6.2.4 主的冷却装置规定Stipulations for main cooling device 主变的冷却装置在正常时由温控监测装置自动控制其启、停;In the normal, the start and stop of main transformer cooling device is controlled automatically by temperature control measuring device. 大自然的色彩 主变绕组温度升到110℃发超温报警信号。When the main transformer winding temperature is up to 110 ℃, it needs to nd out overtemperature alarm signal. 主变绕组温度升到122℃超温跳闸。 When the main transformer winding temperature is up to 122 ℃, it will be tripping. 主变油温升到60℃风机自动启动,降到55℃风机自动停运; When the main transformer oil temperature ris to 60 ℃, the fan automatically starts; when the main transformer oil temperature is down to 55℃, the fan automatically stops. 主变油温升到敲英语85℃发超温报警信号。When the main transformer oil temperature ris to 85 ℃, it needs to nd out overtemperature alarm signal. 主变油面温度升到97℃超温跳闸。When the main transformer oil temperature ris to 97 ℃, it will be tripping. 什么明星稀
班主任工作目标6.2.5 干式变压器的冷却装置规定 Stipulations of dry type transformer cooling device 武珝 干式变压器的风机在正常时由温控监测装置自动控制其启、停;In the normal, the start and stop of fan of dry type transformer is controlled automatically by temperature control measuring device. 变压器绕组温度升到57℃风机自动启动,降到50℃风机自动停运;When the transformer winding temperature ris to 57 ℃, the fan automatically starts; when the transformer winding temperature is down to 50℃, the fan automatically stops. 变压器绕组温度升到130℃发超温报警信号,降至120℃报警信号消失;When the transformer winding temperature ris to 130 ℃, it needs to nd out overtemperature alarm signal; when the transformer winding temperature is down to 120℃, the alarm signal will disappear. 变压器绕组温度升到150℃超温跳闸。When the transformer winding temperature is up to 150 ℃, it will be tripping. 每月15日白班,应手动启动风机进行定期检查。There are 15 days shift per month, the fan should be started manually to do regular checking.
6.2.6 变压器的过负荷运行规定 The operating stipulations of transformer overload变压器三相电流不平衡时,应监视最高的一相电流;When the three pha current of transformer are unbalanced, the highest pha current should be monitored.变压器过负荷运行时,应投入全部冷却器;When the transformer is overload operating, all the cooler should be put into.变压器存在严重缺陷(如冷却系统不正常、严重漏油、有局部过热现象、色谱分析异常等)或绝缘有薄弱点时,不应过负荷运行;When the transformer exists rious defects (such as abnormality of the cooling system , rious oil leakage, local overheating, abnormality of chromatographic analysis, etc.) or insulation has a weak spot, it should not
be in overload operation.变压器在过负荷运行时,应加强监视、检查,并控制变压器上层油温不超过规定值;过负荷时电流的大小和持续时间应记录。销售激励When the transformer is in overload operation, monitoring, inspection, and control of the top oil temperature of transformer should be strengthened so that it will not exceed the specified value.The size and duration of overloading current should be recorded.
6.2.7 变压器分接开关运行规定 The operating stipulations of transformer tap-changer 主变有载调压分接开关操作规定巴西龟的饲养方法The operating stipulations of main transformer on-load tap-changer
a) 主变有载调压共有17档,DCS画面“升压降档”为增加电压,DCS画面“降压升档”为降低电压,应根据厂用6kV母线电压要求进行调整;插秧歌The main transformer on-load tap changer totally has 17 grades. DCS picture "boost and downshift" is to increa the voltage, DCS picture "step down and shift up" is to decrea the voltage, which should adjust according to the needs of 6 kv busbar voltage.
b) 调整前必须征得值班长同意。正常情况下应远方操作调整,只有在远方调整失灵时,方可就地调整;The adjustment should be approved by chief operator. Under normal circumstances ,the adjustment should be operated in a distance place, only when the distance adjustment fails, adjustment can be on the spot.
c) 每次调整后,应检查分接头位置指示与实际相符,并做好记录。 After each adjustment, wherther the tap position indication is consistent with actual should be checked and recorded. 有载调压装置操作注意事项 The operating announcements of on-load tap changer device
a) 调整分接头位置时,每调整一级均应检查变压器电流、电压正常,分接头位置指示正确; When adjusting the tap position, adjusting each grade should check wherther the current and voltage is normal, and wherther the tap position indication is right.
b) 过负荷运行时,不得频繁调节分接头;When it is in overload operation, the tap cannot be adjusted frequently.
c) 如有轻瓦斯发信号时,不得进行有载调压操作;if the light gas nds out signal, on-load tap changer cannot be operating.
d) 进行调压操作时,应注意变压器高压侧档位电位不得超过±5%;Operating valgue regulation should notice that the potential of high voltage side gear should not exceed + / - 5%.
e) 调整时,应严格监视电流、电压的相应变化,如有不正常现象,应立即停止操作,查明原因。Adjusting should strictly monitoring the corresponding variation of current and voltage, if there are any abnormal phenomenon, operation should immediately be stopped to find out the reasons.