American Scientist | Amer Sci |
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics | Annu Rev Fluid Mech |
Applied Optics | Appl Opt |
Atmosphere—Ocean | Atmos —Ocean |
Atmospheric Environment | Atmos Environ |
Atmospheric Rearch | Atmos Res |
Australian Journal of Agricultural Rearch | Aust J Agric Res |
Australian Meteorological Magazine | Aust Meteor Mag |
Boundary-Layer Meteorology | Bound -Layer Meteor |
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Bull Amer Meteor Soc |
Chemical Engineering Science | Chem Eng Sci |
Climate Dynamics | Climate Dyn |
Climatic Change | Climatic Change |
Climatological Bulletin | Climatol Bull |
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics | Commun Pure Appl Math |
Continental Shelf Rearch | Cont Shelf Res |
Contributions to Atmospheric Physics | Contrib Atmos Phys |
Deep-Sea Rearch | Deep-Sea Res |
Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift | Dtsch Hydrogr Z |
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans | Dyn Atmos Oceans |
Environmental Rearch | Environ Res |
Environmental Science and Technology | Environ Sci Technol |
Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (EOS) | Eos Trans Amer Geophys Union |
Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science | Estuarine Coastal Mar Sci |
Europhysics Letters | Europhys Lett |
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics | Geophys Fluid Dyn |
Geophysical Magazine | Geophys Mag |
Geophysical Rearch Letters | Geophys Res Lett |
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics | Geophys Astrophys Fluid Dyn |
Geophysics | Geophysics |
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | IEEE Trans Antennas Propag |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens |
Infrared Physics | Infrared Phys |
International Journal of Air and Water Pollution | Int J Air Water Pollut |
International Journal of Climatology | Int J Climatol. |
International Journal of Remote Sensing | Int J Remote Sens. |
Izvestiya, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Atmospheric Oceanic Phys. | Izv Acad Sci USSR Atmos. Ocean Phys |
Journal de Recherches Atmospheriques | 般若法眼 J Rech Atmos |
Journal of Aerosol Science | J Aerosol Sci |
Journal of Applied Meteorology | J Appl Meteor |
Journal of Applied Physics | J Appl Phys |
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | J Atmos Ocean Technol |
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics | J Atmos Terr Phys |
Journal of Climate | J Climate |
Journal of Climate Meteorology | J Climate Meteor |
Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology | J Climate Appl Meteor |
Journal of Climatology | J Climatol |
Journal of Computational Physics | J Comput Phys |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics | J Fluid Mech |
Journal of Geophysical Rearch | J Geophys Res |
Journal of Glaciology | J Glaciol |
Journal of Hydrology | J Hydrol. |
Journal of Marine Rearch | J Mar Res |
Journal of Marine Systems | J Mar Syst |
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan | J Meteor Soc Japan |
Journal of Meteorology | J Meteor |
Journal of Physical Chemistry | J Phys Chem |
Journal of Physical Oceanography | J Phys Oceanogr |
Journal of Scientific Instruments | J Sci Instrum. |
Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences | J Aeronaut Sci |
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | J Atmos Sci |
Journal of the Marine Technology Society | J Mar Technol Soc. |
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan | J Meteor Soc Japan |
Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan | J Oceanogr Soc Japan |
Mariners Weather Log | Mar Wea Log |
Meteorological Magazine | Meteor Mag |
Meteorological Monographs | Meteor Monogr |
Meteorologische Rundschau | Meteor Rundsch | 深情厚意
Meteorologische Zeitschrift | Meteor Z |
Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya | Meteor Gidrol |
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics | Meteor Atmos Phys |
Monthly Weather Review | Mon Wea Rev |
National Weather Digest | Natl Wea Dig |
Nature | Nature |
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Rearch | New Zealand J Mar Freshwater Res |
