
更新时间:2023-06-05 10:56:56 阅读: 评论:0

Issue 14: Safety Issues Related to Typhoon
前言:台风是我国沿海地区,特别是广东、福建、浙江、江苏、上海等地经常出现的一种灾难,其发生有明显的季节性。台 风来临时不但有强大的风暴,还夹带暴雨,范围可达1000多平方公里。不过,台风是有规律的,甚至每年的行进路线都差不多,所以外出、旅游时,一定要多听天气预报,尽量躲开台风行进路线,避免灾害,保证人身和财产安全:
Foreword: Typhoon is a disaster frequently occurred in Chinas coastal areas, especially Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Shanghai. Its occurrence is obvious asonal. When a typhoon comes, there are not only strong winds, but also torrential rains, affecting an area of more than 1000 square kilometers. However, typhoon follows certain patterns, and even their routes in each year are similar. Therefore, when you go out or travel, be sure to listen to weather forecast, and stay away the travel routes of typhoon as far as possible, to avoid disaster, and to ensure personal and property safety.
In this issue, lets learn the following together:
·Typhoon knowledge and warning signals
·Avoidance principle during typhoon ason
·Huaweis emergency rescue measures in ca of typhoon
·Safety alerts during typhoon ason
I. Typhoon Knowledge and Warning Signals ____________________________________________________________
Typhoon refers to a tropical cyclone, or the low-pressure vortex rotating rapidly in tropical or subtropical oceans, often accompanied by strong wind, rainstorm, and storm tides. The level of a tropical cyclone is determined bad on the maximum average wind speed near the center of the bottom layer. Generally, tropical cyclones are divided into 6 levels: 
·Tropical low pressure (the biggest wind force in the center is Scale 6 - 7)
·Tropical storm (the biggest wind force in the center is Scale 8 - 9)
·Strong tropical storm (the biggest wind force in the center is Scale 10 - 11)
·Typhoon (the biggest wind force in the center is Scale 12 - 13)
·Strong typhoon (the biggest wind force in the center is Scale 14 - 15)
·Super strong typhoon (the biggest wind force in the center is Scale 16 or higher)
Precursors of typhoon
(1) Coming
There are long waves without wind, and a strong wind will soon come: Long waves are also called surges, and their transmission speed is two to three times faster than the moving speed of typhoon. They can be en when a typhoon is to come. Therefore, they can alert people in coastal areas to prepare for the attack of a typhoon.
When you e the hor-running cloud, a typhoon will come soon: The hor-running cloud is technically called fractocumulus. With a height of 1 2 km, it is a kind of low cloud, formed by fragmented cloud in the shape of steamed bread. Fractocumulus moves from the southeast coastal areas to the sky above this region, as fast as a running hor. This type of cloud occurs outside of a tropical cyclone, and its occurrence forebodes an upcoming typhoon in the region.
(2) Leaving
When the cold northern wind comes, a typhoon will follow it: When the northern wind moves southward, typhoon will often turn its direction, and will no longer affect the region.
Depending on different levels of tropical storms, the meteorological stations relea different warning signals, which are generally divided into four levels, indicated by blue, yellow, orange, and red respectively.
蓝色预警信号  blue warning signals
24小时内可能受热带低压影响,平均风力可达6级以上,或阵风7级以上;或者已经受热带低压影响, 平均风力为6-7级,或阵风7-8级并可能持续。
There is possibility of being affected by a tropical low pressure within 24 hours, the average wind force is over Scale 6, or the gust is over Scale 7; or the area is already under the influence of a tropical low pressure, the average wind force is Scale 6 - 7, or the gust is Scale 7 - 8 and may continue.
Prevention measures:
Prepare for the wind, and related organizations trigger the prevention plans.
Pay attention to the latest information about the tropic low pressure in the media and the report about wind prevention notice.
3把门窗、围板、棚架、户外广告牌、临时搭建物等易被风吹动的搭建物固紧, 妥善安置易受热带低压影响的室外物品。
Reinforce structures that are easy to be blown by wind such as doors and windows, fencing boards, scaffolds, outdoor billboards, and temporary structures, and properly handle outdoor objects that are easy to be affected by the tropical low pressure. 
黄色预警信号  Yellow warning signals
24小时内可能受热带风暴影响,平均风力可达8级以上,或阵风9级以上;或者已经受热带风暴影响, 平均风力为8-9级,或阵风9-10级并可能持续。
There is possibility of being affected by a tropical storm within 24 hours, the average wind force is over Scale 8, or the gust is over Scale 9; or the area is already under the influence of a tropical storm, the average wind force is Scale 8 - 9, or the gust is Scale 9 - 10 and may continue.
Prevention measures:
Enter the wind prevention state, and related organizations trigger the prevention plans.
Shut the door and windows. Residents in dangerous areas or in dangerous hous and vesls should take shelter from the wind in the designated locations, outdoor operators working high above the ground, on a beach, or on water should stop their operation, and people in the dangerous areas should evacuate in time.
