微技能4 情绪细节描写 | |
技巧点拨 | ①可以利用恰当的表情绪感受的形容词和副词,如快(happy,delighted, plead,joyful,enjoyable 等)、吃惊(surprid,shocked,amazed,astonished) 这些直接描述人物的情绪或表情的形容词,或介词短语如 to one’s surpri,in relief,in panic等进行描写。 ②融情于景:利用自然环境描写体现人物的情绪感受,如小说《麦琪的礼物》中的 Della finished her crying and dried her face. She stood by the window and looked out unhappily at a gray cat walking along a gray fence in a gray back yard.利用3个形容词gray体现了Della的难受和不开心。 ③利用恰当的动作描写反映人物的情绪,如下面文章片段中的句子。 |
精彩片段 | One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest.Unfortunately,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake,Jane was so angry(直接利用形容词说明Jane的愤怒) that she said to Tom,“I'm going to find a better spot for us to camp" and walked away.(用生动的短语体现Jane的愤怒) With no path to follow, Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to e the lake.(动作描写,说明Jane 满怀期望)To her surpri, (利用介词短语体現Jane的吃惊)she saw nothing but forest and,far beyond,a snow capped mountain top. (寓情于景,休现Jane的无望失落)She suddenly realized that she was lost. “Tom!”she cried.“Help!” |
微技能5 直接心理活动细节描写 | |
在读后续写时,可以利用心理活动描写揭示人物的性格,反映人物的思想变化,推动情节的发展,丰富故事情节。 | |
技巧点拨 | ①可采用内心独白的方式,对自己说话或提问,直接描写人物的心理活动 ②也可利用 she nd/she thought/she realized, there was a voice inside that, she heard a whispering voice from her heart, it hit/struck 等独白的形式描述人物的心理活动。 |
精彩片段 | 下面是欧亨利的作品《麦琪的礼物》中女主人公决定卖头发为丈夫Jim买礼物前的心理活动。 Della finished her crying and dried her face. She stood by the window and looked out unhappily at a gray cat walking along a gray fence in a gray back yard. “Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and I have only one dollar and eighty-ven cents to buy Jim a gift. I have been saving every penny I could for months,with this result. Jim earned twenty dollars a week, which does not go far. Expens had been greater than what I have expected", she whispered. “But I only have one dollar and eighty-ven cents for Jim, my Jim." she was lost in thought.“They always are. Many a happy hour I have : spent planning to buy something nice for him. Something fine and rare-something clo to being worthy of being owned by him. But now what should I do?” 本段主要描述Della因没钱买礼物而发愁。“她先是哭了一阵,然后站在窗前发呆,心想明天就是圣诞节了,而她只有1.87美元给Jim买礼物。这一段讲述Della家里经济拮据,将Della因无法为丈夫购买一件称心的圣诞礼物而焦灼的心情描述得淋漓尽致,刻画了Della当时内心的无奈,不知何去何从。内心独白层层递进,随着故事情节的发展不断揭示Della 内心的苦恼。 |
微技能6外貌细节描写 | |
技巧点拨 | 在写作中,可以通过描写人物的外貌达到三个效果 ①通过外貌描写进一步烘托人物形象,使读者对人物有更清晰的感受; ②通过外貌描写使人物的心理更具体更生动; ③通过外貌描写推动故事情节的发展,引出下文,在进行外貌描写时,可以写对一个人的总体印象,也可以具体描写他/她的五官、着装,也可配上动作描述,体现人物的性格。 |
精彩片段 | 片段1 As time went by,Chaplin began making films. He grew more and more popular as his charming character,the little tramp,became known throughout the world. The tramp,a poor,homeless man with a mustache,wore large trours,worn out shoes and a small round black hat.(描写小流波汉的外貌特征和着装)He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick.深圳宝安公园(流浪汉的动作特点:僵硬)This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties,He was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him.(适当的评价,使小流浪汉的形象变得高大) 片段2 Harry came in a little over three years ago and waited at the end of the stairs for the pasngers from the 9:05 train.I remember eing Harry that first evening.He wasn't much more than a thin, anxious kid then.(瘦瘦的、表情焦虑)He was all dresd up (穿戴整齐,引出下文:结婚) and I knew he was meeting his girl and that they would be married twenty minutes after she arrived. “She is small and dark,”he said,“and nineteen years old and very neat in the way she walks.” he said, thinking a minute,“She has a face that has lots of spirit. I mean she can get mad but she never stays mad for long, and her eyebrows come to a little point in the middle. She's got a brown fur, but she isn't wearing it. ”(女孩的外貌长相描写:身高、皮肤、岁数、脸和眉毛) |
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