Oceanography and Meteorology | Oceanogr Meteor |
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics | Pap Meteor Geophys |
Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology | Pap Phys Oceanogr Meteor. |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | Philos Trans Roy Soc London |
Physical Review | Phys Rev |
Physical Review Letters | Phys Rev Lett |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B | Phys Chem Earth B |
Physics of Fluids 六年级数学论文 | Phys Fluids 目录格式模板 |
Physikalische Zeitschrift | Phys Z. |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London | Proc Roy Soc London |
Pure and Applied Geophysics | Pure Appl Geophys |
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | Quart J Roy Meteor Soc |
Remote Sensing of the Environment | Remote Sens Environ |
Review of Scientific Instruments | Rev Sci Instrum |
Reviews of Geophysics | Rev Geophys |
Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics | Rev Geophys Space Phys |
Revista Meteorologica | Rev Meteor |
Revista de Geofisica | Rev Geofis |
Science | Science |
Scientific American | Sci Amer |
Space Science Review | Space Sci Rev |
Studies in Applied Mathematics | Stud Appl Math |
Tellus | Tellus |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | Theor Appl Climatol | 课堂观察记录
Water Resources Rearch | Water Resour Res |
Weather | Weather |
Weather and Forecasting | Wea Forecasting |
Weatherwi | Weatherwi |
World Meteorological Organization Bulletin | WMO Bull |
Zeitschrift für Meteorologie | Z Meteor |
中文名称 | 英文名称 | |
大气科学进展(英文版) | Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | Adv. Atmos. Sci. |
大气科学 | Chine Journal of Atmospheric Sciences | Chine J. Atmos Sci(in Chine) |
气候与环境研究 | Climatic and Environmental Rearch | Climatic Environ Res(in Chine ) |
大气和海洋科学快报 | Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters | Atmos. Oceanic Sci Lett. |
气象学报(英文版) | Acta Meteorologica Sinica | Acta Meteor Sinica |
气象学报 | Acta Meteorologica Sinica | Acta Meteor Sinica(in Chine) |
应用气象学报 | Journal of Applied Meteorological Science | J Appl Meteor Sci(in Chine) |
气象科技 | Meteorological Science and Technology | Meteor Sci Technol. |
气象 | Meteorological Monthly | Meteor Mon |
气候变化研究进展 | Advances in Climate Change Rearch | Adv Climate Change Res(in Chine) |
气候变化研究进展(英文版) | Advances in Climate Change Rearch | Adv Climate Change Res |
气象科技进展(中英混合) | Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology | Adv Meteor Sci Technol |
大气科学学报 | Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences | Trans Atmos Sci(in Chine) |
高原气象 | Plateau Meteorology | Plateau Meteor(in Chine) |
气象科学 太空冰雪实验 | Scientia Meteorologica Sinica | Scientia Meteor Sinica(in Chine) |
热带气象学报(英文版) | Journal of Tropical Meteorology | J Trop Meteor |
热带气象学报 | Journal of Tropical Meteorology | J Trop Meteor (in Chine). |
气象与环境学报 | Journal of Meteorology and Environment | J Meteor Environ(in Chine) |
气象与环境科学 | Meteorological and Environmental Sciences | Meteor Environ Sci(in Chine) |
暴雨灾害 | Torrential Rain and Disasters | Torrential Rain Disaster (in Chine) |
干旱气象 | Arid Meteorology | Arid Meteor(in Chine) |
气象与减灾研究 | Meteorology and Disaster Reduction Rearch | Meteor Disaster Reduction Res (in Chine) |
气象研究与应用 | Journal of Meteorological Rearch and Application | J Meteor Res Appl (in Chine) |
沙漠与绿洲气象 | Dert and Oasis Meteorology | Dert Oasis Meteor (in Chine) |
广东气象 | Guangdong Meteorology貌什么神什么成语 | Guangdong Meteor (in Chine) |
贵州气象 | Journal of Guizhou Meteorology | J Guizhou Meteor (in Chine) |
黑龙江气象 | Heilongjiang Meteorology | Heilongjiang Meteor (in Chine) |
内蒙古气象 | Meteorology Journal of Inner Mongolia | Meteor J Inner Mongolia (in Chine) |
山东气象 | Journal of Shandong Meteorology | J Shandong Meteor(in Chine) |
陕西气象 | Journal of Shaanxi Meteorology | J Shaanxi Meteor (in Chine) |
山西气象 | Shanxi Meteorological Quarterly | Shanxi Meteor Quart (in Chine) |
高原山地气象研究 | Plateau and Mountain Meteorology Rearch | Plateau Mountain Meteor Res (in Chine) |
浙江气象 | Journal of Zhejiang Meteorology | J Zhejiang Meteor (in Chine) |
中国气象科学研究院年报(英文版) | Chine Academy of Meteorological Sciences Annual Report | Chine Academy of Meteor Sci Annual Report (2011年改为内部刊物) |
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