Seafood Terms
1.虾类 shrimp ries products:
带头虾 Head-On Shell- On (HOSO)
去头虾 Headless Shell- On (HLSO)
带肠虾 Peeled and Undeveined (PUD)
去肠虾 Peeled and Deveined (PD)
凤尾虾仁 Peeled and Tail-On (PTO)
蝴蝶虾仁 Butterfly (BFLY)
开背(凤尾) tail-on
抽肠(虾仁) tail-off
新时代组织路线单冻 IQF
块冻 BQF
青虾 shrimp
生熟虾 raw/cooked shrimp
小龙虾 crawfish/ crayfish
红虾 red shrimp
改病句紫虾 pink shrimp (刀额新对虾Metapenaeus ensis)
南美白对虾 Vannamei white shrimp
虎虾 cat tiger shrimp
草虾 black tiger shrimp
龙虾 lobster
龙虾钳 Lobster Claw
金丝虾 golden shrimp
虾蛄(虾爬子;虾虎) mantis shrimp
甜虾 arctic shrimp; ama ebi
车虾 bamboo shrimp
铁皮虾 iron sheet shrimp
虾仁 shrimp meat
开片煮虾 sliced cooked shrimp
天龙虾 scampi
琵琶虾 slipper lobster
凤尾虾 ebi
生剪背 raw shrimp deveined tail-on
油炸拉长面包虾 fried stretched breaded shrimp
冷战多久感情就没了油炸面包虾 fried breaded shrimp tail-on
蝴蝶面包虾 breaded butterfly shrimp tail-on
仔虾 baby shrimp
中虾 juvenile shrimp
成虾 adult shrimp
2.Fish ries products:
串 bunch;string; skewer
花 carving;carved
筒 tube;
圈 ring;
片 slice;fillet
卷 body;roll; medallion
须 tentacle
饼 cake
段 gment;portions
柱 adductor
条 strip;
棒 stick
丁 chopped; cube
丝 shred
排 steak
切段 cut
社会实践个人总结地心历险记2带皮 skin-on
去皮 skinless
深去皮 deep-skinned
预切段 pre-portion
情侣单冻 married fillet IQF
带刺 Bone-on
不带刺 Boneless
带膜 membrane on
无鳞 nude
鱼鳞 fish scale
调味面粉 condiment flour
一去(去内脏) Gutted
二去(去头、去内脏) Gutted, Headless
三去(去头、去内脏、去尾) Gutted, Headless, Tail-off
真空斜切 flake
鱼糜 surimi
煮 boiled; cooked
着色 colored
腹开;背开 back cut
去肚 belly off
白烤;素烤 roasted
碳烤 charcoal roasted
盐烧 salt roasted
西京烧 saikyoyaki roasted
味醂(lan)烧 Milin roasted
味噌(ceng)煮 misoni boiled
调味的 asoned
原味 natural flavor
蒜味香草味 garlic & herb
啤酒风味 beer
酸甜 sweet & sour
香辣 hot spice; chipotle glaze
青柠 lime
唐扬 with starch
烟熏 cold smoked
热熏 hot smoked
醋渍 marinated
船冻 a frozen
岸冻 land frozen
网捕 net fishing
钩掉 hook fishing
冰衣 glazing
捕捞方式 fishing method
沿绳掉法 long lining
拖网船捕捞 trawler caught
鱼丸 fish ball
虾丸 shrimp ball
墨鱼丸 cuttlefish ball
蟹黄丸 crab egg ball
海螺丸 conch ball
淡水丸 whorl ball
夹心丸 filling ball
鲍鱼 a ear (abalone)
新鲜鲍鱼 fresh a ear (abalone)
冷冻鲍鱼 frozen a ear (abalone)
干鲍鱼 dry a ear (abalone)
罐头鲍鱼 canned a ear (abalone)
蟹肉 crabmeat
青蟹 black crab
梭子蟹 swimming crab
雪蟹 snow crab
皇帝蟹 king crab
蟹肉饼 fried/baked crab cake(breaded)
日本真鱿鱼 Japane Flying Squid
阿根廷鱿鱼 Illex Squid
新西兰鱿鱼 New Zealand Arrow Squid
本地红鱿鱼 Red Oceanic Squid
加利福尼亚枪乌贼 California Loligo Squid
小鱿鱼 baby squid
鳕鱼系列产品 ling (青衣鱼)hake
什么食物化痰黑线鳕 Haddock
武则天原名无尾鳕鱼 Hoki
太平洋真鳕 Pacific cod
太平洋真鳕鱼腰肉 Pacific cod loin
太平洋真鳕鱼碎肉 Pacific cod minced
阿拉斯加狭鳕 Alaska Pollock
阿拉斯加狭鳕鱼片 Alaska Pollock fillet
腌制狭鳕鱼片(条状;蝶形;浅去皮;) salted Alaska Pollock Fillet (Strips; butterfly; skinless)
腌制真鳕鱼片(蝶形;去皮去刺) salted Pacific Cod butterfly fillet/fillet skinless boneless
箭齿鲽鱼 arrow tooth flounder