1. What do we call the ship that runs underwater?#7058
吃土的图片2. What do we call the picture that shows thelateral side of an object? #7057
2. What do we call the picture that shows thelateral side of an object? #7057
3. What is the opposite of division? #7052
4. If a building is one thousand meters high, fromwhere do we measure the height? #7049
5. What is the opposite word of subtraction inmathematics? #7043
6. What do we call the tall building that stick intothe sky? #7010靳克文
7. What do we call the thing we u to put into thelocker and open the locker? #7009
8. How many years are there in a bicentennial?#7003
two hundred / two hundred years
9. In mechanic, what is the part that car andairplane all have? #6984
10. Where do people go to watch sports or games?#6980
11. How do you call the doctor who treats sickanimals? #6976
vet / veterinarian
12. What do we call dollars, cents, pounds andeuros? #6975
13. Who take care of people who are sick and stay inhospital? #6974
14. What do we call the legal document that stateshow people's property should be allotted after their deaths? #6964
a will / a testament
15. In solar system, which planet produce sunshine?#6952
幻想的The sun
16. What do we call the things that birds u tofly? #6908
17. What do we call stop, comma or ellipsis? #6892
1.Tai Chi movement #7066
回忆要点:考了⼀题关于太极的R&W,中等长度,具体选项不记得了,⼤致说的是tai chi movement,在中国⽼年⼈练太极的多。最后⼀句话说的是,太极是多种xxx的结合。
2.Fluid Mechanics #7047
Fluid Mechanics with Historical Perspective is partof a ries of modules covering the broader subject of thermodynamics at theUniversity of Bath. At the start of each hour-long lecture, the tutor gives a15-minute input on the aspect of discoveries and developments related toflight. This historical background usually consists of a five-minute PowerPointprentation, followed bya short video clip proving the context for the formulate and calculations thatare to be explained in the lecture. For example, at the start of a lecture oncompressible flow of gas, the prentation is on the story of the firstsupersonic flight. The tutor developed 24 ’mini-history lectures' to accompanythe lecture ries which he hopes will make this largely theoretical-badsubject more interesting for his students. The lectures are supported by a tof notes given outat the beginning of each topic. The notes include visual images, as well as abrief note on the historical perspectiveshown and the theoretical concepts explored. The notes are not, however,complete and students are expected to bring them to the lecture each week tofill in the blanks.
3.TV #7046
回忆要点:主题是TV ,TV是⼀个什么window. 说总看电视的⼈想⼀些unrealistic的东西。还有关键词world 。⽂中提到2个⼈名在⼀起的XXX and Gross (1976) 我搜了没搜出来。求⼤神复盘谁近期搜出来⽂章可以留这⾥我如果能看到原⽂应该能想起来。黄瓜炒蛋
4.Frech lords #7012
France was still esntially a feudal nation withlords, due to a range of ancient and modern rights from their peasants whocomprid about 80 percent of the population and the majority lived in ruralcontexts. France was a predominantly agricultural nation, even though thisagriculture was low in productivity, wasteful, and using out of date methods.An attempt to introduce modern techniques from Britain had not succeeded.Inheritance laws, whereby estateswere divided up among all the heirs, hadleft France divided into many tiny farms; even the large estateswere small when compared to other European nations. The only major region of large-scale farmingwas around Paris, where the always hungry capital city provided a convenientmarket. Harvests were critical but fluctuating, causing famine, high prices,and riots.
5.Archaeology #6954
Archaeology is the study of our human past. Theevidence that archaeologists u to answer the questions is often foundduring excavations or digs. The evidence caninclude objects like pottery, jewelry, buildingmaterials, coins, weapons and tools. Soil samples from archaeological sites canreveal information about past environments, like what kinds of plants were growing. Features likeditches, pits, post holes and the remains of walls can help
幼儿园保教kinds of plants were growing. Features likeditches, pits, post holes and the remains of walls can help archaeologistspiece together whatbuildings looked like and what they were made of. The ways that people wereburied tells us about past beliefs, and the skeletons themlves revealinformation about people’s health in the past and the types of dias andinjuries that killed them. Scientific experiments on teeth can even show where peoplecame from.
6.Standard language #6951
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, therelationship between standard and nonstandard language is, evidently, still anuncertain one. We are at a transitionalpoint between two eras. We em to be leaving an era when the rules ofStandard English, as elected and defined by prescriptive grammarians, totallyconditioned our n ofacceptableusage, so that all other usages and varieties were considered to beinferior or corrupt, and excluded from rious consideration. And we em to beapproaching an erawhen nonstandard usages and varieties, previously denigrated or ignored, areachieving a new prence and respectability within society, reminiscent of thatfound in Middle English, when dialect variation in literature was widespreadand uncontentious. But we are not there yet. The ri of Standard English has resulted ina confrontation between the standard and nonstandard dimensions of the languagewhich has lasted for over 200 years, and this has had traum
atic conquenceswhich willtake some years to eliminate. Once people have been given an inferioritycomplex about the way they speak or write, they find it difficult to shake off.
