New Evidence on Conditional Factor Models 期刊名称: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis社会实践内容简述
dash作者: Ilan Cooper,Paulo Maio
优美的英文单词年份: 2019年
名至实归的意思摘要:We estimate conditional multifactor models over a large cross ction of stock returns matching 25 CAPM anomalies. Using conditioning information associated with different instruments improves the performance of the Hou, Xue, and Zhang (HXZ) (2015) and Fama and French (FF) (2015), (2016) models. The largest increa in performance holds for momentum, investment, and intangibles-bad anomalies. Yet, there are significant differences in the performance of scaled models: HXZ clearly dominates FF in explaining momentum and profitability anomalies, while the conver holds for value芒鈧 growth anomalies. Thus, the ast pricing implications of alternative investment and profitability factors (in a conditional tting) differ in a nontrivial way.