Thesis Submitted to
Shanghai Jiao Tong University for the Master’s Degree
Rearch on the Category Management in Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Industry and Its Application
School :Shanghai Jiao Tong University亲子共读家长心得体会
Faculty :Antai College of Economic & Management
Class :B0612093
Student NO:1061209089
ping端口Candidate :Sun Gong
Major :Technology Economics and Management
Mentor :Zhou Chaomin(Associate Professor)
Antai College of Economic & Management
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
作为零售业中占比最大的快速消费品(Fast Moving Consumer Goods)行业,因为其产品更新速度
几岁学钢琴最合适Rearch on Category Management in Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Industry and Its Application
Since 90 in the last years of 20 centuries, although some countries experienced the economical depression, the global retailing markets have still been increasing drastically. Specifically, with the deepening and enlarging of reform and opening up, Chine retailing have been developing fast, which became one of the most flourishing industries.
The history of the western retailing development proves that the category management is the method with which the modern retailing can improve the market status, gain the competitive edge and profit. Since the category management was introduced to China in 1997, it has been spread and executed for 10 years. During this period, category management was defined as the important strategy by many famous companies. However, it has only been emphasized in the 4-5 years.
As the most important part in retailing, becau of the fast change rate, high homogenization, and lo
w entrance barrier, Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry has the most competitive environment, which leads it to a highly mature industry. Moreover, as tho world-class FMCG companies with abundant production and marketing experience entered Chine
market, such as P&G, Unilever, Johnson&Johnson and so on, tho advanced marketing technique can be executed in FMCG industry. Today the category management is penetrated into Chine market, with no doubt FMCG industry will become the experimental field and bellwether for category management.
The thesis choos FMCG as the rearch subject and focus on how the manufacturer and retailer cooperate to execute the category management and improve their competitive power.
Firstly the thesis introduces the rearch background, methodology and contents and then focus on the basic contents of category management, reviews the current literature in this area and propos the potential rearch fields in the future. Secondly, bad on category management theory, some problems about category management execution in Chine FMCG industry are raid and the relevant reasons are analyzed accordingly. Then the thesis clarifies the role and responsibility of the manufacturers in category management execution, how to resolve the interface 橙子英语怎么说
problem between manufacturers and retailers according to the game theory model and the strategy for resolving information sharing problems. Last, a ca will be shown to describe how the manufacturers and retailers cooperated to execute the category management. In this ca, an FMCG manufacturer made category management strategy for its key customer through in-depth shopper rearch and finished the execution