能源锁定管理工作指导Management Procedure for Safety Lock-out
1.目的 Purpo
The purpo of lockout/tagout is to protect you during rvicing and maintenance activities that po a threat of injury as a result of unexpected startup, movement, or relea of energy. Lockout/tagout is a specific approach to performing t-up and maintenance work that involves isolating equipment from its energy source(s), locking out the energy source(s), and dissipating any stored energy before work begins to prevent energy-out in accident to cure employees’ and company’s safety.
2.范围 Scope
This procedure applies to the control of energy during maintenance, installation, adjustment of machines and equipment. It is also to be ud as a guideline for contractors who may be required by contract, to do work in SGM.
3.术语和定义 Terms and Definitions
Affected Employee: An employee who machine may need to be worked on (e.g., t-up, routine maintenance, repair) by an authorized employee. Affected employees do not participate in the lockout/tagout work at any time.
They are simply “affected” by the lockout/tagout work being done by someone el.员工食堂管理制度
Authorized Employee: An employee who has been trained and has permission to lock out or tag out machines and equipment to rvice or maintain them.
Energy Isolating Device(EID): A mechanical device that physically prevents the relea or transmission of energy. Examples include a manually operated electrical circuit breaker, a disconnect switch, a line valve, etc. This does not include push buttons, lector switches, and other control circuit type devices.
Lock: A key operated lock (not a combination lock) issued by the company to the employee for the purpo of doing lockout work.
海底世界教学设计Lockout: The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, thus ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.
机器或设备的工厂活动。当如下条件发生时,工人从事这些操作包含LOTO:Servicing and/or Maintenance: Workplace activities such as constructing, installing, tting up, adjusting, inspecting, cleaning,
modifying, unjamming, lubricating, and repairing machines or equipment. Workers engaged in the operations are covered by lockout/tagout when any of the following conditions occurs:
The employee must either remove or bypass machine guards or other safety devices, resulting in exposure to hazards at the point of operation;
The employee is required to place any part of his or her body in contact with the point of operation of the operational machine or piece of equipment; or
The employee is required to place any part of his or her body into a danger zone associated with a machine operating cycle.
In the above situations, the equipment must be de-energized and locks or tags must be applied to the energy-isolation devices.
Tag: A written warning device ud on push button controls and energy isolating devices to alert employees that lockout/tagout is in effect and to identify who is doing the work.
Tagout: The placement of a tag on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment are being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.
4.1 EHS:监督各部门挂牌上锁的执行和培训工作,并负责授权。
EHS–is responsible for monitoring the implementation of LOTO and trainning ,also is responsible for Authorize Employee 。
4.2 设备&设施工程师:负责编写具体上锁挂牌流程,并定期进行审查各自程序和受影响的员工,并采购需要的锁具,标签等。
Facility engineer – is responsible for establishing the specific LOTO program, enforcing and auditing the procedure and the authorized employees, and purcha the needed locks.
4.3 维修人员:负责执行上锁挂牌,确保在进行维护保养工作时其设备未被操作,并对其他人员上锁挂牌提供支持!
Maintenance - is responsible for following the lockout tag out procedure(s) to ensure machinery will not operate while maintenance work is being performed,and support others for lockout。
Authorized Employee - is responsible for following the lockout tag out procedure(s) to ensure machinery will not operate while maintenance work is being performed.
4.5 受影响员工:可识别出正在进行的上锁挂牌的设备,并禁止操作已进行上锁挂牌的设备。
Affected Employee–is responsible for recognizing when lockout tag out is prent, and that he/she are prohibited from operating any machine that is locked and tagged out.
5过程 Process
5.1 各设备工程师检查各自区域和设备,识别出需上锁挂牌的设备,并登记于“上锁/挂牌设备清单”中备案于EHS,并每年检查更新一次。