TMT review
Hambrick, D. C., & Mason, P. A. 1984. Upper Echelons: The Organization as a Reflection of Its Top Managers. The Academy of Management Review, 9(2): 193-206.
Hambrick and Mason(1982) synthesize many previously fragmented literatureson top management team from a general upper echelons perspective, and this work becomes the beginning of the rearch on top management team.Focusing on the top management team rather than single top manager, the upper echelonstheorystates that organizational outcomes such as strategic choices and performancelevelsare partially predicted by managerial background characteristics.
Smith, K. G., Smith, K. A., Olian, J. D., Sims, H. P., Jr., O'Bannon, D. P., & Scully, J.
A. 1994. Top Management Team Demography and Process: The Role of
Social Integration and Communication. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(3): 412-438.
Smith et al. (1994) find that the top management team’s demography indirectly related to performance through process and process directly related to performance. In another word, process is a mediator of the relationship between demography and performance. The team demography consists of team size, team tenure, heterogeneous experience, education, and background. In addition, the team process consists of social integration, informal communication, and communication frequency. They develop a extended model to reflect the complicated relationship among them.
Smith 等人(1994)发现,高层管理团队的人口统计学特征与绩效间接相关,同时管理过程与绩效直接相关。换句话说,管理过程在人口统计学特征与绩效的关系之中起中介作用。人口统计学特征包括团队规模,团队任期,异质经验,异质教育,和异质背景。另外,团队过程包括社会融合,非正式沟通,和沟通的频率。学者们开发一个扩展的模型,反映出这些变量之间复杂的关系。
Margarethe, F. W., &Bantel, K. A. 1992.Top Management Team Demography and Corporate Strategic Change.The Academy of Management Journal, 35(1): 91-121.
Margarethe and Bantel(1992) examine the relationship between the demography of topmanagement teams and corporate strategic changewithin a sample of Fortune 500companies. Controlling for prior firm performance, organizational size,top team size, and industry structure, they find that the firms mostlikely to undergo changes in
corporate strategy had top managementteams characterized by lower average age, shorter organizational tenure,higher team tenure, higher educational level, higher educationalspecialization heterogeneity, and higher academic training in the sciencesthan other teams. The results sugge st that top managers’ cognitiveperspectives, as reflected in a team’s demographic characteristics, are linked to the team’s propensity to change corporate strategy.
Finkelstein, S., &Hambrick, D. C. 1990. Top-Management-Team Tenure and Organizational Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Managerial Discretion.
道德规范有哪些Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(3): 484-503.
Finkelstein&Hambrick (1990) examine the relationship between managerial tenureand organizational outcomes such as strategic persistenceand conformity in strategy and performance with otherfirms in an industry. Executive-team tenure was found to have a significanteffect on strategy and performance, withlong-tenured managerial teams following more persistentstrategies, strategies that conformed to central tendenciesof the industry, and exhibiting performance thatcloly adhered to industry averages. Consistent with thetheory, results differed depending on the level of managerialdiscretion, with the strongest results occurring incontexts that allowed managers high discretion.
Hambrick, D. C., Cho, T. S., & Chen, M.-J. 1996. The Influence of Top Management Team Heterogeneity on Firms' Competitive Moves. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4): 659-684.
Hambrick et al. (1996) explores the executive origins of firms' competitivemoves by focusing on top management teamcharacteristics, specifically on team heterogeneity.The topmanagement teams that were diver, in terms of functionalbackgrounds, education, and company tenure, exhibiteda relatively great propensity for action, and boththeir actions and respons were of substantial magnitude.Heterogeneous teams, by contrast, were slower intheir actions and respons and less likely than homogeneousteams to respond to competitors’
initiatives. In sum,although team heterogeneity is a double-edged sword,its overall net effect on performancewas positive.
Raes, A. M. L., Heijltjes, M. G., Glunk, U., & Roe, R. A. 2011. The Interface of the Top Management Team and Middle Managers: A Process Model. Academy of Management Review, 36(1): 102-126.
Raes et al. (2011) find that the interaction of the top management team and middle managers is central to effective strategy formulation and implementation. They specify the functions of the TMT-MM interface and formulate a ries of propositions linking TMT and MMs’interaction process, role behaviors, and trust to strategic decision quality and implementation quality. Studying the interface provides a new avenue for both TMT and MM rearch and enhances insight into the impact of TMTs on organizational performance.
Daboub, A. J., Rasheed, A. M. A., Priem, R. L., & Gray, D. A. 1995. Top Management Team Characteristics and Corporate Illegal Activity.The Academy of Management Review, 20(1): 138-170.
Daboub et al. (1995) develop veral propositions that suggest a relationship betweenthecorporateillegal activity and top management team characteristics. TMT characteristics such as length of rvice,functional background, formal business education, age, and militaryrvice, as well as homogeneity in each of the characteristics, arehypothesized to neutralize or enhance relationships between contextand corporate illegal activity.
