Chronic obstructive pulmonary dia (COPD) COPD is defined by its characteristically low airflow on lung function tests. In contrast to asthma, this limitation is poorly reversible and usually gets progressively wor over time.
Upper respiratory tract infections are the illness caud by an acute infection which involves the upper respiratory tract: no, sinus, pharynx or larynx.
Pneumonia Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the alveoli, pulmonary interstitial and final airway. It is typically caud by an infection but there are a number of other caus such as immune injury, allergy, drugs and so on.
Chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis is a chronic inflammation of the mucosa of the trachea, bronchi and their around tissues. It is defined clinically as a persistent cough with or not with sputum and mucus, for at least three months per year in two concutive years without any indication of other lung and heart dias.
Cor pulmonale is changes of the structure or function of今天月全食 the right ventricle of the heart as a
respon to incread resistance or high blood pressure in the lungs which is caud by pulmonary vascular dia, chest deformity and bronchus-lung dias. (chronic pulmonary heart dia 在which is caud by后面加慢性病变)
Horner's syndrome is the combination of drooping of the eyelid (ptosis) and constriction of the pupil (miosis), sometimes accompanied by decread sweating of the face on the same side; redness of the conjunctiva of the eye is often also prent. It indicates a problem with the sympathetic nervous system, a part of the autonomic nervous system.
R团支书工作总结espiratory failure, in medicine, is ud to describe inadequate gas exchange and/or pulmonary ventilation by the respiratory system, with the result that arterial oxygen and/or carbon dioxide levels cannot be maintained within their normal ranges.
Heart failure is generally defined as the inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow or ventricular filling caud by various dias in cardiac structure and/or function. The blood flow can’t meet the needs of the body due to the disorder of the ventricular systole. It can caud congestion in pulmonary circulation and/or systemic circulation. S
ometimes the disorder of ventricular diastole function can also congestion in pulmonary circulation.
Cardiac arrhythmia 是指心脏冲动的频率(rate)、节律(rhythm)、起源部位(primary pacemaker)、传导速度(speed of the conduction)或激动次序的异常。
Sick sinus syndrome, also called sinus node dysfunction, is a group of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) presumably caud by a malfunction of the sinus node, the heart's primary pacemaker. Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome is a variant of sick sinus syndrome in which slow arrhythmias and fast arrhythmias alternate.
Preexcitation syndrome Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome (WPW) is a disorder of the heart in which the ventricles of the heart contract prematurely due to an accessory pathway which is mainly the bundle of Kent. This accessory pathway is an abnormal electrical communication from the atria to the ventricles.
Primary hypertension is the form of hypertension that by definition, has no identifiable cau. Systolic pressure(140) and Diastolic pressure(90)
coronary heart dia refers to the failure of coronary circulation to supply adequate circulation to cardiac muscle and surrounding tissue resulting in necrosis or inadequate oxygen and blood of the cardiac muscle. It is often caud by stenosis of the coronary artery resulted from coronary atherosclerosis and/or coronary vasospasm.
Stable angina pectoris this refers to the more common understanding of temporary chest discomfort and associated symptoms precipitated by some activity (running, walking, etc.) caud by myocardial ischemia and hypoxia due to bad on the stenosis of the coronary. 债券是什么
Myocardial infarction It is results from the 辣白菜制作continual interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart, causing heart cells to die. This is most commonly due to stenosis or completely blockage of a coronary artery.
Infective endocarditis it is the infection of the endocardium, commonly its valves, caud by microorganism with the excrescence. Infective endocarditis has been clinically divided into acute and subacute.
Cardiomyopathy 东汉墓伴有心肌功能障碍的心肌疾病,分为扩张性心肌病(dilated cardiomyopathy, 单侧或双侧心腔(chamber of the heart)扩大,心肌收缩期(systole,广州美景 systolic)功能减退,伴有或不伴有充血性心力衰竭)、肥厚型心肌病鲜人参怎么保存(hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,左心室或右心室肥厚为特征,常为不对称肥厚并累及室间隔(interventricular ptum),左心室血液充盈受阻、舒张期(diastole)顺应性(compliance)下降)、限制型心肌病(restrictive cardiomyopathy,单侧或双侧心室充盈受限和舒张容量下降为特征,收缩功能和室壁厚度正常或接近正常)及致心律失常型心肌病(arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy)。