梦见生了个男孩Basic Statistics
With this option you can calculate the minimum, maximum, mean, st. deviation, variance and number of cas in your data file.
在这选项中,可以计算最小的,最大者,平均值,st ,偏离,变量,数据文件中的大量数据。
Results of the calculations are displayed in a grid format.
To calculate the standard Basic statistics
1. Choo Statistics from the main menu.
1. 从主菜单中选择统计表。
2. Choo Basic statistics (in type of statistics)
2. 选择基本的统计表 (在统计表的类型中)
羊血的做法3. Select the desired mean, st. from basic statistics. Note: an X indicates that a condition has been lected.
3. 从基本统计表中选择要的平均数,st,偏离等等。 注意: X 表示一种情况已经被选择。
4. Select All variates (in Output)
4. 选择所有的变量(在输出)
5. Choo Only lected data (in calculate using). If you want to access all data click on All data.
5. 选择已选择了的数据.( 在计算使用中) 如果你想计算所有的数据点击所有数据(all data)。
6. Choo Calculate to proceed.
6. 下一步选择计算。
Copying data to the clipboard
You can nd the results of your calculations to the clipboard to later past them in another application.
小学生名片Copying all data to the clipboard.
1. Click on All cells, and Minpet will highlight all cells (lect all).
2. Click on Copy and the data are copied to the clipboard.
3. Click on any cell of the grid and the highlight is removed.
To lect a limited region of the grid
1. You must define the highlight box manually. Click on the starting top,left cell of the highlight box, hold the mou button down and drag the mou to the lower right corner of the box and relea the mou. You may now copy the highlighted region to the clipboard
手表定理using steps 2 and 3 as defined above.
Note: When you copy something to the clipboard any previous information stored in the clipboard is lost.
You may not want to calculate your statistics using all the variates prent in your file. To lect the variates that you do want to
1. Click on Define list of Variates.
2. A new window will be displayed containing to the right a list of all variates in your Minpet file. The idea is to copy to the left list box
only tho variates that you want to u for your calculations.
Drag a variable from the right list box and drop it in the left list box. Note a dark left arrow will replace the standard mou pointer
while you are dragging a variable. Repeat this process to lect all variables that you want to normalize. When you have lected all your
variables choo O.K.
To remove a variate from the left list box (variables lected), drag and drop the variate from the left list box to the right list box.
You can also clear all variates from the left list box by choosing the Clear button.
Binary Plot
This option will allow you to produce a binary diagram .
1. Choo Binary plot from the main menu.
2. Enter the X and Y variates. You can drag and drop a variable from the left list box into the X and Y text boxes or enter their a variate name using the keyboard. We remind you that you can plot complex expressions such (SiO2/100)+(TiO2/100).
3. Choo plot to view your binary diagram.
Selecting the data to plot
You can instruct Minpet to plot only lected data by choosing this option under data to plot. This means that only the data flagged as lected are plotted. Alternatively, you can bypass this flag and choo to plot all data. Note: Selecting to plot all data does not affect the lection flag of your data, it simply ignores the flag that you have t.
Turning the grid on or off
You can have Minpet draw a grid on your binary diagram by choosing the grid on option. The grid off option obviously turn the grid off.