位角
spheroidal azimuth椭球面方位角
star azimuth天体方位角
tabulated azimuth表列方位
target azimuth目标方位
time-and-altitude azimuth时间与高度方位
true north azimuth真北方位角
wind azimuth风向方位角
zero-mils azimuth零密位方位角尼克服
azimuth at prent position(高炮)现在位置方位角, 发射瞬间目标(所在位置)方位角
azimuth from which the wind blows风向方位角
azimuth (of) director from the gun基线[观炮]方位角(指挥仪与发射阵地中心之间构成方位角)
azimuth of heavenly bodies天体方位角
azimuths of the sun太阳方位角
azimuth to intercept截击点方位角
定向斜井:directional drilling
陆地钻井:on-land drilling
钻头:drill bit
刮刀钻头:drag bit
牙轮钻头:rock bit
金刚石钻头:diamond bit
喷射钻头:jet bit
钻铤:drill collar
钻杆:drill pipe
钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team
钻机:drill rig
钻井泥浆:drilling mud
钻井液:drilling fluid 交通黑板报
钻井设备:drilling equipment
2. 油、石油:oil
原油:crude oil
采油:oil production
采油设备:oil production equipment
采油平台:oil production platform
油泵:oil pump
地球物理勘探:geo-physical probe,
geo-physical exploration
测井 Logging
测井作业:logging operation
测井记录:logging record
4. 油(副词 “好”含意):well
油井:oil well
试井,油井测试:well test
井下作业:down-hole operation
原油:crude oil
天然气:nature gas
煤层气:coal-bed gas
一体化设计:integral design
钻井原理:the priciples of drilling
顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling
旋转钻井:rotary drilling
液体冲击:fluid percussion
大位移:big deviation
侧钻井:sidetracking drilling technology,lateral drilling
水平井:horizontal well
探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling
深井:deep well
浅井:shallow well
老井:maturing well
欠平衡钻井:under-balanced drilling
丛式钻井:cluster drilling technology
煤层气井:coal-bed gas well
生产井:production wells
报废井:abandon wells
停产井:none-production wells
绕障井、三维井:three-dimensional wells.
常温井:normal temperature well
注采井:injection and production well
稠油井:heavy oil well
热洗井:hot washing pipe
井况:well condition