R ecently, the listed companies in t he indust r ia l robot
industry, such as Maihe Robot & Automation and EFORT
Intelligent Equipment, have intensively obtained major order projects for automotive automation production lines. Since the beginning of the year, the new energy vehicle industry has accelerated its production expansion, and the upstream and downstream of the industry have incread their dependence on automated production and manufacturing. Industry insiders have said that the market demand for industrial robots is increasing. With the continuous improvements in the technological capabilities and product quality, the market size of industrial robots is expected to continue to increa.Industrial robot market scale is growing rapidly
In recent years, the market scale
学校春联of Chine industrial robots has grown rapidly, and it has become the largest industrial robot market in the world. Statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology show that the revenue of the robot industry exceeded RMB 130 billion in 2021, among which the output of industrial robots reached 366,000 units, a 10-fold increa over the year of 2015.
Qichacha data shows that there
are 155,900 enterpris related to industrial robots in China. In the last 10 years, the registration of Chine industrial robot related enterpris has been on the ri. In the first half of 2022, there were 26,400 new industrial robot-related enterpris, up 21.95% year on year; in 2019, there were 10,600 new industrial robot-related enterpris, up 17.80% year on year; in 2020, there were 25,000 new industrial robot-related enterpris, up 136.67% year on year; in 2021, there were 48,300 new industrial robot-related enterpris, up 93.23% year on year. From the perspective of regional distribution, Jiangsu ranks f irst with 30,400 industrial robot-related enterpris, according to data from Qichacha. Guangdong and Shandong have 26,000 and 16,900 industrial robot-related enterpris respectively, followed by Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui. In terms of distribution across cit
ies, Suzhou ranked first with 13,800 industrial robot-related enterpris. Shanghai and Guangzhou ranked cond and third with 8,300 and 7,700 industrial robot-related enterpris respectively, followed by Shenzhen, Dongguan and Qingdao.As a manufacturing power, the development of industrial robots in China can not only facilitate intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry, but can also solve the crisis that the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing in the manufacturing industry. In order to promote the rapid development of the industrial robot industry, China has unveiled a string of policies, such as the 14th Five-Year Plan Robot Industry Development Plan, in order to accelerate technological breakthroughs in industrial robots’ core pa r ts , a nd to promote t he localization rate of the industrial robots and parts. With strong support from policy, remarkable achievements have been made in all ctions of the industrial chain of Chine industrial robots. With the continuous progress in technology, the degree of domestic production has been greatly improved a nd a number of reprentat ive enterpris have emerged.With the continuous increa
情不自禁什么意思in the rearch and development of industrial robots, enterpris have
Listed Industrial Robot Companies Flock to Obtain Orders
By Lynn Yu
56also made considerable achievements in the hardware and soft ware of
干鱿鱼怎么泡发industrial robots. In order to accelerate the layout of the industrial chain, the technological development of the upstream core components has been the top priority for domestic manufacturers.Technological breakthroughs are to be strengthened
According to the China Robot
Industry Development Report, driven by multiple factors such as the intensive policies introduced in China and the increasingly mature market, industrial robots have witnesd rapid growth and sustained favorable development, and have become the main engine driving the development of the robot industry. According to IFR statistics, the scale of China’s industrial robot market has maintained a trend of growth over the past five years, and the market scale will continue to grow in 2022, and is expected to reach USD 8.7 billion. China’s industrial robot market is expected to expand further and exceed USD 11 billion by 2024.Fut u r e pl a n n i n g for l i s te d
enterpris in China’s industrial robot industry should mainly focus on t wo aspects. First, increasing
R&D investment, strengthening t e c h n o l o g i c a l b r e a k t h r o u g h s , improving independent production of core components, accelerating the R&D of industrial robot platform products and technolog ies, and improving the core competitiveness of the company. Second, strengthening sales distribution, accurately expanding emerging markets, and improving the company’s market share. The main business layout of the listed enterpris shows that the domestic market is still the main market. Compared with other enterpris, EFORT’s revenue from overas regions accounts for a larger proportion, namely 49.7%. For enterpris such as Robot and Jiangsu Beiren Robot, more than 90% of the revenue comes from domestic areas.C h i n a h a s t a k e n b r e a k i n g through the key core technolog y of robots as a signif icant project. D o m e s t ic m a nu f a c t u r e r s h a v e overcome some problems in the field of key core parts, such as the reducer, controller and r vo system, and the trend of the localization of core parts is gradually emerging. Taking reducers as an example, Leaderdrive developed Y ries harmonic reducer products bad on the principle of third harmonic deceleration, which greatly improved the torsional stiffness and transmission accuracy thereof, and accelerated the construction of core technology systems with independent technology property rights. A batch of outstanding enterpris including Na nt o n g Z h e n k a n g , Z h e j i a n g Shuanghuan Driveline, Han’s Motion and Laifual Drive have become the leading force behind the development of the domestic reducer market with continuous R&D investment, a high precision man
ufacturing capacity, strict quality control, and continuous improvement of the product system. In terms of rvo systems and controllers, s u c h e nt e r p r i s e s a s I n o v a n c e , Huazhong Numerical Control and Googol Tech have entered into the mass production stage and accelerated the implementation of domestic robot application and replacement.Wit h t he de velopment a nd maturity of machine vision technology, the ability of robots to perceive of complex external environments has been greatly improved, and their autonomy, stability and reliability in dealing with practical problems have been greatly improved. Machine vision greatly improves the degree of flexibility and automation in industrial production, improves and ensures the quality of production, and has an extremely high application value in such scenarios as measurement, guidance and detection. For example, Siasun combines machine vision with collaborative robots, and us deep learning algorithms to effectively process and integrate the information collected by multiple nsors, so as to provide stable and sustainable 3D visual f lexible positioning for collaborative robot operations. In the application scenario of shoe coatings, the edge contour of different shoe types can be accurately extracted, which helps realize freely switching operations between different types of shoes during the production process and reducing the costs for customers.Industrial robots are more flexible after integrating the f lexible force
At prent,
China has
taken breaking
through the key
core technology
of robots as a significant project.
