[64] A “Mediterranean moor”should be ud when ______.
A. anchoring in the Mediterranean B. docking stern to a berth
C. docking bow to a berth D. anchoring in a strong current
KEY: B地中海系泊应该被用,当尾部靠泊时。
[135] A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the ______.
A. velocity of the current B. bottom characteristics
C. depth of the water D. speed over the ground
KEY: D多普勒计程仪的绝对航速是相对于地面的速度。
[137] A Doppler log in the volume reverberation mode indicates the ______.
A. speed being made good B. speed through the water
C. the t of the current D. the depth of the water
KEY: B多普勒计程仪的相对航速是相对于水的航速。
[138] A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground ______.
A. at all times B. in the bottom return mode
C. in the volume reverberation mode D. only when there is no current
KEY: B多普勒计程仪是多普勒计程仪绝对显示模式。
[236] A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vesl’s cour
and speed is a(n) ______.
A. dead reckoning position B. estimated position
C. fix D. None of the above
KEY: B通过将估算的风流压值加入船舶的航向航速所得到的船位是估算船位。
[238] A position that is obtained by using two or more intercting lines of position, taken at
nearly the same time, is a(n) ______.
A. estimated position B. fix
C. running fix D. dead-reckoning position
KEY: B通过两个或更多的交叉船位线获得船位,在接近相同时刻时是船位。
[665] Current refers to the ______.
A. vertical movement of the water B. horizontal movement of the water
C. density changes in the water D. None of the above
KEY: B流指的是水的水平运动。
[666]Currents are______in rate and direction.
A. vary B.variable C.variably D.Variability
KEY: B还流在速度和方向是可变的。
[667] Cyclones tend to move ______.
A. perpendicular to the isobars in their warm ctors
B. parallel to the isobars in their warm ctors
C. parallel to the line of the cold front
D. perpendicular to the line of the cold front
KEY: B气旋趋向平行于暖区的等压线移动。
[668]Damage to cargo caud by dust is known as______.
A商业价值.contamination B.外丙oxidation
C.tainting D.Vaporization
KEY: A因灰尘导致货物的损坏被称为污染。
[317]A tide is called diurnal when______.
A.only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day
B.the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual
C.the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart
D.two high tides occur during a lunar day
KEY: A在一个太阴日(约24时50分太阳时)内仅发生一次高潮和一次低潮的潮汐叫全日潮。
[399] Above-normal tides near the center of a hurricane maybe caud by the ______.
A. high barometric pressure B. jet stream
C. storm surge D. torrential rains
KEY: C飓风中心附近的异常潮汐可能是由于风暴潮引起的。
举行升旗仪式[674]Deep draught vesls may have to make u of the height of tide in order to have a safe under keel clearance in areas where depths are______.
A.sufficient B.normal C.abnormal D.Critical
KEY: D深吃水的船舶可通过潮水的高度,在龙骨下留有安全的深度在临界以上。
[793]From______the mariner can know the data of tide.
A.the Sea Pilot B.the Cargo Plan C.the Tide Table D.the Port List
KEY: C在潮汐表中海员可以了解到潮汐资料。
[746] Flanking rudders effect a vesl’s heading becau of the ______.
A. effect of the propeller flow on the rudders
B. water flow due to the vesl’s movement through the water
C. tunnel affect of the water flow past opposing rudders我不卖身我卖子宫
D. discharge current being channeled to impinge on the vesl’s deadwood
KEY: A侧面舵影响着船首向,因为螺旋桨水流作用在舵叶上。
A.Floating B.Sailing C.Drifting D.Running into danger
KEY: C由风和流确定其漂流方向定义为漂流。
[775] For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean, ______ Sailing
Direction, Current Atlas, etc.
A. watch B. look for C. e D. Regard
KEY: C对于有关印度洋环流的全部信息,查看航路指南,洋流图集等。
[1179] Mean high water is the average height of ______
A. the higher high waters B. the lower high waters
C. the lower of the two daily tides D. all high waters
KEY: D平均高潮是所有高潮潮高的平均值。
[1008] In order to reduce your wake in a narrow channel you should ______.