中考一轮复习 P 开头词汇(二)(讲义)
❤❤以字母 P 开头的单词
point /pɔɪnt/
v. 指,指向
point out 指出
The teacher pointed out his mistakes. point to 指向(较远之物)
He pointed to the woman under the tree and said, “She is our new teacher.” point at 指向(较近之物)
“Beijing is here.” he pointed at the map and said.
n. 点,小数点;重点;得分
1.2 one point two have a point 有道理
plenty /'plentɪ/ n. 充足,大量
plenty of eggs/money 大量的;充足的 (=lots of + [C, U])
p.m. / P.M. n. 下午;午后
pocket /'pɒkɪt/ n. (衣服的)口袋 pocket money 零花钱
pork /pɔːk/ n. 猪 肉 [U]
position /pə'zɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 位置
poem /'pəʊɪm/ n. 诗;韵文 [C]
police /pə'liːs/ n. 警察;警察机关 (pl.)
表复数概念,常与 the 连用
The police have (have) caught the thief. police station 警察局
policeman /pə'liːsmən/ n. (pl. policemen) 警察 policewoman /pə'liːswʊmən/ n. (pl.千层蛋糕图片 policewomen) 东京的英语女警察policy /'pɒlɪsɪ/ n. 政策;方针
reform and opening-up policy 改革开放政策
opening-door policy 对外开放政策
polite /pə'laɪt/ adj. 有礼貌的;有教养的
politely adv. 礼貌地;客气地
反义词 adj. impolite adv. impolitely
pollute /pə'luːt/ v. 污染
pollution 年产量最高的金属/pə'luːʃ(ə)n/ n. 污染 [U] water/air pollution 水/空气污染
pond /pɒnd/ n. 池塘(尤指人工的)
pool /puːl/ n. 游泳池(=swimming pool);水塘;水池(尤指自然形成的)
poor /pɔː/ adj. 贫穷的;可怜的;不好的,差的
a poor boy
My spoken English is poor.
The rich never know how2016年 the poor (be) living.
popcorn /'pɒpkɔːn/ n. 爆米花
pop /pɒp/
n. 流行音乐;流行乐曲
adj. 流行音乐的;通俗的
popular /'pɒpjʊlə/ adj. 受欢迎的;通俗的;普遍的,流行的
be popular with sb. 为某人所喜欢/欢迎
The pop music is popular with young people. popularity /pɒpjʊ'lærətɪ/ n. 流行;受欢迎;普及 population /pɒpjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 人口,人数
[C&U] 常用单数,修饰词常用 large/big/small
The population of the world 自制沙拉酱的做法(be) getting larger and lager (越来越多).
possible /'pɒsɪb(ə)l/ adj. 可能的反义词 impossible
as quickly as possible 尽快 as soon as possible 什么是冷暴力尽早 as much as possible 尽可能多
post /pəʊst/
n. 邮政;邮寄;邮件 post office 邮局
v. 投寄;邮寄 poster 海报
postman /'pəʊs(t)mən/ n. 邮递员 pl. postmen
postcard /'pəʊs(t)kɑːd/ n. 明信片
potato /pə'teɪtəʊ/ n. 土豆,马铃薯
pl. potatoes
potato chip 炸土豆片;炸薯条
practi /'præktɪs/
v. (美 practice) 练习;实践
n. 实践;练习
put into practice
She decided to put her new ideas into practice.
prai /preɪz/
n. 赞扬,赞美,称赞
high prai 高度赞扬
v. 赞扬,表扬
prai sb. for sth. 为某事表扬某人
prefer /prɪ'fɜː/ 信号英文v. 更喜欢
①prefer sth. to sth. 相比于……更喜欢…… I prefer red to blue.
②prefer doing to doing 宁愿做……而不愿做……
I prefer playing football to playing volleyball.
③prefer doing/to do sth. 更喜欢做…… I prefer telling/to tell him.
④prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿/愿意某人做某事
Would you prefer me to stay?
⑤姐姐导航prefer to do rather than do sth. 更喜欢做……而不是…… I prefer to stay at home rather than go out on weekends.
prepare /prɪ'peə/ v. 准备,预备
prepare (sb/sth) for… 为……而准备……
The parents are preparing for the ing new year.
Prepare things we need for the games (glue, paper, pens…).
The college prepares students for a career in business. 这个学院是培养商务人才的。
preparation /,prepə'reɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 预备;准备工作
prent /'prez(ə)nt/ adj. 现在的
n. 礼物;现在
at prent = now 目前;现在
I’m sorry he’s out at prent.