少年英雄王二小57control characteristics, which may realize the application of a higher precision and a stronger nsitivity, and can accelerate the popularization of t hei r appl icat ion in comple x precision scenarios such as asmbly, grinding and riveting. Chongqing Hushu Robotics launched precision machining robot for 3C products, w h ic h a r e e q u ip p e d w it h s e l f-developed high-performance rvo motors and control technology. The industrial robots focus on breaking through the typical process application of the full manufacturing process of a notebook computer and establish complex applications reprented by grinding, glue coating and asmbly, so as to realize the full manufacturing process of robot production and a full t of three-dimensional library automation factory applications. Leading enterpris are accelerating exploration into niche markets Domestic enterpris are also nudging into the market of feature applications in order to further increa the market share. In recent years, a number of local robot enterpris such as Shenyang Siasun, Harbin Boshi, Shanghai STEP, Guangzhou CNC, Anhui EFORT and Beijing ROKAE have gradually developed and grown, and have initially formed a complete robot industrial chain. The application field of robots has gradually expanded f
rom op er at iona l t a sk s suc h a s handling, welding and asmbly to processing-oriented tasks. Application solutions with Chine characteristics are welcomed by the market. Relying on the adva
ntages of fast respon to the market, some enterpris have ized the opportunity to build a feature product moat in the subdivided application field, quickly occupy a sha
re of t he emerg ing market, and expand the influence of the industry on this basis, which helps to gradually realize the localization of robot replacement in some industries. For e xa mple, a f ter yea rs of rearch and development, ROKAE Robot has comprehensively ud such technologies as robot vision, machine human perception, and reinforcement learning to develop specialized solutions in the fields of automatic cutting tools and flexible material processing in cooperation with application manufacturers.Strategic emerging industries
have become a new front for robot application. In recent years, China’s n e w e n e r g y v e h i c l e s , l i t h i u m electricity, photovoltaic and other strategic emerging industries have s h o w n a s t r o n g m o m e nt u m o f development. For example, in 2021, the annual output of new energ y vehicles was 3.677 million, an increa of 152.5% over the previous year. The output of lithium-ion batteries was 324 GWh, up 106% year on year. The installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation connected to the grid exceeded 300 million kW, ranking first in the world for ven concutive years. In respon to the production a nd ma i ntena nce need s of ne w energy vehicles, lithium electricity and photovoltaic products, robot enterpris have launched innovative sol
utions, promoting the rapid growth of robot installation in strategic emerging industries. For example, Estun launched a ries of photovoltaic industry solutions, with a full ries of Estun product lines, motion control and vision systems for industrial automation being ud to promote the photovoltaic industry to upgrade into intelligent manufacturing.In recent years, industrial robots have been widely ud in the industries of automobiles, electronics, metal products, plastics and chemical products. The spread of COVID-19 has accelerated the process of digital transformation in various ctors, and robots have become an important tool for enterpris to achieve the rapid resumption of both work and production. IFR statistics show that the global industrial robot market rebounded strongly in 2021 with a market size of U SD 17.5 billion, surpassing the all-time high of USD 16.5 billion reached in 2018, with installations hitting a record high of 487,000 units, up 27% year on year. The industrial robot market is expected to grow further and reach USD 19.5 billion by 2022. As the market demand continues to increa and the popularity of industrial robots correspondingly further increas, the industrial robot market will continue to grow and is expected to reach USD 23
billion by 2024.