Text 1
WhenKatherine Chon was in fifth grade.she drew a“dream tree”ereprenting the path she
hopedher life would take.One branch led to Harvard Medical School,Which ixactly what her
motherhad hoped for when the Chons moved to the U.S.from SouthKorea to give their three children opportunities.
Always adiligent student,Katherine started to learn medicine at Brown.But then sheadded
new limbto her dream tree—one mat her mother still doesn’t understand.Shocked bythe misfortune of some South Korean women,Katherine joinedforces with another Brown student to form the Polaris Project,now one ofthe largest anti-human-trafficking organizations in the country,“It wasreally hard for my parents,”says Katherine.“They had so many life stress so their children could、get a greateducation and have a comfortable life.”
Thedreams of parents and children often differ,but the conflict canbe especially painful in
first-generationimmigrant families where the parents have made enormous sacrifices.Lisa Park,an assistantprofessor at the University of California,San Diego,says that:the focus ofevery family that moves to the United States to provide opportunities for theirchildren is almost always on the future,with little mentionof the circumstances that compelled them to move.And even though the parentsare the ones working 12-hour days,
the children ale also under inten pressure to perform in ways thatwill justify the parents’ sacrifice.
Thecontrast between parents’ dreams andchildren’s realities can be particularly sharp for
daughterswho have grown up with almost infinite opportunities.Theirmothers often came from
placeswhere opportunities for women were limited,which makes thedaughters’ choices even harder tounderstand.Mary Lugemwa’s parents encouraged her to study math or science atHarvard.
Shecomplied at first,majoring in computer science.But she is currentlyworking as a film producer for a nonprofit organization called Meaningful Media.“I sometimesfeel guilty,”she says,
“having chon,to bean artist,becau I know that if I had chon a scientific background,I could helpmy parents a lot more.”
46.WhenKatherine Chon was a fifth—grader,________.
[A]shehad a great interest in drawing
报考专业[B]she had a clear vision of her future
[C]shehad an independent personality
[D]she had a desire to study in the U.S.
标准像47.It can be inferredfrom the text that Katherine’s mother_______.
[A]wasdisappointed at her daughter’s decision
[B]wasshocked by the suffering of some women
[C]failedto give her kids enough opportunities
[D]failedto realize her own dream to be a doctor
48:According tothe text,in first—generation immigrant families,the parents feelfrustrated if
[A]theyfail to adjust to the circumstances
[B]theyare forced to make great sacririces
牛奶炖木瓜[C]theirchildren fail to focus on the future
[D]theirchildren develop against their wishes
49.According toLisa Park,first—generation immigrant children_______.
[A]avoidthe slightest mention of their parents’ past
[B]focuson izing chances for future development
[C]workvery hard to justify their parents’ sacrifices胡作非为造句
[D]areunder pressure to fulfill their parents’ dreams
手机蓝牙音箱50.We learnfrom Mary Lugemwa’s ca that_______.
[A]herparents cherished opportunities more than she did
[B]herparents’ dreams and her reality could bebalanced
[C]shehad a quite different view of life from her parents
[D]sheenjoyed infinite opportunities in career development
Text 2
MothersAgainst Drunk Driving(MADD)has launched a new public awareness campaign aimedat Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler.“Enough is Enough”advocatesdropping the Criminal Code’s blood alcohol concentration(BAC)limit from 0.08 to 0.05 percent,to“protectinnocent drivers on our roads.”MADD Canada CEO Andrew Murie thinks tllat lowering the BAC limitcould result in a 6-to-18 percent reduction in crash deaths.Butquestions have been raid about the science behind that campaign.
MADDlectively cites a report published in 2002 by Robert Mann of the MentalHealth
Centre.Mama,in turn,had gottho numbers from two parate studies who data was lected from Sweden andAustralia.The conclusions in Mann’s report em to ignore the Swedish authors’numerouswarnings and cautions,as well as the limitations in the Australian study.First,theAustralian study examined the effectiveness of breath testing,not loweredBAC levels,on fatal traffic crashes.Also.thatrearch was started in 1976 when“liquid lunches”were far more common.What’s more.the Australian data varied:whereas the state ofQueensland saw the 18 percent decline in fatal accidents cited by MADD’s Murie,inneighboring New South Wales,fatal accidents decread just 8 percent.