为何有些人在减肥这件事上比别人更苦恼?社会心理学家Emily为我们展示了她的研究,揭示了众多原因之一:视觉。在这个启发性的演讲中,她展示了在健身这件事上,为何有些人眼中的世界就是和别人不一样 也提供了一个格外简单的办法来克服这些难题。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:减肥怎么就你坚持不下去,欢迎借鉴参考。
演说者:Emily Balcetis
Vision is the most important and prioritized n that we have. We are constantly looking at the world around us, and quickly we identify and make n of what it is that we e.
委托招聘 Let s just start with an example of that very fact. I m going to show you a photograph of a person, just for a cond or two, and I d like for you to identify what emotion is on his face. Ready? Here you go. Go with your gut reaction. Okay. What did you e?
Well, we actually surveyed over 120 individuals, and the results were mixed. People did not agree on what emotion they saw on his face. Maybe you saw discomfort. That was the most frequent respon that we received.
But if you asked the person on your left, they might have said regret or skepticism, and i
f you asked somebody on your right, they might have said something entirely different, like hope or empathy. So we are all looking at the very same face again.We might e something entirely different, becau perception is subjective. What we think we e is actually filtered through our own mind s eye.
Of cour, there are many other examples of how we e the world through own mind s eye. I m going to give you just a few. So dieters, for instance, e apples as larger than people who are not counting calories. Softball players e the ball as smaller if they ve just come out of a slump, compared to people who had a hot night at the plate. And actually, our political beliefs also can affect the way we e other people, including politicians.
香港爱情电影 当然,还有很多其他例子能证明我们是如何通过主观思维的视角观察世界的。再举几个这
So my rearch team and I decided to test this question. In 20xx, Barack Obama was running for president for the very first time, and we surveyed hundreds of Americans one month before the election. What we found in this survey was that some people, some Americans, think photographs like the best reflect how Obama really looks.
Of the people, 75 percent voted for Obama in the actual election. Other people, though, thought photographs like the best reflect how Obama really looks. 89 percent of the people voted for McCain.
We prented many photographs of Obama one at a time, so people did not realize that what we were changing from one photograph to the next was whether we had artificially lightened or darkened his skin tone.
So how is that possible? How could it be that when I look at a person, an object, or an event, I e something very different than somebody el does? Well, the reasons are many, but one reason requires that we understand a little bit more about how our eyes work. So vision scientists know that the amount of information that we can e at any given point in time, what we can focus on, is actually relatively small.
What we can e with great sharpness and clarity and accuracy is the equivalent of the surface area of our thumb on our outstretched arm. Everything el around that is blurry, rendering much of what is prented to our eyes as ambiguous.
But we have to clarify and make n of what it is that we e,and it s our mind that helps us fill in that gap. As a result, perception is a subjective experience, and that s how we end up eing through our own mind s eye.
So, I m a social psychologist, and it s questions like the that really intrigue me. I am fascinated by tho times when people do not e eye to eye. Why is it that somebody might literally e the glass as half full, and somebody literally es it as half empty?