1.Define gender #7059
回忆要点:讲的是⼤⼈给⼩孩玩具的时候往往是根据⾃⼰的判断⼩孩⼦是boy 还是 girl;顺序不明,⽹上找到两句原话顺序如下:the infant wasdresd in blue and was called Adam and sometimes it was dresd in pink andwas called Beth. There were three toys in the room: a train (boy stereotype), adoll (girl stereotype) and a fish (neutral). 剩下两句⼀句是rearch by XXX (⼀个⼈名,⽹上资料显⽰是Will and his colleague, 我不记得是不是这⼈);另⼀句是this study XXXX ; 根据⾃⼰的回忆我排的顺序是;1. rearch by XXXX — 2. the infant was dresd in blue and wascalled Adam and sometimes it was dresd in pink and was called Beth. 3. Therewere three toys in the room: a train (boy stereotype), a doll (girl stereotype)and a fish (neutral). 4. This study ... (这句⾥⾯好像提到adult 怎么样怎么样来着,具体细节实在不记得,有考过的朋友们可以⼀起回忆下)
2.Food labels #7045
3.Ants prediction #7015
It’s often said that ants can predict impending rainand respond by changing their behaviour.
Some people say that if you e ants building theirmounds higher, or building them from different materials, this might signal thecoming of rain.
But is there any scientific evidence to support thispiece of folk wisdom?
The short answer is “no”, although it is a difficultquestion to answer partly becau of the sheer diversity of ants – there are13,000 named species on the planet!
4.Blue halo #7013
Latest rearch has found that veral common flowerspecies have nanoscale ridges on the surface of their petals that meddle withlight when viewed from certain angles.
The nanostructures scatter light particles in theblue to ultraviolet colour spectrum, generating a subtle effect that scientistshave christened the 'blue halo'.
scientistshave christened the 'blue halo'.
By manufacturing artificial surfaces that replicated'blue halos', scientists were able to test the effect on pollinators, in thisca foraging bumblebees.
They found that bees can e the blue halo, and uit as a signal to locate flowers more efficiently.
5.Ada #7011
经期有血块怎么回事回忆要点:1 句⼦⾥有⼈名(Ada?好像是这个) 2 ⼤家都好奇她长⼤会不会像她爸爸 3 indeed,她妈妈教了她mathematics。这句中出现了她妈妈的名字。4 介绍她妈妈的⼀些内容,最后说她妈妈是poet。这句中还有ada king这个词。3/4句顺序不知道对不对。
6.German and French #6911
回忆要点:1.for German emphasize mathematics and logic 2.forfrench emphasize behavior and experience
4. 太难了,两个国家句式完全⼀样例⼦没看出来跟哪个国家明显对应。碰上这题花时间看看engineering, engineer跟German的联系,就这么多提⽰了,求⼤神补充
1. Temperature#7063毛泽民的子女
回忆要点:考到⼀个关于⽤植物降温的, ⼀开始 a____(reduction) of ...and arial temperature in the hot xxxx(好像是enironment). in the garden____(有background/context)我选了context因为后⾯有个book但不确定, ..... (differ/alternate) in the plant potential.最后⼀个是 ....____(low/dropped) rainfall and minimal water.
⼤概讲green space对soil and aerialtemperature的影响,植物可以降低他们的温度。对应上⾯的空,我填的是reduction,background(不确定),differ,low
2. Citizenshipeducation #7055
Civics and citizenship education builds students’knowledge and understanding of the ways in which citizens can actively participate inAustralia’s diver and inclusive society. Students learn about the civicinstitutions and the processthrough which decisions are made for the common good of the community and they alsodevelop theskills andunderstandings that relate to the organization of a harmonious democraticsociety.
3. Cargo#7042
回忆要点:空⼤概是⼀个(Cargo)货船的名字⼤概是个⼈名撞了, the (ruin) of 货船⾥⾯很多吨的oil ( pump
)fromuntil ship (wreck) sink. 因为做错了,所以记得特别清楚,⼀出考场就查了查。pump的⼲扰项是escape.
4. Trees#6988
Trees, as ever, are or should be at the heart of alldiscussion onclimate change. The changes in carbon dioxide, in temperature, and in patternsof rainfall will each affect them in many ways, and each parameter interacts with all theothers, so between them, the three main variables prent a bewildering range ofpossibilities.
5. SuezCanal #6960
Great Britain, the largest of ( shareholder) of SuezCanal, the convention give free (?passage) in and out in the war,Great Britain became the (X) of ... 共4个空