General Description
The MAX16054 is a pushbutton on/off controller with a single switch debouncer and built-in latch. It accepts a noisy input from a mechanical switch and produces a clean latched digital output after a factory-fixed qualifi-cation delay.
The MAX16054 eliminates contact bounce during switch opening and closing. The state of the output changes only when triggered by the falling edge of the debounced switch input; the output remains unchanged on the rising edge of the input. Robust switch inputs handle ±25V levels and are ±15kV ESD protected for u in harsh industrial environments. The MAX16054features a complementary output, OUT , which is the inverted state of OUT. An asynchronous CLEAR input allows an external signal to force the output flip-flop low.Undervoltage-lockout circuitry ensures that OUT is in the off state upon power-up. The MAX16054 requires no external components, and its low supply current makes it ideal for u in portable equipment.
The MAX16054 operates from a +2.7V to +5.5V single supply. The MAX16054 is offered in a 6-pin thin SOT23package and operates over the -40°C to +125°C auto-motive temperature range.
MP3/Video Players Portable Electronics Set-Top Boxes
Portable Instrumentation White Goods
o Robust Inputs Can Handle Power Supplies Up to ±25V o ±15kV ESD Protection o Latched Output
o Low 7µA Supply Current o Operates from 2.7V to 5.5V
o -40°C to +125°C Temperature Range o Thin SOT23 Package
On/Off Controller with Debounce and
±15kV ESD Protection
________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1
Pin Configuration
Ordering Information
Typical Operating Circuits
19-4128; Rev 0; 5/08
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,plea contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,or visit Maxim’s website at
+Denotes a lead-free package.
T = Tape and reel package. Devices are offered in 2.5k unit increments.
M A X 16054
On/Off Controller with Debounce and ±15kV ESD Protection 2
Stress beyond tho listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cau permanent damage to the device. The are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at the or any other conditions beyond tho indicated in the operational ctions of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note 1:As per JEDEC 51 standard, multilayer board (PCB).
CC UVLO V CC -0.3V to +6V IN -30V to +30V CLEAR -0.3V to +6V OUT, OUT -0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Short-Circuit Duration
OUT, OUT to GND ...................................................Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)6-Pin Thin SOT23
手机网速测试(derate 9.1mW/°C at +70°C) (Note 1)............................727mW Operating Temperature Range .........................-40°C to +125°C Maximum .+150°C Storage -60°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
On/Off Controller with Debounce and
±15kV ESD Protection
S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (μA )
IN 10V/div -10V OUT 5V/div 0V OUT 5V/div 0V
米兰敕令O U T P U T L O G I C L E V E L (V )
Typical Operating Characteristics
(T A = +25°C, unless otherwi noted.)
D E B O U N C E D E L A Y P E R I O D (m s )
V C C U N D E R V O L T A G E L O C K O U T (V )
Detailed Description
Theory of Operation
The MAX16054 creates a push-on, push-off function using a momentary-contact normally open SPST switch. The high-to-low transition that occurs when closing the switch caus OUT to go high and OUT to go low. The output state remains latched after the switch is relead/opened. Closing the switch again caus OUT to go low and OUT to go high.
Debounce circuitry eliminates the extraneous level changes that result from interfacing with mechanical switches (switch bounce). Virtually all mechanical switches bounce upon opening and closing. The bounce when a switch opens or clos is eliminated by requiring that the quentially clocked input remains in the same state for a number of sampling periods. The
output does not change state from high-to-low or low-to-high until the input is stable for at least 50ms (typ).The Functional Diagram shows the functional blocks consisting of an on-chip oscillator, counter, exclusive-NOR gate, a D flip-flop, and a T (toggle) flip-flop. When the pushbutton input does not equal the internal debounced button state (the Q output of the D flip-flop), the XNOR gate issues a counter ret. When the switch input state is stable for the full qualification peri-od, the counter clock
s the D flip-flop, changing the internal pushbutton state. The Q output of the D flip-flop is connected to a toggle flip-flop that toggles when the internal pushbutton state goes through a high-to-low transition. Figure 1 shows the typical opening and clos-ing switch debounce operation.