Amason, A. C. 1996. Distinguishing the Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional
Conflict on Strategic Decision Making: Resolving a Paradox for Top Management Teams.The Academy of Management Journal, 39(1): 123-148. Amason (1996) argues that top management teams make strategic decisions, and the products oftheir decision making influence organizational performance. However,a subtle paradox is embedded in this relationship. He focuson conflict as the crux of this paradox and provides evidence from two different samples of conflict’s consistent yet contradictory effects ondecision quality, connsus, and affective acceptance. Amason(1996)认为,高层管理团队做出战略决策,其决定的产品影响组织绩效。然而,在这个关系中有一个微妙的悖论。他重点关注这种冲突,并将之视为这个悖论的关键所在,还从两个不同的冲突持续样本为之提供了证据,尽管在决策质量、达成共识和情感接受上呈现出一个矛盾的效果。
Finkelstein, S. 1992. Power in Top Management Teams: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation. The Academy of Management Journal, 35(3): 505-538. Finkelstein (1992) suggests that t op managers’power plays a key role in strategic decision making.However, although numerous scholars have recognized its importance,very few have attempted to measure the phenomenon. In this article,
heprents a t of dimensions measuring top managers' power and suggestsa measurement methodology to facilitate empirical inquiry.
Jenn, M. C., & Murphy, K. J. 1990.Performance Pay and Top-Management Incentives.Journal of Political Economy, 98(2): 225-264.
The estimates of the pay-performance relation (including pay, options, stockholdings, and dismissal) for chief executive officersconducted by Jenn and Murphy (1990)indicate that CEO wealth changes $3.25 for every $1,000 change in shareholder wealth. Although the incentives generated by stock ownership are large relative to pay and dismissal incentives, most CEOs hold trivial fractions of their firm s’ stock, and ownership levelshave declined over the past 50 years. They hypothesize that public and private political forces impo constraints that reduce the pay-performance nsitivity.
Declines in both the pay-performance relation and the level of CEO pay since the 1930s are consistent with this hypothesis.
由Jenn和Murphy(1990)做出的对首席执行官薪酬-绩效之间关系(包括工资,期权,持股和解雇在内)的估计显示,股东财富每变化1000美元,CEO财富变化3.25美元。尽管持股所产生的激励比起薪酬和解雇来讲相对更大,但大多数CEO 只持有微不足道的公司股份,而且在过去的50年股权数目也在不断减少。他们推测,公共和私人的政治势力施加的约束来减少薪酬-绩效之间关系的敏感度。从20世纪30年代以来,薪酬-绩效的关系和CEO的薪酬水平不断下降,这一事实与假说一致。
Bantel, K. A., & Jackson, S. E. 1989. Top management and innovations in banking: Does the composition of the top team make a difference? Strategic Management Journal, 10(S1): 107-124.
Bantel and Jackson (1989)argue examined the relationship between the social composition of top management teams and innovation adoptions in a sample of 199 banks. The following characteristics of top management teams were examined: average age, average tenure in the firm, education level, and heterogeneity with respect to age, tenure, educational background, and functional background. In addition, the effects of bank size, location (state of operation), and team si
ze were assd. Results indicate that more innovative banks are managed by more educated teams who are diver with respect to their functional areas of experti. The relationships remain significant when organizational size, team size, and location are controlled for.
Hambrick, D. C. 1981. Environment, Strategy, and Power Within Top Management Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26(2): 253-275.
Hambrick(1981) distinguishes two sources of critical contingenciesfor organizations: environment and strategy. In turn, itexplores how coping with each type of contingency isrelated to power within top management teams. Executiveshad high power if, byvirtue either of theirfunctional area orscanning behavior, they coped with the dominant requirementimpod by their industry's environm
ent. Power patternswithin each industry were further affected by theextent to which executives coped with the contingenciespod by their organizations' particular strategies. Hambrick(1981)区分了两种重要的组织权变因素来源,即环境和战略。反过来,这探讨了应对每种权变类型如何与高层管理团队内部的权力相关联。如果由于高管要的功能性区域或者扫描性行为,他们需要应对因产业环境产生的领域,那么高管就会拥有很大的权力。每个产业的权力模式进一步被高管应对的被组织特定战略影响的权变因素所影响。
Barsade, S. G., Ward, A. J., Turner, J. D. F., &Sonnenfeld, J. A. 2000.To Your Heart's Content: A Model of Affective Diversity in Top Management Teams.Administrative Science Quarterly, 45(4): 802-836.
Barsadeet al. (2000) develop a model of how diversity in positiveaffect (PA) among group members influences individualattitudes, group process, and group