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Verbot und Deklaration von Inhaltsstoffen; Allgemeines, Übersicht Replaces 12.99 edition In ca of doubt apply the German version of this Bosch–Norm.
阿炳的资料1Scope and purpo
This Norm applies to all goods supplied (products, components, materials, preparations) to be ud in Bosch products, to specified accessory manufacturing materials and packaging materials.
For substances in products, components, materials and preparations, Norm N 2580–1.1 applies in addition.For substances in accessory manufacturing materials, Norm N 2580–1.2 applies in addition.
后背胀痛For Bosch in–hou operations, N 2580–INT shall be obrved in addition.
This Norm shall ensure an environmentally nsitive handling of the products, components, materials, prepara-tions, accessory manufacturing materials and packaging materials during production, usage, recycling and the disposal of the intermediate and final products while ensuring occupational safety aspects.
It is also necessary to ensure that corresponding stipulations by Bosch customers are met.
The Norm  supplements the responsibility of all suppliers to meet valid laws and regulations .
2Prohibition and declaration of substances 2.1General The limit value for prohibition (V=Verbot) or declaration (D=Deklaration) amounts to 0.1 % of the mass share unless a different value is stated.For N 2580–1.1, the share refers to the respective material or preparation.For N 2580–1.2, it refers to the accessory manufacturing material in the state in which it is delivered.If limit values are defined for sums of substances the individual substances shall be declared.If the prohibited limit value for a substance is larger than 0.1 %, the substance shall be declared from a share of 0.1 % to the specified limit value.
Bosch shall be informed about changes in the composition without delay.
Irrespective of the stipulations outlined in this Norm, national regulations on the dissipation of information about occupational safety and environmental protection shall be met (e.g. EC material safety data sheet according to EC Directive 91/155/EEC).
2.2Prohibition of substances
All constituents that are prohibited according to N 2580–1.1 and N 2580–1.2 shall not be contained in the pro-ducts, components, materials, preparations or accessory manufacturing materials delivered to Bosch nor shall they be relead during usage.
2.3Declarable substances
All substances rated as declarable according to N 2580–1.1 and N 2580–1.2 shall be declared with their mass ratio and CAS number if they are contained in the products, components, materials, preparations, accessory manufacturing materials or packaging materials delivered to Bosch or if the substances can be relead during usage.
Ozone–depleting substances are subject to declaration as defined in the national legislation of the import coun-try (e.g. EU 2037/20000 or US Clean Air Act).
Continued on page 2 to 3
Technical responsibility: FV/Z4U, Technical Materials Departments
N 2580–14 497 016 442
Prohibition and declaration of substances General, overview  October 2002 E i g e n t u m  d e r  R o b e r t  B o s c h  G m b H P r o p e r t y  o f  R o b e r t  B o s c h  G m b H FV/PLS Bf
Page 2      N 2580–1    October 2002
3Packaging materials
In packaging materials, the cumulative concentration of
–hexavalent chromium
shall not exceed the limit value of 100 ppm as defined in the EC Directive on packaging and packaging waste (94/62/EC).
For VCI packaging (volatile corrosion inhibitors), N 2580–1.2 applies in addition.
4Supplier agreements
Suppliers of products, components, materials, preparations, accessory manufacturing materials and packaging materials are obliged to confirm the compliance with N 2580 in writing (e.g. with the order confirmation). Prohibi-ted or declarable substances shall be reported to Bosch – preferably with the supplier declaration according to N 2580–1, Appendix A. The obligation to disclo prohibited or declarable substances does not apply to prohibited or declarable substances reported in the order specification.
Prohibitions can be limited or canceled through exemptions. The exemptions are temporary until other technical solutions have been found.
Exemptions shall be agreed upon in writing prior to the signing of supplier contracts.
The delivery documents shall point to the exempted substances.
Previous editions
11.84; 08.92; 12.94; 12.99 (N17590)
Norm was completely revid. See explanations on engineering change order N 17590.
Property of Robert Bosch GmbH FV/PLS
N 2580–1        Page 3 October 2002 Property of Robert Bosch GmbH FV/PLS Appendix A
Supplier declaration
on prohibited or declarable substances in products, components, materials, prepara-tions, accessory manufacturing materials or packaging materials
from (supplier)  ..........................................................................................................................to (resp. purchasing dept. at Bosch)  ................................................................................................Bosch order number
....................................................................................................Ordered material
.....................................................................................................Bosch part number .....................................................................................................According to N 2580, the material mentioned above contains
j prohibited substances j declarable substances
Supplier’s signature .................................................................... Date ..............................

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