橙色预警信号  orange warning signals
12小时内可能受强热带风暴、台风影响,平均风力可达10级以上,或阵风11级以上;或者已经受热带风暴影响, 平均风力为10-11级,或阵风10-12级并可能持续。
There is possibility of being affected by a strong tropical storm within 12 hours, the average wind force is over Scale 10, or the gust is over Scale 11; or the area is already under the influence of a tropical storm, the average wind force is Scale 10 - 11, or the gust is Scale 10 - 12 and may continue.
Prevention measures:
Enter the wind prevention state, and related organizations trigger the prevention plans.
Shut the door and windows. Residents in dangerous areas or in dangerous hous and vesls should take shelter from the wind in the designated locations, outdoor operators working high above the ground, on a beach, or on water should stop their operation. People in the dangerous areas should evacuate in time, outdoor collective activities should stop in time, and arrangement should be made for personnel evacuation.
Cut off the power supply to the neon lights and the dangerous outdoor power supplies.
Others are the same as tho for the blue warning signals for typhoon.
红色预警信号  Red warning signals
There is possibility of being affected by a typhoon or strong typhoon within six hours, the average wind force is over Scale 12; or the area is already under the influence of typhoon, the average wind force is already over Scale 12 and may continue.
Prevention measures:
Enter the special emergency wind prevention state, related organizations trigger the prevention plans, and related emergency respon and rescue organizations should prepare to trigger the emergency plans at any time.
Shut the door and windows. Residents in dangerous areas or in dangerous hous and vesls should take shelter from the wind in the designated locations, outdoor operators working high above the ground, on a beach, or on water should stop their operation. People in the dangerous areas should evacuate in time, outdoor collective activities should stop in time, and arrangement should be made for personnel evacuation.
其他同台风橙色预警信号。Others are the same as tho for the orange warning signals for typhoon.
II. Avoidance Principle During Typhoon Season
防范台风的安全措施  prevention measures for a typhoon
怎样煎中药 1、气象台根据台风可能产生的影响,在预报时采用消息警报紧急警报三种形式向社会发布;同时,按台风可能造成的影响程度,从轻到重向社会发布(蓝、黄、橙、红)四色台风预警信号。公众应密切关注媒体有关台风的报道,及时采取预防措施。
1. The meteorological stations relea three forms of weather forecast to the public "News", "实验心得体会Warning" and "Emergency Warning", depending on the possible impact of typhoon. At the same time, they also relea warning signals in four colors (blue, yellow, orange, and red) for typhoon to the public with verity level from low to high, depending on the possible impact of typhoon. The public should keep a clo watch of media's typhoon reports, and take timely prevention measures.
2. Strong typhoon may blow down buildings and high-elevation facilities and cau personal injury or death. People living in various dangerous or old residences, factory buildings, or working sheds should transfer to safe places before the arrival of typhoon, and should not take shelter from rain near temporary buildings (such as fences), billboards, and iron towers. Vehicles should avoid operation in areas affected by strong typhoon if possible.
3. Strong wind can blow objects from high elevations down to the ground. Vas and hanging objects on rooftops, windowsills, and balconies should be removed in time. Before the arrival of typhoon, you'd better stay indoors, to prevent unexpected things from happening, such as being hit, being presd, or electric shock. 我的发明作文Check doors and windows, outdoor air conditioners, protection cages, and solar water heaters for their safety, and reinforce them in a timely manner if needed.
4. Prepare flashlights, good, and drinking water, check circuits, and pay attention to furnace fire and coal gas to prevent fires.
5. While making the preceding preparations against typhoon, you should also make preparations to protect against rainstorm.
6. Before the arrival of typhoon, you should prepare flashlights, radio, food, drinking water, and common medicines, in ca you need them in emergency.
7、关好门窗,检查门窗是否坚固;取下悬挂的东西;检查电路、炉火、煤气等设施是否安全。7. Clo doors and windows, and check whether doors and windows are firm. Take down hanging objects. Check whether circuits, furnace fire, and coal gas are safe.
8. Move animals and plants raid outdoors as well as other stuff back to rooms, and especially, move sundries on rooftops back to rooms. Objects outdoors that are easy to be blown should be reinforced. 
9. Do not travel to areas where typhoon will pass, and more importantly, do not swim on a beach or sail out to the a during the period affected by typhoon.
10. People living in low-lying areas and dangerous hous should transfer to safe locations in time.
11. Clear drainage pipes in time to ensure smooth water drainage.
12. Related organizations should reinforce outdoor billboards. Construction sites should reinforce temporary buildings, and sort out and stack construction equipment and tools together properly. The gardening agency should reinforce roadside trees in urban areas. 
