AIDS, stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a deadly dia. It malfunctions the human body's defence system, making the infected person extremely vulnerable to dias, and eventually cau death.
尿酸高的人适合吃什么食物历史思维导图八上AIDS can be spread in many ways, but the main medium is through having unprotected intercour with an infected person. Apart from that, AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby, or sharing of needles, shaving blades, or any means of blood contact.
Once infected, it may take years for the person to notice, and in the years, the infected p
人不学不知道丰胸中药erson may not know and can infect many more, who in turn go and infect others, just like an exponential growth.
Many people are afraid of people with AIDS since they think there is a risk of being infected. People with AIDS are normally lonely since many people are not willing to communicate with them.
Actually this is a kind of misunderstanding since it is safe to talk to or shake hands with people with AIDS. People with AIDS need more care and support to help them overcome the difficulties. Therefore if we all t up the correct understanding and try to help the people with AIDS, our society is going to be more caring and beautiful.