artificial leather人造革 baball leather棒球革 basketball leather篮球革
bellow leather风箱革 belt leather带皮 belting leather带革; 轮带
book-binding leather书面革 人行征信查询bottom leather底革 boxing-glove leather拳击手套革
buck leather(雄)鹿革 陈景润的故事buckle leather带用革 buffed leather磨面革
butt leather底革 card leather梳革 ca leather箱皮 charred leather皮炭
chamois leather麂皮 chrome leather铬革 chrome tanned leather铬鞣革
clothing leather服装革 combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革 combing leather梳刷革
cow leather牛皮 crown leather上等皮革 找附近的人crup leather马臀革 crust leather坯革; 半硝革
cup leather制动缸皮碗 diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮] dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革
dressing leather饰革外敷 drum leather鼓皮 drycleanable leather耐干洗革 考前一个月easy-care leather易保养革
embosd leather压花革 enamel leather漆皮 enamelled leather漆皮 fair leather集市皮革
fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革 finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革 football leather足球革
football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革 furniture leather家具革 garment leather衣服革
gas meter leather气表革 glace leather白鞣革 glove leather手套皮 hair-on leather带毛革
half leather半皮面装订, 半革装 harness leather马具革 hat leather制帽革
hat sweatband leather帽圈革 heavy leather厚革 heel leather(鞋)后跟皮 hunting leather粗绒面革
hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订
industrial leather工业用革 iron tanned leather铁鞣革 japanned leather漆皮
kangaroo leather袋鼠革 kaspine leather开斯宾革 levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革
light leather轻革 line leather马具革 lining leather衬里革 luggage leather箱包革
mountain leather石棉 napped leather绒毛皮革 oar leather桨革 oil al leather油封革
oiled leather涂油革 oil-tanned leather油鞣革步兵战车 organ-pipe leather风琴管革
packing leather皮碗 paper bad artificial leather纸基人造革 patent leather漆皮
patent leather漆革 piano leather钢琴革角速度与转速 piston packing leather活塞填密皮
plated leather熨压皮革 portmanteau leather旅行皮包革 rein leather马具革
rock leather一种石棉 rolled leather轧制革 roller leather机轴革 rough-tanned leather粗鞣革
rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈 Russia(n) leather俄罗斯革 saddle leather鞍皮[革]
saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革 scrap leather废皮; 碎皮 mi-aniline leather半苯胺革
mi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革 sheep leather(绵)羊革 shrink leather皱纹革
skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革 slick-surfaced leather光面皮革 soccerballleather足球革
softleather软革 soleleather底革 stirrup leather镫革 strop leather磨刀皮革
suede leather起毛皮革 sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮 synthetic leather合成皮带
textile machinery leather纺织机用革 tie and dye leather扎染革 two-tone leather双色调革
upholstery leather装饰用皮革 upper leather面革 valve leather阀皮
vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革 velvet leather正绒面革 zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革
volleyball leather排球革 wash leather可洗皮革 washable chamois leather可洗麂皮
welting leather镶边革; 贴边革 white leather白革; 矾鞣革
Natural color;begin colour 自然色综合法 Primary colour;fundamental colour 原色 Pure colour 纯色
Complementary colour 补色 Fashion colour;trend colour 流行色 Inter colour 国际流行色
Esntial colour 基本色 Similar colour 同类色 Multicolour 多种色彩 Full colour 彩色
Plain colour 素色 Secondary color 混合色 Contract colour 对比色 Cold colour 冷色
Warm colour 暖色 Neutral colour;intermedium colour 中间色 Soft colour 柔和色
Rich in colour 浓色 Advancing colour 前进色 Receding colour 后退色 Expansive colour 膨胀色
Contracting colour 收缩色 Ground colour 底色 Surface colour 表面色 Transparent color 透明色
Metal colour 金属色 Accent colour 强调色 Colour matching;colour combination 配色
Colour mixing 调色
Adjustable bed 可调床 Air bed 气床 Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手
Antique furniture 古式家具 Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具 Armchair 扶手椅
Baby crib 婴儿床 Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱 Bamboo furniture 竹家具
Banqueting chair 宴会椅 Barstool 吧椅 Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置
Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜 Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架 Bathroom furniture 浴室家具 Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台 Batten door 板条门 Bed ba床架,床套 Bed ba t 成套床架 Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具 Bedstead 床架 Bentwood furniture 曲木家具
Beside table 床头柜 Birch door 桦木门 Board-room and conference table 会议桌
Bookca 书柜 Bookshelf 书架 Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具 Bunk 双层床
Bunk bed 双层床
Cabin bed 儿童多功能床 Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具 Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床
CD-video storage cabinet边 音响组合柜 Chair with castors 脚轮椅 Changing table 可调桌
Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜 Child cot 童床 Children’s bed 儿童床 Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具 Children’s chair 儿童椅 CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具
Clothes rail 挂衣杆 Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜 Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌 Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌 Combine-unit 组合柜 Composite furniture 复合家具 Console 小桌 Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌 Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具 Contract programmes 订做家具 Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆 Cot 童床(婴儿床) Couch 长沙发椅 Cupboard 橱柜