You probably know tho situations when you stand in line in a grocery store and there is a person (usually an old lady) in front of you who buys a ton of things and then gets about 100 coupons out of her pocket book. The girl (or a guy) at the cash register has to manually type in each of the coupon codes, figure out why about half of them do not work and explain to the lady why her bill is 10 cents higher than what she thought it would be. Oh, and don’t forget that she wants to write a check to pay for her groceries but she can’t find her glass so you spend another 10 minutes standing in line and thinking of all possible torture that she derves. Before you know it (actually you do know it becau you look at the clock about every 2 conds) you have wasted 20 minutes of your valuable time and now you are late, angry and infuriated.识字大全
Even the most patient people in the world would probably lo it in situations like this one. However, you do not have to. There are many more situations in our lives that require profound patience and I know it probably better than anybody el.
Last year was nothing but a test of patience for me and my husband. Besides from raising two toddlers (a task that requires enormous amounts of patience), we were waiting for an answer about the hou that we’d put a bid on. We were ready to move on with our lives but we were stuck living with my in-laws and not knowing what future held for us. It wasn’t until 2010 that we finally got the hou (actually the hou that we bought
is not the one that we’d placed a bid on.) I am very grateful for everything that happened in 2009 becau it taught me the most important skill of all – 孟令浩PATIENCE.
There is more than one reason why you need patience. Of cour you do not want to get mad in situations like the one I’ve described above or when you are stuck in traffic. You also want to take the most of your life and not spend all your time being frustrated and mad at situations that you cannot change. You also want to e results from your endeavors whether it is starting a new business, a blog or losing weight.
Patience is a skill that will pay off greatly becau you will be able to find balance, happiness and success in your life. Actually I do not know how you can find the things without patience
Our world is fast-paced and time is one of our most valuable resources. However, the next time that you want to e things going faster remember that the only fast thing in our life is failing becau of an impatient decision. Climbing to the top always requires time and a lot of patience.
If you are ready to change yourlf and learn patience then look through the tips that I have learned while looking for life balance:
1. Identify your triggers.
This is simple. Just find out when you get impatient so that you are ready for action. It’s like solving a mathematical word problem. Before you can come up with an equation and an answer you must know your data.
Some people get impatient in traffic and lines and others are impatient with kids. Some m
ight give up any new venture if it does not bring results within a few days (of cour the guilty party will be a business partner or circumstances) and others will get mad every time that their request is not immediately fulfilled (the husband does not take trash out within 5 conds and the kids do not clean their room in 10 minutes.)
2.Become mindful.
We are often impatient becau we constantly think about the future instead of living in the prent. If you become mindful of every moment of your life then you will be able to appreciate each of the moments. It does not matter whether you are standing in line or relaxing on the beach, just remember that your life is precious and you can’t waste it by getting mad.