【stand相关的词组表达】stand out突出/显眼/引人注目; stand by准备/站在旁边; stand for代表/象征; stand in替身演员; stand off疏远/远离/避开; stand on基于/取决于/依靠; stand over延期/监督; stand to遵守; stand up站起来; stand up for支持/拥护/捍卫;
如何表达“搞砸了”】a)screw up(I can‘t screw up.我不能搞砸了) b)trip up犯错误;出差错c) goof up出大错,把…搞乱(Don‘t goof up.别出岔子) d)blow it 搞砸(Why did you blow it?!你为什么搞砸了?) e)mess up 一团糟f)Play the devil with 把…搞乱 g)fuck up(粗俗语,慎用)h)ruin it 搞砸/破坏
花好月圆 the flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full-ideal time for wedding 福禄鸳鸯 a happy wealthy couple 天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match 美满良缘 a happy and wonderful marriage
【与‘‘get‘’相关的词组搭配】get the picture 明白;get along with 与…相处;get through 渡过难关;get in touch with 与…联系;get down to business 言归正传;get away with 侥幸成
抗日之黄埔特种兵黄河的历史故事功(或取走):get going 开始从事某事; get hold of 把握;get wi to 了解(某事);get rid of 摆脱;get the hang of掌握…的窍门赖恩爵
message信息-massage按摩;tempt诱惑-tamper窜改-temper脾气-temple庙;despi轻视-despite尽管;fraction小部分-fiction小说- friction摩擦;sliver裂片-silver银;purpo目的-suppo假设-propo建议
Since when?从何时开始? 2.The nerve!好大的胆子! 3.You think?你怎么知道? 4.Not tonight!今晚不行! 5.Oh,Christ!天呐! 6.Not really!不怎么知道/喜欢! 7.Behind you!小心后面! 8.Remember back!回想一下! 9.Hold on!等一下! 10.Things change!世事无常! 11.Get lost!滚蛋!
【开车时常讲的英文】1.Man, he‘s as slow as Christmas!天啊,他开车真是有够慢的!2.Why is he tailgating us?他干嘛一直贴在我们屁股后面?3.Let‘s go for a ride. /Let‘s take a road trip.我们开车去兜风吧;4.Sit tight. I‘m gonna floor it!坐好,我要开始飙了!
化工类专业【各种各样的人】shrinking violet:畏首畏尾的人 backat driver:喜欢指手划脚的人 wet bl
anket:令人扫兴的人 late bloomer:大器晚成的人 apple polisher:拍马屁的人 ugly customer:粗暴的人 name-dropper:谈及名人以提高自己身价的人 eager beaver:工作卖力的人 mall rat:喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人
【dairy相关词组】易混淆单词:dairy( 乳制品)和diary(日记)。下面介绍dairy的关联词组表达:dairy cow奶牛;dairy product乳制品;dairy farm 奶场;dairy farmers奶农; Dairy farming乳品业; dairy industry 乳品加工业; dairy factory乳制品加工厂; dairy maker(producer)奶制品制造商
It‘s lucky to gain and fated to miss.得之,我幸。不得,我命。
【你吝啬吗】1.他是个很小气的人。He is a very stingy person.;2.真是个吝啬鬼!What a mir!;3.他不是个慷慨的人。He‘s not a generous person. 4.她真是个守财奴。She‘s such a penny pincher. 5.他真是个小气鬼。He‘s such a tightwad.
【snow 习语表达】1)snow job 不诚实的话(花言巧语)I have an uneasy feeling she‘s giving me a snow job.我感觉她在说假话. 2)snow(ed) under (常用被动)压倒;忙得喘不过气
来.I was snowed under with work. 3)snowed in 被雪困住 The snow was so deep that we were snowed in for three days.
【 几种常见的病症】eczema湿疹; asthma哮喘 ; food poisoning食物中毒; hypertension高血压; gonorrhoea淋病 ; haemorrhoids/piles痔疮 ; hepatitis肝炎; chickenpox水痘; heart dia心脏病; gout痛风: malnutrition营养不良; rhinitis 鼻炎; Vertigo眩晕症; syphilis梅毒
【一起来学地道美语】1.I was being polite.我这是在说客气话。2.Stand someone up.放(某人)鸽子。3.I can‘t help mylf.我情不自禁。4.Fill me in.跟我说发生什么事了。5.Join the Forces.从军。6.We split it, fifty-fifty.五五分帐。7.Pain in the ass.眼中钉、肉中刺。
大快朵颐eat one‘s fill/gorge onelf; 大海捞针look for a needle in a haystack; 大智若愚still waters run deep; 口若悬河talk nine words at once; 口是心非 speak with one‘s tongue in one‘s cheek; 口腹蜜剑a honey tongue, a heart of gall
入乡随俗Do in Rome as the Romans do; 八面玲珑dance and sing all weathers; 七上八下be greatly upt; 七窍生烟 in a great fury/fuming with anger; 七零八落go to rack and ruin; 三番两次time after time/time and (time) again; 三缄其口 hold one‘s peace/lips
【发型和颜色】直发straight;卷曲curly;波浪wavy;自然的发色有黑色black、棕色brown、金色blond还有红色red. jet black 深黑;Dark brown 深棕色;Chestnut brown粟棕色;golden blond 金黄色;auburn 赤褐色;titian/Red hair 红头发;yellowish 淡黄色
【最IN的英文口头语】我了个去:holy crap;额滴神啊oh my God;我的天哪:Jesus Christ;牛了B了:freaking awesome;神马东西:what the hell;傻了吧唧:stupid ass;闭嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;臭不要脸:you‘ve got such a nerve;胡说八道:totally nonn;我看行:it will work
#英语词缀# "mal-/male-"--"坏的;恶的"1.mal-content不满的; 2.mal-practice不法行为; 3.mal-nutrition营养不良; 4.male-dict(说)-ion诅咒; 5.mal-odor恶臭; 6.mal-treat虐待; 7.male-volent怀有恶意的; 8.mal-adroit(灵巧的)笨拙的; 9.male-faction坏事;恶行; 10.mala-prop(恰当的)-ism(用字的)不恰当
#中国成语英语怎么说# 人云亦云echo one‘s words/repeat like a parrot; 人去楼空When the master was abnt, his mansion was dead. 人面兽心a wolf in sheep‘s clothing; 人言可畏 Opinion rules the world. 九死一生have a clo brush with death; 九牛一毛 a drop in the ocean/bucket
治疗失眠的偏方补充:九死一生have a narrow escape/shave或have a clo shave。 英国BBC发行的黏土动画片超级无敌掌门狗(Wallace & Gromit)有一部就叫A Clo Shave,一语双关。
【充满哲理的谚语】1.He is a wi man who speaks little.聪明不是挂在嘴上。2.He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.背后说好话,才是真朋友。3.Something is better than nothing.聊胜于无。4.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。