Soil organic carbon questration in agroforestry
反诈宣传文案systems. A review
期刊名称: Agronomy for Sustainable Development
作者: Pandey,Deep Narayan
千斤拔的功效与作用年份: 2002年
快节奏生活>合成欧泊期号: 第4期
关键词: Agroecosystems; Climate change mitigation; Carbon sink; Ethnoforestry;
Equity of knowledge; Secondary environmental benefits
摘要:Management of trees in agroecosystems such as agroforestry, ethnoforests, and trees outside forests can mitigate green hou gas (GHG) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Agroforestry systems are a better climate change mitigation option than oceanic, and other terrestrial options becau of the 八爪鱼怎么处理干净
bpmfcondary environmental benefits such as helping to attain food curity and cure land tenure in developing countries, increasing farm income, restoring and maintaining above-ground and below-ground biodiversity, corridors between protected forests, as CH4 sinks, maintaining watershed hydrology, and soil conrvation. Agroforestry also mitigates the demand for wood and reduces pressure on natural forests. Promoting woodcarving industry facilitates long-term locking-up of carbon in carved wood and new questration through