The religious reformation in Germany宗教改革
1. Germany had always been politically fragmented at that time
2. People of all ranks are not satisfied with Catholicism
3. The renaissance liberated thought of people
晚会直播 Martin Luther
The core idea of Luther is “Justification by faith”
the only basis of faith is the Holy Bible
All believers are priest
Build a disinterested church
Build a national church
It hit the rule of Roman Catholicism
It push the movement of opposition to the feudalism
The Lutheranism was established
It cleaned up a road for religious reformation.黄金间碧玉竹
In politics: (1) Cracked down the Catholicism verely,collapd its unified theocracy in Europe. New religion branches were born and shaped a new religion pattern.
(2) Promote the development of national consciousness and national countries in western Europe
In economy: Gave impetus to the development of capitalism.
公司食堂 In culture:
(1)Rejected the prestige of Catholicism and emancipated people’s mind further.
(2) Brought boost to national culture and education of countries in west Europe
(3) Provided ideological weapon to early capitalist movement.水培蔬菜
Cold war冷战
Yalta Feb 1945 Big Three: Roovelt Churchill Stalin
Potsdam July 1945 Big Three Truman Clement Atlee Stalin
Containment was a United States policy using military, economic, and diplomatic strategies to temper the spread of Communism, enhance America’s curity and influence abroad, and prevent a “domino effect“.
result : Coup in USSR 1991 Boris Yeltsin comes to power 15 independent countries dissolution of Soviet Union继续跳舞
THE *****ENMENT启蒙运动
1.Struggle of bourgeoisie against feudalism.
2.Industrial Revolution
3.Influence of scientific discoveries (Newton) and flourishing of philosophies.
自由三剑客 Voltaire---his largest philosophical work: Dictionnaire philosophique
Montesquieu--- The Spirit of the Laws Persian Letters
paration of powers
龙骨怎么做好吃斡旋造句 The greatest freedom and curity for a state :