Relative References
1. Contemporary American Culture and Society
Written by Zhou Jingqion
Published by the Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press十一图片
2. American Society and Culture
Written by Ningkang Jiang
Published by the Southeast China University
3. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Written by Max Weber
中国电信路由器Published by the Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press
Religious Differences
According to some statistics from a recent Gallop Poll, it’s apparent that America has remained unusually religious. In the poll, 87% of Americans claim that they have a religious belief. Chine, however, rarely are religious. Even some foreign friends regard China as a country without religions.
The difference is so big that I’m very curious about it. So what reasons do contribute to the difference between the USA and China? The following are my rearch results about this question.
First, I study the history of the USA. It dates back to John Winthrop’s vision, in the early 17予人玫瑰手留余香th century, of Massachutts as “city upon a hill”, with the eyes of the world upon it. Puritans like Winthrop envisaged a community in which life would be guided by God’s will. Using Genesis and Exodus in the Bible, the Puritans prented themlves as God’s Chon People, arching for the Promid Land. So the beginning has been cloly linked to notions of religious destiny. Then, think about the construction of America. It’s a country which is called “a melting pot” and there are 106 major groups in America today.
What can happen if similarities of differences are stress? It may be devastating. Under this circumstance, the Americans need religion to restrain their minds. Also the migrants, who have experienced many risks, uncertainty, and hardship, rely on the religions to persist on. Take the 19th century, the patterns of immigration changed the fact of American religion as Germans and Scandinavians moved into the area north and west of Chicago to create the still dominant Lutheran belt from Milwaukee to Butte. Third, the religious freedom is a dominant element in the shaping of American religious patter. Religious liberty was greatly advanced by the American Revolution and the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. Also the freedom has been broadened during the last two centuries. Within a few decades all of the states dropped the last remnants of their formal religious establishments. And the society itlf tolerates an ever-increasing variety of religious belief and practice. Last but not the least, turn your eye on the government of the USA. Although the Constitution declares the paration of Church and State, religion has always pervaded American political life. During inaugural ceremonies, USA presidents take their oath of office on the Bible. Almost all American presidents have claimed affiliati
on with an established church. Every ssion of Congress opens with a prayer. The motto of the al of the USA carries the biblical words, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” The American governors are dominating her people in a special way.
All of this being said, I have listed the elements of the shaping of American unusual religion and reasons for Americans to be so religious. Now let’s have a study on China.
China, an east country which has a history of more than 5, ooo years, has a population of about 1,4 million people. However, only some 8% have faith for religions. Well, it’s a complete comparison with America. China is an old country which has experienced many ups and downs; meantime its minds have also underdone many tremendous changes.
At the pre-Qin period, the Confucianism, the Legalism, and the Taoism contended one after another. This period, when all Chine had faith for a certain religion, was an unprecedented prosperity of thinking in ancient China. Then it dated back to the Western Han Dynasty. A great official, who name is Dong zhongshu, improved the Confucianism. To win the support of the rulers, he discrowned other religions and only res两重
pected the Confucianism. Til this time, the Confucianism has established its governing statue. Next is the Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties period. This was the time for the Buddhism and the Taoism. Rulers sought the theocracy, so the Confucianism’s popularity was decread. Once again, most Chine had to follow the rulers’ decisions to change their religions. Here, I really feel pity about we Chine twists in faith. Well, it’s a must of time. Then, we look back on the Tang Dynasty which is a prosperous dynasty in Chine history. The famous thinker, Hanyu, put forward the revival of the Confucianism which had almost been ignored in the last veral dynasties. There’s no doubt that the Confucianism owned a leading role again. Maybe we Chine can all have strong faith for the Confucianism, if China’s rulers could hold the only one religion. Unluckily, the story is not ending. Zhuxi and Cheng brothers supported their new opinions at the Son Dynasty that we should save natural-principles and destroy the humanity. At this period, the Chine religious freedom was badly limited. The minds of human beings are developing instantly. So during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a completely new religion was put forward. Wang fuzhi, and lizhi didn’t follow the Confucianism without own judgments. At c
ontemporary times, we Chine have gradually developed a mode that I just follow mylf.
It’s not true to consider China a country without religions, but you can say that China do not have a complete system for religious development. I’m shameful to admit the China’s governments’ ignorance in the religion. Becau there is no national organization, religions in China are always playing a slight role. Even many individual citizens and some governments officials still Chine traditional religion as feudal superstitions. The relevant governments have no positive admit either. Without admit or organization, how can Chine develop a systematic religion shaping and form a strong religious power.
The two countries have totally different social phenomenon. Then what are its influences on the whole society and people’s actions?
Religion, in my view, is a good philosophy to guide the direction of the spirit for people. Belief, to my understanding, is a kind of spirit and perceptual knowledge. They are both good things which can be good for human beings in many ways.
Many Americans claim they are born-again or evangelical Christians. They value the human rights very much. Also the governments regard human rights as an important diplomatic asking price. They organize the party, pray, preach the Gospel, and sing the special song. Once in dangers, they can calm themlves through pray; they believe in God. Especially after the 9.11 attack, Americans have more faith to religious beliefs. People need religions to give them confidence. It can be said to be a consolation or a must which can really help its believers to brave. But some believers think religion can answer all or most of today’s problems. Well, the opinions are terrible. No one can live only reply on religions. Mind is just a part of reality life. We can just believe in it but not rely on it. However, the American rulers have related religions into politic. The presidents take their oath of office on the Bible and have claimed affiliation with an established church. The motto of the al of the United States carries the bible words, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” American currency bears the inscription “In God We Trust.” As my foreign teacher said, “Being religious is good, but when it connected with politic, it will change.” American, of cour, needs some improvements.