I. Choo the one that best completes the ntence.选择填空。 每题1分,共20题
复习范围:Test yourlf units 1-5 P123-125 第41题至70题;Test yourlf units 6-10 P263-P265 第36题至65题,题序为单号的题目。
41. Eyes play an important role in body balance and it is important to A as much information from the environment as possible. A absorb B involve C invent D conquer
43. Whatever one has planned to do is D to be altered in the process.
A prohibited B eager C embarrasd D pound
45. If your child is spending too much time on computer games, think carefully about how you are going to C the situation.
A accomplish B arrange C handle D decrea
47. She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back B her again, sharp and insistent.
A conquered B wakened C absorbed D retired
49.Early in the morning, I was怎么叠纸盒 B out of bed to repair a minor fault on the car.
A distracted B dragged C wakened D assigned
51. You should make sure you know where the parents can be D , and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child.
A connected B communicated C committed D contacted
53.On one A ,they locked her in the car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing.
A occasion B campus C voyage D basis
55.If you wish, we can C for your luggage to be nt on ahead to each of the overnight stops.
A memorize B contract C arrange D commit
57.The boy A turned the TV off as the clock struck ten , time for him to go to bed .
A reluctantly B disappointedly C fortunately D undoubtedly
59. I started to read newspapers and magazines more, and, for just about the first time in my life, I began to take an interest in B affairs.
A personal B current C ancient D social
61.I'd like to A that students should be allowed more time for independent study.
财政盈余A propo B command C arrange D steer
63.On a B day, our professor works in the lab from 11 P.M.
A following B typical C previous D diligent
65.He might as well have picked a family A out of the telephone book and stayed with them.
A at random B at a time C after all D in detail
67.The books are beautifully A with drawings and photographs.
A illustrated B designed C written D covered
69.A sign at our local church is in wood , with gold lettering , but the B is already fading after three years .
A product B latter C later D medal
37.I remember Chapman was A when I told him we might make a million dollars a year.
A amazed B exclaimed C shocked D stunned
39.Drinking a cup of hot water should help to D the pain in the short term, but, if it persists, you should e a doctor as soon as possible.
A fortify B shift C wrap D relieve
41.A personal friend of an artist may have a real A in writing criticism, as he may learn about the artistic intentions which are not explained to others.
A advantage B obrvation C background D privacy
43.But it is D that publishers, to stay in business, need to bring out a large number of titles every year.
A spontaneous B boring C elementary D evident
45. If you don't read, then D you will forget how to read.
微商如何营销A mysteriously B unfortunately C positively D eventually
47.The overall length of gas pipeline was planned to reach 300,000km—enough to B to the moon and back .
A hover B stretch C limp D expo
49.Mr. Trump would not B details of his plan for a new factory to make mobile phones in China.
A expo B reveal C indicate D enclo
51. As anyone who has B an accident will tell you, the apparent curity of cars is deceptive.
A sampled B survived C vanished D scraped
53.In a small enterpri or department, management by inertia is a B 肺气肿是什么原因引起的dia.
A current B deadly C radical D typical
55. Henry A into a table and landed heavily on the floor and had to be helped to his feet by friends.
怎么求百分比A crashed B proceeded C retreated D limped
57. Donald McIntyre was arrested by the police on suspicion of being connected in the D disappearance of a man.
A evident B ancient C critical D mysterious
59.The fight lasted but a few minutes, when the enemy soldiers B before us for twelve miles.