A rising pul at CLEAR rets the T flip-flop and pulls OUT low and OUT high.
M A X 16054
On/Off Controller with Debounce and ±15kV ESD Protection 4_______________________________________________________________________________________
Functional Diagram
Undervoltage Lockout
The undervoltage-lockout circuitry ensures that the out-puts are at the correct state on power-up. While V CC is less than the 2.1V (typ) undervoltage threshold and greater than 1.0V, OUT remains low and transitions at IN are ignored.
Robust Switch Input
The switch input (IN) has overvoltage clamping diodes to protect against damaging fault conditions. Switch input voltages can safely swing ±25V to ground. Proprietary ESD-protection structures protect against high ESD encountered in harsh industrial environments, membrane keypads, and portable applications. They are designed to withstand ±15kV per the IEC 61000-4-2 Air-Gap Discharge test and ±8kV per the IEC 61000-4-2 Contact-Discharge test.
Since there is a 63k Ω(typ) pullup resistor connected to IN, driving the input to -25V draws approximately 0.5mA from the V CC supply. Driving the input to +25V caus approximately 0.32mA of current to flow back into the V CC supply. If the total system V CC supply current is less than the current flowing back into the V CC supply,
V CC ris above normal levels. In some low-current sys-tems, a zener diode on V CC may be required.
±15kV ESD Protection
ESD-protection structures are incorporated on all pins to protect against electrostatic discharges encountered during handling and asmbly. The MAX16054 has extra protection against static electricity to protect against ESD of ±15kV at the switch input without dam-age. The ESD structures withstand high ESD in all states: normal operation, shutdown, and powered down. A design advantage of the MAX16054 is that it continues working without latchup after an ESD event,which eliminates the need to power-cycle the device.ESD protection can be tested in various ways; this product is characterized for protection to the following limits:
1)±15kV using the Human Body Model.
2)±8kV using the Contact-Discharge method specified in IEC 61000-4-2.
3)±15kV using the IEC 61000-4-2 Air-Gap method.
On/Off Controller with Debounce and
±15kV ESD Protection
企业代码Figure 1. MAX16054 Timing Diagram
M A X 16054
Human Body Model
Figure 2a shows the Human Body Model, and Figure 2b shows the current waveform it generates when dis-charged into a low impedance. This model consists of a 100pF capacitor charged to the ESD voltage of interest,which is then discharged into the test device through a 1.5k Ωresistor.
IEC 61000-4-2
中国武侠电影The IEC 61000-4-2 standard covers ESD testing and performance of finished equipment; it does not specifi-cally refer to integrated circuits. The MAX16054 helps in the design of equipment that meets IEC 61000-4-2, with-out the need for additional ESD-protection components.The major difference between tests done using the Human Body Model and IEC 61000-4-2 is higher peak current in IEC 61000-4-2, becau ries resistance is
lower in the IEC 61000-4-2 model. Hence, the ESD with-stand voltage measured to IEC 61000-4-2 is generally lower than that measured using the Human Body Model.Figure 3a shows the IEC 61000-4-2 model, and Figure 3b shows the current waveform for the IEC 61000-4-2ESD Contact-Discharge test.
The Air-Gap test involves approaching the device with a charged probe. The Contact-Discharge method connects the probe to the device before the probe is energized.
Machine Model
The Machine Model for ESD tests all pins using a 200pF storage capacitor and zero discharge resis-tance. Its objective is to emulate the stress caud by contact that occurs with handling and asmbly during manufacturing.
On/Off Controller with Debounce and ±15kV ESD Protection 6
Figure 2a. Human Body ESD Test Model
Figure 2b. Human Body Current Waveform
Figure 3a. IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Test Model
Figure 3b. IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Generator Current Waveform