amplify1 vt. 放大;扩大;增加;详述
analogous2 adj 类似的
analogy n. 类比,类推;类似物
analysis n. 分析;分析报告
analyze3 vt. 分析,分解
张思德简介 anarchist4 n. 无政府主义者
anarchy5 n. 无政府,混乱
anatomy6 n. 解剖;解剖学
ancerstor n. 祖先,祖宗
ancerstry n. (总称)祖先,列祖列宗;家族,血统
ancillary7 adj. 帮助的
anecdotal adj. 趣闻的,多轶事趣闻的;具有轶事形式(风格)的
anecdote8 n. 短故事,轶事
anesthesia n. 麻醉 河南医保
anesthetic9 n. 麻醉剂,麻药
anguish10 n. 极度的苦痛,苦闷
angular adj. 有角的,尖角的
animated11 adj. 活泼的,有生气的
annals n. 编年史;历史记载,历史
annex12 vt. 兼并,附加
annihilate13 vt. 毁灭,消减
I often wondered my ancestry14. I knew that my angular face and large eyes came from my fathers Spanish ancerstors. But what did they do for a living?
My father, who is very animated, would try to satisfy my curiosity by telling me funny anecdotes15 about his father and grandfather. His stories were often intriguing16, but the information I wanted had to be more than anecdotal. So one day, I went to the library and arched through the annals of Spanish history.
I found a good book that thoroughtly analyzed17 the relevant time period and amplified18 its analysis with charts and illustrations. In it, I discovered veral interesting historical figures who shared my surname, Sierra.
One was an anarchist. He worte books in which he expresd his belief and society in the rural areas should be allowed to exist without a government. He believed that the government was purpoly creating a fear of anarchy merely to justify19 its first taxes on rural area farmars.
Another Sierra is a Doctor of anatomy. He was credited fot inventing the first anesthetic. The anesthesia allowed him to operate on his patients without causing pain.
The most interesting Sierra was a former high-ranking official who worked in an ancillary department of the central Spanish government. He spent most of his life protecting the Spanish militarys efforts to annihilate and annex samller and weaker countries overas. From the governments point of view, his protests were analogous to treason, and they ntenced him to a life of auguish in prison.
From this rearch, I was able to e many analogies between the characteristics of my ancestors and my own personality. It made me feel very proud to be a Sierra!
我时常对我的祖先们很奇怪 。我知道自己棱角分明的脸和一双大眼睛来着父亲的西班牙祖先。但他们究竟是做什么工作来维持生活的呢?
我那天性活泼的父亲经常说些关于他父亲和祖父的趣闻轶事来满意我的奇怪 心。他讲的故事大多很有意思,但我需要的不仅仅是轶事风格的信息。于是有一天,我去了家图书馆,搜寻关于西班牙历史的记载。
amalgamate1 v. 混合,合并
amass2 vt. 收集,积聚
amateur adj. 业余的 n. 业余爱好者
amaze vt. 使惊讶,使赞叹
ambience n. 四周环境,气氛 天使守护你
ambition n. 雄心,理想
职业价值取向 ambitious adj. 有雄心的,渴望胜利的
ambivalence3 n. 冲突心理
ambivalent4 adj. 有冲突心理的
amble5 vi. 闲逛,缓行
amenable6 adj. 经得起检验的;服从,应听从的
amend7 vt. 修正,改正
九寨沟作文 amendment8 n. 修正,改正
amenity9 n. amenities10 (常做复数)生活福利设施,文娱康乐场所,便利设施
amenity (不行数名词),开心,满意
amiable11 adj. 亲切的,和气可亲的
amicable12 adj. 友善的,和平的,和谐的
amid prep. 在。。。。中
amnesia13 n. 健忘症
amount n. 量,总和;vi. 总计,等于
ample adj. 富足的,充分的
Good morning everyone. Id like to make a new remarks. Let me start by saying, I think the merger14 is a good idea. If we amalgamate our two business, we can creat a more powerful one. With our incread size and financial power, we can amass new investors15 and rai ample funds to renovate16 the old hotel. We can attracts more guests by adding amenities, like a swimming pool, and planting more greenery to creat a peaceful ambience. To make it ever more special, we can build a special walkway that will allow people to amble amid the trees. The result of our ambitious project will amaze the community.
After we finish the renovations, we can take photos and post them on our Internet site.
My brother is an amateur photographer and a very amenable individual. Im sure he wont charge us for taking photos, as long as we keep the amount of photos down to a reasonable number.
then, before openning the hotel, well need to hire and train a new staff of amicable people. We dont want anyone who is ambivalent towards the concept of personal rvices. Such ambivalence is bad for business. We want people who are hardworking and amiable. Well also need a manager who has enough ambition to keep the hotel running efficiently17.
Okay. Thoes of you suffering from temporary amnesia, recall that we must vote to amend the companys by-laws before we can initiate18 the merger of our two companies. So lets vote. Everyone in favor of the amendment, say aye!