13. When you are in danger, call the disaster prevention number of the local government for help.
14. Vesls should return to harbor and get anchored in time, and people working on the vesls must take shelter on land.
台风期的人身安全 Safety during a typhoon
1. During a typhoon, do not walk outside as far as possible. If you have to walk outside, bend over and shrink your body, wear light and convenient waterproof shoes, and bright-colored and clo-fit clothes, tie clothes properly or bind them with a belt to reduce wind-receiving area, wear raincoat, rain hat with hat belt tied, or wear a helmet. When walking, do it slowly and steadily step by step. You should not run in the windward direction absolutely. Otherwi, you cannot stop and even have the risk of being blown away. Grab wall corner, fence, pole, or other fixed objects to walk as far as possible.When walking on a street with den buildings, pay special attention to falling or flying objects, to avoid being hit. When arriving at a bend, stop and watch before walking again, as blindly walking has the risk of being hit by a flying object blown over by wind. When passing a narrow bridge or a high place, you'd better get down on your knees and crawl, or it is extremely easy to be blown down or fall into water.   
2. When travelling in the field, after hearing the typhoon forecast by a meteorological station, leave the area to be affected by typhoon as early as possible if you can, or you should stock a sufficient amount of canned food, biscuit, and drinking water, and purcha adequate lighting items such as candles and flashlights. Typhoon's damage is the most rious when it pass islands and coastal areas. Therefore, you should get away from the a as far as possible. When travelling on aside or in a low-lying estuary area, you should stay in a solid hotel far away from the coast or in a typhoon shelter as far as possible. 
3. When a vesl is attacked by typhoon while it is travelling on the a, you should take proactive emergency measures and get in touch with related agencies on land in time, to find out the location of the vesl to typhoon. You should also persuade the sailors to drive the vesl into a shelter harbor as soon as possible, and clo the cabin. If it is a sailing boat, you should put down the sail as soon as possible. If you are travelling by car, you should drive the car to an underground parking place or a shelter. If you stay in a tent, you should pack up the tent, and ek shelter in a firm and solid hou. If you are already in a firm and solid hou, you should carefully shut the doors and windows, and stick adhesives tapes on the window glass in a pattern similar to the Chine character meaning rice, to protect the window glass from being broken. 
4. Shortly after a strong typhoon, be sure to continue to stay in the hou or shelter. This is becau after the "eye" of the typhoon has pasd the sky, the ground will become quiet for a while, but do not think that the storm is already over absolutely. Usually, such a quiet time will last for less than one hour, and the wind will come again from the opposite direction overwhelmingly. If you are taking shelter outdoors, then at this point you should move to the opposite side of your original shelter.
灾后卫生消毒工作  Safety work after a typhoon
A typhoon will be followed by power outage and flood. Therefore, you should take necessary measures to ensure personal health and safety. After a rainstorm, people can follow the advices below to protect themlves and their families.
·During the power outage or flood after a typhoon, the biggest food safety challenge faced by consumers is the storage of food. Cold-stored food should be stored at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit (44 degrees centigrade) or lower. Refrigerated food should be stored at a temperature below zero degree Fahrenheit (18 degrees centigrade). 
·Perishable food such as meat, fowl, afood, dairy, and egg, if they are not properly cold-stored or refrigerated, they can also cau dias after being eaten, even if they are fully cooked.
·If there are floods, consumers also need to evaluate the safety of their stored food and drinking water.
III. Huawei's emergency rescue measures in ca of typhoon
To cope with typhoon, ensure efficient and orderly disaster relief, and reduce personal injury/death and property loss to the maximum extent, Huawei has t up emergency teams (including cleaning, power supply, and safety personnel) with property companies as the core in various regions. When a typhoon comes, members of the emergency teams will be waiting for instructions in their dormitories 24 hours, and their leaders should maintain smooth communication, to get ready for emergency actions at any time.
Trigger different levels of respon according to the level of the warning signals, which generally are as follows: 
1. News announcement: Get the latest information about tropical cyclones at any time through news media including website, radio, and TV. The administration department is responsible for releasing typhoon information online, to remind employees to make preparations, and to report latest developments to departmental leaders in time. 
2. Prevention measures: Trigger the emergency plans, arrange executive-level leaders to be on duty, and rerve flexible personnel by region. Stop overhead operations or notify outdoor operators. Implement safety inspection.
3. Prepare for the disaster: Move objects that are easy to be blown away by wind expod on balconies, rooftops, and within the campus indoors. Securely tie up objects that are likely to be blown down by wind. Reinforce outdoor trees. Cut off outdoor dangerous power supplies in low-lying areas. Evacuate materials that are easy to be soaked by water in low-lying areas, to avoid property loss.
4、检查与抢险过去分词和过去式: 台风暴雨过程中,物业巡检人员应保持对建筑内外进行巡检,重点部位安排专人守护,对出现的门、窗破损、渗水等要及时采取有效的措施进行处理,发生事故要及时通报。
4. Inspection and disaster relief: During typhoon and rainstorm, property inspectors should take inspection tours inside and outside the buildings, arrange dedicated persons to watch out key locations, take timely and effective measures to fix damaged doors or windows and to deal with water epage, and make timely public announcement if accidents are found.   
5. Handling the aftermath: Implement loss asssment and post-disaster reconstruction depending on the actual situation.

本文发布于:2023-06-05 10:56:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



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