Forktruck driver safty operation rule
1、 叉车司机必须经培训、考核合格并取得操作证后,方可驾驶叉车。
Forktruck driver must be trained, pass the exam and get the permission before operation.
中国磐安2、 驾驶员衣着合适,严禁赤脚或拖鞋开车,驾驶室内不得超员,驾驶室外不准搭乘人员。
Improper wearing, barefoot or baboosh wearing drive, overload inside the cab,pasnger outside the cab are strictly prohibited.
3、 驾驶室内不准放置防碍操作的工具和杂物。
Tools and sundries that may be in the way of driving are strictly prohibited.
协调有序4、 出车前、行车中及收车后必须按规定进行检查,如有异常应立即停车及时上报,待故障排除后方可动车。
Take inspection before driving, 金牛山公园on driving and after driving. If something unusual occurs, driver must stop and report to the manager. Never move before the failure be solved.
5、 不准机械带病作业,作业时最大负荷不准超过规定吨位。
Never operate the equipment with failure. Never overload the capacity of the forktruck.
6、 启动前应将离合器分离,各操纵手柄放空挡位置,同时检查方向机构、制动器、仪表、灯光、轮胎等安全部件是否灵敏可靠。确认车底无障碍物及周围无人员方可鸣笛起步。
Before start the engine make sure the clutch is disconnected, operation arm is in empty position. Inspect and make sure the steering wheel, brake, instrument, light, wheel etc. are in good condition. Before ringing and moving make sure there is nothing 如何禁言under the truck in the way and nobody around.
7、 驾驶中不准人员上下,或传递物件,严禁脱动力滑行,严禁超载行驶。
One geting on and off, materials transfer is strictly prohibited between moving. Free position sliding and overload moving is strictly prohibited.
8、 装卸货物时必须使用手制动,使车稳定。起重架升降时应在垂直位置进行,起重臂下严禁站人。
U manual brake when loading and unloading. Keep in vertical when lifting arm up and down. Never stand under the lifting arm.
9、 叉货物行驶时,起重架应后倾,叉臂与地面应保持30厘米,不应作剧烈制动和急刹转弯,不得在高低不平松散倾斜的路上行驶。
Keep lifting arm retroverted and about 30mm away from ground when load moving. Hardly brake and brake-turning is prohibited. Keep away from the rugged, floppy and acclivitous road.
10、 必须根据货物大小来调整叉臂距离,使货物重心均匀分配两叉间。加缪
Adjust the distance between two fork arms according to the size of goods to make sure the load balance.
11、 工作完毕或暂停作业,应将机械停放好,将叉子落地。制动好机械,停熄发动机,拔下钥匙方可离去。
Park the truck, 17岁的雨季put the fork on the ground, brake, shut down the engine, take out the key and 10度then go away after work or break off from work.