Specification and Major Equipment list
Item Name
1 Diel generator
2 柴油发电机主机配件Diel Generator Main Auxiliary
2.1 增压器 Turbocharger
2.2 空气冷却器 Air Cooler
工商银行汇率2.3 调速器 Speed governor
2.4 盘车电机 Jigger Motor
2.5 操作平开学的日记unit及扶手梯 Operation Platform and Stair身上着火怎么办
3 滑由系统 Lube system
3.1 滑油恒温阀 Lube oil Thermostatic valve
3.2 自清滤器
3.3 七联体自清滤器 Seven Conjoint Self clean filter
3.4 润滑油冷却器 Lube oil cooler
3.5 滑油分油机模块 Lube oil parator modular
3.6 阀门和管道上的仪表 Instruments of valves and pipes
3.7 管系piping
4 缸水系统 Cylinder Water system
4.1 小鱼游啊游缸水循环泵 Cylinder water circulating pump
4.2 缸水恒温阀 Cylinder water thermostatic valve
4.3 缸水冷却器 Cylinder water Cooler
4.4 维修水箱 Water tank for maintenance
4.5 阀门和管道上的仪表Instruments of valves and pipes
4.6 管系Piping
5 燃油系统 Fuel Combustion System
5.1 燃油输送泵 Fuel transferring pump
5.2 燃油自清滤器及旁路滤器 Fuel lf clean filter and by pass filter
5.3 主燃油单元组件-包括:Main fuel combustion components including:
5.3.1 燃油加热器 Fuel heater
5.3.2 燃油粘度装置 Fuel Viscosity equipment为了和平
5.3.3 燃油转换阀 Fuel conversion valve
Item Name
5.3.4 流量计Flow meter
5.4 机前滤器 Engine front filter
5.5 燃油分油机模块 Fuel oil parator modular
5.6 阀门和管道上的仪表 Instruments of valves and pipes
5.7 管系piping
6 压缩空气系统 Compresd air system
6.1 30bar高压空气压缩机 High Pressure air compressor of 30 Bar
6.2 空气压缩机 Air compressor
6.3 高压储气瓶及附件 High pressure air bottle and auxiliaries
6.4 柴油机启动装置及附件 Diel engine starting system and auxiliaries
6.5 阀门和管道上的仪表 Instruments of valves and pipes
7 进气系统 Air inlet system
7.1 自清式进气滤器 Self clean air inlet filter
鲁迅读后感7.2 进气管道和支架 Air inlet piping and supporting
7.3 增压器吸气口波纹管 Corrugated pipe for Turbocharger suction inlet
8 排气系统 Exhaust System
8.1 增压器到废气锅炉之排气管及支架 Exhaust Pipes and supporting from Turbocharger to heat recovery boiler
8.2 增压器到废气锅炉之排气管的波纹管和接头Corrugated pipe and joint from Turbocharger to heat recovery boiler
8.3 排气管外的隔热材料和金属外皮 Thermal insulating material and metal outers outside the exhausting pipes
9 电气设备系统 Electric System
9.1 同步发电机 Synchronization generator
9.2 柴油机现场动力柜 Diel engine Onsite power supply panel
9.3 发电机励磁控制柜 Control panel for generator exciter
9.4 开关出线柜 Switch Outlet panel
9.5 发电机控制柜 Control panel for generator
9.6 厂变高压开关柜 HV switch panel for plant transformer
9.7 厂变低压出线柜 HV switch panel for plant transformer
9.8 北京到北戴河设备自带的电线电缆(不含公共部分)Wires and Cables with the engine (excluding the wire and cable for common usage and functions.)