Chine wedding customs
Made by Humin&Chenchu from Y103
Acommodating(通融性的,调节性的) five thousand years of Chine history gave birt
h to the colorful culture,and wedding customs in the splendid(极好的;壮丽的,辉煌的) culture also shines its own unique light.Chine people like using “one of the three most important things during one’s whole life” to describe the status of marriage in life,shows that the Chine people’s attitude to marriage is rious and solemn(严肃的,认真的),under the influence of this concept,marriage and the conclusion of each program are also in accordance wit certain custums and specifications. In Chine 设计艺术history and culture diment and flow, tho who followed in 国家卫星气象中心the conclusion of 彭祖the marriage customs and norms, 苏烈最强出装and共济会是什么组织 other cultural harmony, but also makes the什么是维护社会公平正义的最后一道防线 Chine marriage customs have become祝酒词开场白 increasingly rich and diver culture together
We can introduce Chine wedding customs from two parts:
1、 Different area.(Humin)
2、 疏影暗香Differet nation.(Chenchu)
Differet wedding customs in different areas